Don't know why.

It was obvious that the Nanxiang Shi in front of him was just a peer of a similar age to himself.

But it gave her an indescribable sense of oppression.


"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Despite the scrutinizing gaze, Hida Shoko spoke.

She was right!

Even as a senior, she was not willing to give in.

Just when she was about to say something to fight back against Nan Xiang.

But the other party shook his head at this moment:

"No, you said nothing wrong, Hida-san. It is exactly what you said. It is the most normal way of life to not be bullied by others and to eat well and drink well every day to maintain nutrition and health."


Regardless of other things, Nanxiang Shi's unexpectedly frank words surprised Hida Shoko.

She couldn't help but say: "Since Senior Nanxiang knows, then why..."

"Hida-san probably doesn't know."

Nanxiang waved his hand and interrupted Hida Shoko's words: "Matsusaka-san actually doesn't have the habit of eating properly at all. Because she lives alone, she usually just eats some liquid jelly to satisfy her hunger."


"I asked her to run errands and buy a bento lunch just because she hadn't eaten properly, so it was just an excuse to let her eat with me."

Nanxiang looked at Hida Shoko with a calm tone.

Hida Shoko wanted to say that Nango was lying.

But looking at the other party's calm eyes without any impurities.

The words that reached my lips could no longer be spoken.

But soon, she seemed to have thought of something again, raised her head and continued:

"Even if that's the case, Nanxiang-senpai was thinking about Sugar, so he asked her to buy a bento... But Nanxiang-senpai, if you ask her to borrow money... how should you explain this?"


Even convenient things can be explained by reasons.

But there’s no way to quibble about borrowing money, right?

Nanxiang Shi had just taken away Matsuzaka Sugar's 150,000 part-time salary.

This is unreasonable no matter how you think about it!

Hida Shoko thought about this, regained his confidence, raised his head and looked at Nango.

In response to the other party's confident question, Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

"Hida-san, it seems you still don't quite understand."

"I did ask Matsuzaka-san to borrow her salary for this month, but what you don't know, Hida-san, is that due to her peaceful personality, for pure reasons, Matsuzaka-san often has some bad friends around her asking for money."

Nango looked at Hida Shoko and said, "Rather than having those 'friends' who will never repay the money take it away directly, it would be better for me to borrow the money from Matsuzaka-san first."

That's right.

Matsuzaka Sugar has a very pure and peaceful personality.

It's like a blank sheet of paper.

It is precisely because of his pure and peaceful personality that he will not reject others.

She was emotionally and spiritually deficient and probably couldn't realize that those people simply wanted to take away the money in her hands.


"In order to prevent this kind of thing, why don't I get the money."

When he said this, Nango Toki stood up: "Actually, even if Hida-san didn't say anything, I actually planned to return the money to Matsuzaka-san today."

"..." Hida Shoko.

She was speechless now.

Because she really didn't expect that Nanxiang would think so deeply about Matsuzaka Sugar.

Everything before was actually her misunderstanding.

An unspeakable feeling of guilt rose up in my heart.

This made Hida Shoko blush suddenly, and he hurriedly apologized to Nango Toki in front of him.

"10. I'm so sorry! Senior Nanxiang! My attitude was so bad just now... I'm so sorry!"

After figuring out what happened, she realized how rude her previous reaction was.

She has always dared to act, dare to admit, and has a sincere temperament. She bowed repeatedly at this moment, fully displaying her craftsmanship spirit.

In fact, Nanxiang didn't think too much about Hida Shoko.

After all, the other party is just worried about his friends, which is reasonable.

So he just waved his hand and asked the other party not to continue to care.

The misunderstanding was resolved.

Hida Shoko raised his head and sighed: "That's great to say... It turns out that Nango-senpai cares about Satou so much... He likes Satou... I can finally rest assured now."

She sighed beside her.

On the other side, Nanxiang Shi glanced at the other person's face silently and did not answer.

Do you like Matsuzaka sugar...?



