I've said it before.

Nanxiang Shi is not a person who indulges in desires.

Regarding this temptation that is clearly in front of him, the attitude he wants to show is actually very obvious——

[The most beautiful boy in Tokyo: Okay. Just stay overnight. 】


Organize information

Edit text.

Then send.

It took about three seconds in Nanxiang.

Obviously, this was a reply he came up with after careful consideration.

After all, he hadn't been intimate with Ichiri Goto for a long time since the end of the band's efforts for the "Judai Music Festival".

To put it bluntly, this is not to satisfy his desires, but to satisfy Goto Ichisato's thought that he has not been close to him for a long time!

In essence, he is still the most beautiful boy in the world with noble thoughts and moral character!

Um. That's right. That's it.

Nanxiang nodded, and after replying to Goto Ichiri, he put his phone aside.

"The matter at Yili has been resolved, so let's continue the simulation."

Nanxiang Shi turned his gaze to the simulation interface in front of him and took a quick look.

Because he didn't look down the simulator page, it stayed at the least progress.

This is quite smart.

Just click on the page.

The simulation continues.

[You become her master. 】

[This is not just a verbal statement. 】

[You started to order her to run errands and buy lunch boxes. From time to time, you would ask her to borrow money and make various unreasonable demands to her. 】

[She has no complaints about this, she just looks at you with a peaceful expression, observes you, and supports your life. 】

[She completes all your requests silently, and stands by your side, hoping to get your recognition and praise. 】

In the simulation, memories begin to emerge...

This time, three different memory scenes emerged in my mind.

In reality, Nanxiang was stunned for a moment, and then his mind became immersed.

"Matsusaka-san, it's time to buy today's lunch box, right?"

"Hey...? But...Senior Nanxiang...has another class..."

The pink-haired girl raised her head and looked at the black-haired young man in front of her with some hesitation.

"Matsusaka-kun, have you forgotten what you said before? Doesn't everything you said before count as nothing? Isn't this too irresponsible? You obviously promised others things but didn't keep them?"

The black-haired young man frowned and looked a little unhappy.


Matsuzaka Satou put down the book in his hand, stood up slowly, and looked at the black-haired young man in front of him with his pink eyes.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

The black-haired young man looked at her strangely.

"That...errand money..."

Matsuzaka Granose opened her mouth and reminded Nanxiang in front of her that he did not give her the money for running errands.

"Oh - it's about money. It doesn't matter. You can go buy something for me first. Aren't we good friends? I will pay you back this little money."

"Ah...Okay, I'll be there right away."

Matsuzaka Satou had no doubts about Nanxiang Shi's words. After nodding, he took direct steps.

The first scene in my memory ends here.

Then came the second memory scene——

"Matsusaka-san, I'm tight on money lately, can you lend me some money?"

Nanxiang looked at Matsuzaka Satou in front of him and spoke bluntly.

With a calm expression on his face, he stretched out his palm in a generous manner. His appearance did not look like he was asking someone to borrow money. Instead, he felt like he was taking money from Matsuzaka Granu's pocket.

"Hey...? Ah...Okay...I wonder how many Nanxiang-senpai need?"

Matsuzaka Granose blinked her pink eyes, asked with concern, and took out her wallet from her pocket.

"How much money do you have in your wallet?"

"Ah...Um...about 150,000 yen...? The place where I work every day just paid my salary..."

"Then give me your wallet."


Subconsciously handing over the wallet.

The pink-haired girl looked at Nanxiang helplessly as she opened her wallet and took out all 150,000 yen, leaving only one or two thousand yen bills for her.

"The remaining one or two thousand yen will be regarded as my paying you back the meal money I asked you to run errands for."

Nanxiang Shi said casually as he counted the bills in his hand.

His confident attitude would make a normal person stand next to him and find him ridiculous.

Use Matsuzaka Sugar's money to pay her back.

Anyone who sees this kind of operation will probably be shocked.

But Matsuzaka Sugar is obviously not a normal person.

