Then on the way back, I met the pink-haired girl.

But in Nango Mirai's world line, without Nango Mirai's daughter reminding me, I wouldn't have known that Karasawa Yuka lived in Tokyo General Medical Hospital.

He did not go to the hospital to solve Karasawa Yuka's physical problems, so there would be no incident of meeting Matsuzaka Granose on his return trip.

"Since I don't know, forget it. I'm still in class, so I'll hang up first."

Failed to get information from Nanxiang Mirai.

Nanxiang Shi did not continue to struggle with this issue and simply spoke.


Nanxiang seemed to have noticed Nanxiang Shi's emotional changes in the future. He rarely said anything and just responded gently: "I understand, Dad, that's it."

The phone hangs up.

Nanxiang put the phone back in his pocket.

At the same time, he began to think about whether there was any other way to obtain information about Matsuzaka Sugar.

But the more he thought about it, the more difficult it became for Nanxiang Shi.

to be honest.

Trying to figure out someone's personality without having a connection with them...just that is particularly difficult to do.


"There is another way."

Nanxiang Shi held his chin, stretched out his finger, and directly opened the simulator page.

That's right.

For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to figure out the personality of someone without getting in touch with them.

But for Nanxiang Shi who owns a simulator.

It's not particularly difficult to do this.

After all, I don’t want to have contact with the other person in reality.

So if you want to understand the other party's thoughts, ideas, and concerns, you can only start with simulation.

"My current heart rate is..."

Nanxiang opened the emulator list.

The current heartbeat value is 1750 points.

After the contact with Matsuzaka Sugar just now, the heartbeat level increased partially.

"This is really..."

Nanxiang sighed a little.

I have to say, in a sense.

That pink-haired girl is really a heart-throb machine.

It was just the brief moment of contact.

The message "You got 30 heartbeat points from Matsuzaka Sugar" kept popping up.

"1750 heartbeat points..."

Nanxiang Shi groaned and nodded curtly.

In this case... let's do the first simulation.

Adjust your sitting position to the most comfortable position.

Nanxiang Shi extended his finger again.

[Simulation object: Matsuzaka Sugar]

【Do you want to simulate? whether? 】

'yes! ’

Without any hesitation, I chose yes.

In front of Nanxiang Shi, a blue simulation screen unfolded.

[After solving Yuka Karasawa's condition, you took your daughter to meet Akane Shinjo. After settling all these messy things, you encountered heavy rain on the way back. 】

[This is a sudden heavy rain. 】

[The heavy winter rain swept up the biting cold wind, and the icy rain fell in the air like a black curtain. 】

[You wisely bought an umbrella one week after recovering from a serious illness, and it was at this time that you met that person in the heavy rain...the pink-haired woman named Matsuzaka Granose. 】

[This was probably a fateful encounter. In the heavy rain, the pink-haired girl fell into a coma. For once in a rare moment of mercy, you sent her to the clinic and left without saying goodbye until she woke up completely. 】

[Because you have a feeling in the dark that this pink-haired girl is completely different from the previous girl. She doesn't even have a conversation with you, she's smitten by your natural charm and can't help herself. 】

[This in itself is an abnormal thing. 】

[Faced with her invitation to dine together, you refused without hesitation because you didn’t want to have anything to do with her at all. 】

[But just sitting on the desk, you feel a little concerned about the pink-haired girl's extraordinary 'characteristics'. 】

[But you didn’t feel uneasy because of this. Your strong self-confidence made you feel that you had the ability to handle the other party. 】

[Reservation after school in the afternoon, are you ready——]

[1. Go to Rico Rico Coffee House. 】

[2. Go to the ‘Stars’ performance hall. 】

[3. Go flirt with Akane Shinjo or Rio Futaba, a science girl. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

"Is it an option from the beginning?"

The three options that suddenly popped into his eyes made Nan Xiangshi raise his eyebrows.

These three options seemed to have no beginning or end. They just asked him to decide where to go after school in the afternoon. They seemed to have no meaning at all.

But Nanxiang Shi jumped out of the three options.

