Her eyes were distant.

It was as if he could turn the corner where Nan Xiangshi's figure had disappeared.

It's like seeing each other's shadow...

"What's wrong...? Sugar?"

My friend's state is not quite right.

But Hida Shoko couldn't tell what was wrong with Matsuzaka Satou's state, so he could only ask tentatively: "Did I say something wrong?"


Matsuzaka Granu shook her head gently: "Xiangzi, you said nothing wrong."



Matsuzaka Satou smiled and nodded.


Hida Shoko didn't say anything wrong.

Senior Nanxiang doesn't have a girlfriend.

That's it.

Since Nanxiang senior doesn't have a girlfriend yet...

So the feeling in her heart...

This emotion I have never felt before...

He pressed his slender white palms against his chest again.

The pink-haired girl closed her eyes.

So sweet...

So sweet...

Is this ‘love’?

She doesn't understand.

But she felt...now she seemed to have the motivation to continue her confused, zombie-like life.

"..." Hida Shoko next to him had no intention of continuing to speak.

She just looked at the pink-haired girl whose mood had obviously improved and let out a small sigh of relief.

Although I don’t know why the other party’s mood fluctuates so much.

But it's a good thing if Sugar's mood can get better again.

Beyond that, there's no point in thinking about anything else.

It’s unlikely that my friend, who has always been a stoic person, fell in love with that senior from Nanxiang, right?

An idea suddenly popped into Hida Shoko's mind, but she quickly dismissed it with a smile.

no, I can not.

At most, my best friend just wanted to express her gratitude to Nanxiang Shi.

After all, Matsuzaka Satou has always been pure-hearted and treats everyone calmly and gently.

How is it possible to fall in love with a man who has nothing but his face and learning ability?

Hida Shoko thought so optimistically and followed Matsuzaka Satou back to the first grade class.

at the same time.

the other side--

"It was indeed a mistake."

Sitting in his seat, Nanxiang breathed out a sigh of relief.

He actually had no so-called 'urgent matters' that needed to be resolved.

It was just a random excuse that he simply didn't want to continue contact with Matsuzaka Granu.


"There are things that need to be dealt with today, things that need to be dealt with tomorrow, and things that need to be dealt with the day after tomorrow... This can't be delayed for long."

Nanxiang was helpless.

He can't have things to deal with every day and find various reasons to reject Matsuzaka Sugar every day, right?

The pink-haired girl was not an idiot.

Just judging from the way the other party acted so quickly, Nanxiang Shi knew this clearly.

Although making excuses can cope with the situation for a while, it cannot always cope with the other party.

After looking at the fifteen thousand yen that was lost and recovered in his wallet, Nanxiang Shi didn't feel much joy in his heart.

The opponent moves very quickly.

The moment he made up his mind not to take the initiative to contact the other party yesterday.

Matsuzaka Granose had already found out about his class and took the initiative to pester him.

This terrifying and quick action...and that perfectly hidden facial expression.

Without the simulator's simulation object status to help remind me, I probably wouldn't have been able to discover the abnormality of the girl Matsuzaka Granose for a while.

"It's troublesome, it's really troublesome."

Nanxiang Shi sighed.

In every sense of the word.

Matsuzaka Granose is the most difficult person to deal with among the simulated objects he has come into contact with.

But just because it’s difficult to do, doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do.

Nan Xiangshi touched his chin.

If we only look at the situation observed today.

He actually already knew this pink-haired girl to a certain extent.

The other party seems to be different from the so-called 'yandere girl'.

Chapter 248. The yandere simulation begins! 5500 words!

Matsuzaka Satou seems to be different from other yandere girls.

This was Nango's first impression after having a formal conversation with Matsuzaka Satou (there was no conversation at all in the clinic yesterday)...or rather, a feeling.

Nanxiang could clearly feel the pink-haired girl Matsuzaka Granu when she faced him.

That feeling of confusion, doubt, and wanting to test.

It's like a blank sheet of paper.

A piece of pure white paper suddenly suffered a shock she had never suffered before, so she was confused about her own mood...

That's pretty much what it feels like.

Such a person who is completely blank.

It is said that it is easy to solve, but it is actually easy to solve. It is also difficult to solve, even if it is said to be difficult to solve.

The easy solution is that as long as the right person leads her to the right position and the right direction, she will be able to follow the right path.

The difficult problem to solve is that if one is handled improperly, the other is careless.

This type of person will go straight to an extreme path.

This is undoubtedly the structure of a diode.

He will destroy himself or others at every turn.

And before Matsuzaka Sugar’s character is fully understood——

"Let's continue to keep our distance."

Nanxiang made his decision.

Continue to keep a distance from Matsuzaka Granu and not get too close to her.


If it were possible, Matsuzaka Granose would look away from him like this... It would definitely be the best thing to make him feel relaxed.

But if you really don’t want to look away.

Nanxiang Shi also had a way to deal with it.

"To put it bluntly, whether it's a yandere girl or a blank slate, they all just have psychological problems."

Nan Xiangshi tapped the table gently, his eyes steady.

Then he thought about it, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and dialed someone's number.

Accompanied by the sound of a phone dialing.

On the other end of the phone, there was a weird and funny sound.

"Hi! This is Nanxiang Mirai, my father's most beloved daughter—! If you need your daughter to warm the bed, please send text message 1. If you need your daughter to hug, please send text message 2. If you need your daughter to kiss, please send text message 3. If you need your daughter to hug, please send text message 3. If you need your daughter..."

"I'm hanging up."

Nanxiang Shi said expressionlessly.

"Huh? Wait, wait!"

He made a surprised sound, and Nanxiang hurriedly stopped him in the future.

Then she couldn't help complaining: "You just want to make a joke! Really! Dad! You can't even make a small joke about girls. If you keep like this, only your daughter will like you in the future." Already."

"I don't think it's a 'little joke' that my 21-year-old daughter wants to have intimate physical contact with her father."

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but shake his head.

His daughter Nanxiang Mirai is a rare beauty from any angle.

But if you really get to know her.

You will find that your daughter has almost no advantages except that she is beautiful and smarter than ordinary people.

But... forget it.

Nanxiang Shi did not continue to investigate Nanxiang's daily father-control behavior in the future.

After thinking about the words for a moment, he said: "Speaking of which, in the future, in your time, do you know a person named Matsuzaka Satou?"

That's right.

Ask Nan Xiang in the future.

Maybe we can get some information about Matsuzaka Sugar.

Maybe it's on her world line.

There is Matsuzaka sugar.


"Huh? Matsuzaka Sugar? What's the girl's name?"

Something happened that disappointed Nanxiang Shi.

After hearing the name Matsuzaka Sugar, Nanxiang Mirai did not show much emotion, and even asked in confusion.

This is actually of course.

Nanxiang Shi rubbed his eyebrows.

The prerequisite for meeting Matsuzaka Granose is to go to Tokyo General Medical Hospital to solve Yuka Karasawa's physical problems.

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