[In fact, you have already anticipated her actions, and you are confident that you can resist her temptation. 】

[But obviously, you overestimated your ability to resist temptation, or in other words, underestimated the youthful vitality of your seventeen-year-old body. 】



Looking at this line of words, Nanxiang Shi in real life really couldn't hold himself tight.

what's up? Me in the simulation? Are you really...what's going on with you?

What I said before has not yet cooled down.

Are you just going to misfire?

What about your self-discipline?

How come you succumb to desire so easily?

Do you know the saying that boys who are addicted to desire are the most useless?

"I can not accept."

Nanxiang stood up and took a drink of water.

This kind of thing happens.

It can only show that the other person is just himself in the simulation after all, and is indeed far inferior to him.

If he were to play in person.

Will it fall directly?


Putting the water glass down, Nanxiang was still as confident as ever.

But always struggling is not an option.

He could only turn his attention to the next simulation.

[Although you showed some rejection in her first few attempts, in the end, when faced with her being weak and meek, you were unable to reject her cruelly. 】

[It was a night of heavy rain. 】

[The heavy rain covered everything. 】

[Similarly, it also covers all sounds...]

[That night, you finally understood what it means to be as tall as Mount Fuji and as deep as Lake Tazawa. 】

[She is obedient to you and has satisfied all your demands. She has never rejected you in the slightest. 】

[As long as you ask for something, she will definitely respond to it. 】

[On this night, you also deeply understand the charm of this seemingly cold, but actually passionate science girl...]

[And your attitude reassured her, who had always been a little uneasy. 】

[Since she was a child, she has been disgusted by her body that is too plump and even far beyond the development of her peers. 】

[But after seeing your attitude, she felt sincerely happy because of her figure for the first time. 】

[The next day, because of last night, both of you slept until a long time before getting up. 】

[Also because you have to take her body into consideration, you who get up earlier than her rarely choose the kitchen next time and carefully select ingredients that can replenish her body. 】

【Your relationship with Futaba Rio has deepened. 】

【You are the irreplaceable person in her life. 】

[Everything seems to be developing in a good direction——]

Chapter 199. Izakaya, Senior Sister and Her (4000)

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

When I saw the words "Everything seems to be developing in a good direction".

Nanxiang Shi actually didn't feel that surprised.

After all, the uneasy factors in Futaba Rio's body were not eliminated as he thought.

But now that it has happened.

Nanxiang didn't feel too melancholy, but continued to look down.

I want to see where this simulation will lead.

Simulator page.

The writing is still evolving.

[Everything seems to be going in a good direction. 】

[Your thinking is not wrong at all. Being with her is indeed very effective in alleviating her obsession with being needed. 】

[But the consequences of being too indulgent are obvious. 】

[She really needs your presence, both physically and mentally. 】

[Your relationship with her continues to heat up. 】

[Your relationship with her has grown by leaps and bounds. 】

[Her meticulous care and dedication have reduced your ability to take care of yourself. 】

【The days of living together with Futaba Rio are very happy. 】

[She has a dedicated personality and is extremely obedient to all your requests and requirements. 】

[She who is usually intellectually cold is only so passionate about you. 】

[Futaba Rio’s parents work outside the home all year round. 】

[Except for the huge monthly living expenses that jumped on the bank card, Futaba Rio could barely see the shadow of her parents. 】

[In the past, in the dead of night, living in a mansion, she felt extremely lonely. 】

[But now that you are here, every day seems to be a day full of surprises for her. 】

[You have spent many days living together with her. During these days, the smiles on her face have become more and more frequent, and she no longer wants to relax when she holds your hand. 】

[She also completely understands that she needs you. 】

[Time continues to move forward, and you are promoted from the second year of high school to the third year of high school. 】

[After discussing the mysteries of human body science with you late at night, Futaba Rio leaned in your arms and softly talked about her future plans. 】

[She told you that she had originally planned to study in Germany. 】

[Because the academic atmosphere there is stronger than that in Japan. 】

[But now, instead of studying in Germany, she wants to stay in Japan and take good care of you. 】

The memories in the simulation surged up, dragging Nanxiang Shi into it.

The time is in the evening.

He was sleeping with Futaba Rio, and looked at Futaba Rio with some surprise, who had taken off his glasses in his arms and was staring at him with a pair of golden eyes.

There were no lights on in the room.

The only bright color was the dim moonlight streaming into the room from the window.

Under this moonlight.

Her fair cheeks were shining, as if they were sparkling with light.

"Study in Germany?"

Listening to Futaba Rio's words and looking at her fair and slightly flushed cheeks, Nango felt a little surprised.


Futaba Rio responded gently.

Her naked body was slightly curled up, leaning towards Nan Xiangshi. This was her favorite sleeping position.

"Is it the contact from my uncle and aunt?"

Nan Xiangshi carefully gathered her scattered gray hair and asked her.


Futaba Rio, who was extremely cold in school, now relaxed her cheeks slightly.

While enjoying Nanxiang Shi's touch, he spoke softly:

"The academic atmosphere in Germany is much better than in Japan. My parents contacted a laboratory at a famous university where I could study."

"Really? So? What are you going to do?"

Nan Xiangshi lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"I refused."

Futaba Rio hugged her boyfriend and felt the heat on his body. She whispered with a red face:

"Instead of going to Germany to study, I would rather be with you."


Nanxiang Shi looked lovingly at the girl in his arms who was holding him in his arms and unwilling to let go.

Faced with her choice.

Rao was always eloquent, but he didn't know how to persuade.

He can only choose to respect.

【I want to be with you more. 】

[When she said this, Futaba Rio's expression was so serious. She doesn't need anyone else, she only wants you. 】

[In physics, he has his own opinions, but when it comes to emotional issues, Futaba Rio is so innocent. 】

[She gave up studying in Germany and just wants to be with you. 】

[You also secretly made up your mind to protect her. 】

And see here.

Nanxiang Shi in real life also showed a "I see" expression.

"It turns out it's about studying abroad."

He thought about what happened during the first simulation.

One week simulation.

For not taking the first step.

He missed Rio Futaba, and his relationship with her only remained as an "acquaintance", and finally came together with Miss Yamada.

At that time, he thought that Futaba Rio had a mental problem, so he left Japan and went to study in Germany.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Futaba Rio seemed to have originally planned to study in Germany.

But now she has given up this plan.

I just want to be with myself.

Nan Xiangshi knocked on the table, stood up, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of barley tea, opened it and took a sip.

The refreshing coolness of the barley tea made him sober up a little.

He continued to look down.

[She gave up her plan to go to Germany. 】

【Time keeps moving backwards. 】

[Compared to the study abroad program in Germany that you have given up, what is now in front of you two is the entrance examination. 】

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