He was keenly aware of some unstable factors.

Matsuzaka Satou had just made an appointment with him today and hoped that Nanxiang Shi could accompany her to have a meal with her in the afternoon.

"I just rejected the other party's stall... and the option of deciding where to go in the afternoon appeared... Does this mean that... the Matsuzaka Sugar that I rejected... will follow me to these four places? One of them?"

This consideration is very possible.

According to the character of Matsuzaka Sugar that I saw today.

The other party might really be able to do something like a stalker.


"If it were me normally, I would definitely choose one option."

Nan Xiangshi glanced at an option.

That's right, if you want to simulate it with the purpose of having a happy ending with Matsuzaka Sugar.

When in Nanxiang, you will definitely choose to go to Rico Rico Coffee House.

Because no matter it is Nishiki Chisuke or Inoue Takina.

Even though Matsuzaka Granose is a yandere pink-haired girl, she is definitely no match for them with her super fast reaction speed and keen observation.

But since the purpose of this simulation is to understand the character of Matsuzaka Sugar...

Nanxiang Shi thought about it and chose the second option.

Go to the ‘Stars’ performance hall.

This was not only a choice when simulating Zhongnan Township, but also his real itinerary in the afternoon.

Since the end of the band, the band has been busy editing the demo (audio), mv, etc. for the music festival competition for the past two days.

Nanxiang Shi also gained some editing memory and experience during the simulation, which can help a little in this regard.

So I thought about going to the ‘Stars’ performance hall after school this afternoon to help.

Since I want to find out the purpose of Matsuzaka Sugar here.

Then follow your actual afternoon itinerary.

There is absolutely no problem with choosing the second option.

After all, even if something goes wrong in the simulation, it won't be a problem.

When something goes wrong in reality, that's the real big problem.

Nanxiang Shi's mind sank, and he fell into a simulation.

[The ending band is currently busy producing demos and MVs. As a tenant living in the ‘Stars’ showroom and a partner of the ending band, of course you want to contribute to them. 】

[You chose to go to the ‘Stars’ Exhibition Hall. 】

[The atmosphere of the ‘Stars’ performance hall is as good as ever. 】

[The girls in the band are very dependent on you. From time to time, Ryo Yamada and the others will have some close physical contact with you as usual. 】

[This is already normal for you, and you don’t feel anything unusual. 】

[In this state, you and two fans of Goto Ichiri quickly completed the MV editing work. 】

[You are very meticulous in your work, and the details of the MV editing are also perfect. 】

[This made two fans of Goto Ichiri admire you very much, and they took the initiative to exchange lines with you. 】

[Then it’s time to end the band’s performance. 】

[You stand at the well-lit counter in front of the door, flipping through the novel in your hand, and occasionally looking up at Goto Kazuri and others on the stage. 】

[For you, this seems to be just the same as before, a very peaceful daily life. 】


Nanxiang Shi blinked.

If he read it correctly...


Is there a ‘seem’?

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

It seems that as soon as it comes out, it gives people a bad feeling.

He braced himself and watched the next developments in the simulation.

[You follow the usual pace, watching the closing band's performance end, and at the same time put down the literary novel in your hand, waiting for them to leave the stage. 】

[This is all business as usual to you. 】

[The premise is that if you don’t see the pink-haired figure flashing past in the crowd...]

[That figure looks very familiar to you. 】

[But under the already noisy and flashing lights in the exhibition hall, you cannot be sure of your thoughts. 】

[On one side is the band that has just finished their performance, and on the other side is a pink-haired figure that seems to be familiar. 】

[The road to the future is only in this decide——]

[1. Don’t think about it, you must have read it wrong. How could a little girl like Matsuzaka Grano do such a thing as stalking others? Let’s take care of the closing band who just finished their performance first. 】

[2. No matter how many there are, catch up first. 】

[3. Oops, Ms. Yamada sent me a message, saying that she wanted to kiss and hug her. I’d better take care of her emotions first. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

Three options pop up again.

Nanxiang Shi’s eyebrows twitched.

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