She looked at the wallet in her hand and hesitated for a moment: "Is it really okay?"

"Is anything really okay?"

"Leave me one or two thousand yen...is that really okay? If Nanxiang-senpai really needs it urgently, why not just take it all."

She came closer and suggested with a calm expression: "I don't need so much money... I still have some bread at home that can be used for three meals."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Nanxiang glanced at her sideways: "Am I the kind of devil who watches you eat bread for three meals a day? And isn't it normal for me to be in debt and repay the money?"

After saying that, he reached out and patted Matsuzaka Satou on the shoulder with a serious expression: "I have been worried about Matsuzaka-san. You have to eat well, drink well, and take good care of your body. Do you understand?"

Then Nanxiang Shi stretched, waved to Matsuzaka Granu behind him, and left directly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to reply: "By the way, I will continue to trouble you with errands tomorrow."


This is the crisp response of Matsuzaka Sugar.

She went downstairs and left while looking at Nanxiang.

I can't help but feel a little worried.

It's not like he was worried about Nanxiang and asked her when she would be able to pay back the money she borrowed.

She never cared about that kind of thing.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if I don't pay it back.

What really worries her is that she only has one or two thousand yen in her hand.

If she had to run errands for Nanxiang Shi...she felt that this amount of money might not be enough.

On the rooftop, the pink-haired girl let out a small sigh.

Memories flashed by.

Then in Nanxiang's mind.

The third memory scene also began to emerge——

But this time, instead of communicating with Matsuzaka Sugar, Hida Shoko took the initiative to come to talk to Nango.

"You asked Sutang to run errands and asked her to borrow money. Senior Nanxiang, are you going too far?"

When he looked at Nanxiang who was flipping through the novel in his hand.

The blue-haired girl made a dissatisfied sound.

As mentioned before, her name is Hida Shoko, and she is a good friend of Matsuzaka Satou.

Hida Shoko actually knew about the interactions between Matsuzaka Satou and Nango Toki in the past few days.

But considering that none of the parties involved, Matsuzaka Sugar, expressed any opinions towards Nanxiang Shi.

Naturally, she, a good friend and best friend, would not be able to comment on the relationship between the two.

But recently, Nan Xiang's behavior has become more and more excessive.

I heard that yesterday, Matsuzaka Sugar took away the part-time salary she just received from her part-time job.

You must know that that is money earned by Matsuzaka Granu's hard work every day.

It is the living expenses that the other party depends on for survival.

As a result, Nanxiang Shi took it away in such an understatement.

Even Matsuzaka Sugar has to run errands these two days...

"No matter what, it's too much!"

Hida Shoko was basically convinced.

Nanxiang Shi is definitely the kind of scumbag who makes his wife work hard while he plays small steel balls outside, idle and doing nothing!

"Sudan does like senior, but senior is too much!"

Hida Shoko took another step forward, her beautiful and delicate face full of seriousness: "For the sake of Satou's normal life in the future, please don't get close to Satou again in the future."


As long as Nanxiang is no longer close to Matsuzaka Sugar...then the other party should be able to live a normal life.


"normal life..."

Nan Xiang put the novel in his hand away while he was flipping through it.

He turned to look at Hida Shoko: "Hida-san, what is normal life for Matsuzaka-san?"


I heard Nan Xiang’s words.

The blue-haired girl who was originally speaking righteously was stunned.

She really didn't expect that Nanxiang Shi in front of her would actually ask her such a question.


"Of course, a normal life means eating well and drinking well. You don't have to be bossed around by Nanxiang senior, and you don't have to have a month's salary taken away unreasonably. This is called a normal life!"

Hida Shoko reacted quickly and retorted sarcastically.

"Do you want to eat and drink well...?"

Savoring Hida Shoko's words, Nanxiang held up his face.

Black eyes looked over.

These were a pair of very clean and beautiful eyes, but being looked at by such eyes made Hida Shoko feel inexplicably stressed.

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