His current relationship with Matsuzaka Sugar is actually far more complicated than like or dislike.

Just using such a light word... it is absolutely impossible to summarize the relationship between him and Matsuzaka Sugar.

Chapter 253. You are all my wings! 2000 words!

[You know, the relationship between you and Matsuzaka Sugar is far more complicated than whether you like it or not. 】

[On the surface, it seems that you are bossing her around and asking her to help you deal with various problems. The two of you are in an absolute master-servant relationship. 】

[But in fact, this is evidence that the girl who lacks emotion relies on you through 'obedience'. 】

【The number of days she spends with you at school has increased. 】

[As soon as get out of class is over, she will come to your side and will not leave until class begins. 】

[The boys in the class gritted their teeth at this. 】

[First, Akane Shinjo, who is second in grade, and then Chisuke Nishikiki and Takina Inoue at the school festival. 】

[They envy why you are so popular with women, and they all seek advice from you. 】

[Some female students felt heartbroken after seeing this, because her beauty with pink hair made them feel ashamed of themselves. 】

[Even on some campus SNS (social networks), photos of the exchange between you and her appear. 】

【Everything looks so bright and beautiful. 】

[Even the members of the band that ended, Akane Shinjo, and Rio Futaba all thought so. 】

[The pink-haired girl in front of you will become one of your captives just like them]

[Even when meeting Matsuzaka Satou in private, the girls would secretly call her ‘sister’. 】

[Among these girls, Nishiki Chishu, who has ordinary human intuition, and Yamada Ryo, who has a passionate love for you, are particularly sober at this time. 】

[With your help, Yamada Ryo, like other girls who ended the band, was admitted to the university of their choice. Nishikiki Chisuke also started doing what she wanted to do while working at Rico Rico. 】

[It was during this process that Ryo Yamada and Chisuke Nishiki realized that the relationship between you and the pink-haired girl was far from being as simple as it seemed. 】

[On the surface, it seems that Matsuzaka Granu is obeying your requests and being obedient to you, but in fact, the relationship is exactly the opposite. 】

【Matsusaka Granose is actually the one asking for your help. 】

[Through the so-called 'master-servant' form, you satisfy her act of conveying 'love' and satisfy the other party's overflowing 'love' behavior, which is a one-sided catharsis. 】

[They noticed Matsuzaka Sugar’s extraordinary qualities, and also understood why you adopted a ‘master-servant play’ approach towards Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[In order to help you solve the problem, Yamada Ryo put down his posture for the first time and actively tried to communicate with Matsuzaka Granu, hoping to become friends with her and try to share the pressure on you. 】

[But obviously, she failed in the end. Matsuzaka Granu is not interested in anyone else except you. 】

[Even without your presence, there is a high probability that Matsuzaka Granu would still find Miss Yamada to be a hindrance and might take some measures against her. 】

[But you exist beside her, you are equivalent to her suppressor, you suppress all the extreme, pure, and unreasonable behaviors of Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[Similarly, she will meet all your requirements. 】

[Even after you have made it clear that you will not be a lover with her, she still wants to stay by your side. 】

[For her, as long as she can have a place by your side, even if it is just a small piece of world, it seems to be enough. 】


I didn't expect you to be such a Matsuzaka sugar.

When Nanxiang saw this, he was stunned.

What kind of dedicated and please-pleaser personality is this?

Even if she doesn't become a lover with Matsuzaka Sugar, is she still willing to stay by her side?

Is this too...?

Nan Xiangshi hissed and couldn't help but shake his head.

Although he did change Matsuzaka Sugar's character.

But it felt like it was pulling her from one extreme to another.

"That's what's so difficult about a blank slate type of girl."

I always think too hard and don't know what the so-called flexibility is.

If you dye it red, it will be red; if you dye it black, it will be black.

Why is it so difficult to get the target every time Ms. Simulator chooses?

Nan Xiangshi sighed, and then couldn't help but shake his head.

At this point, it is meaningless to care about this kind of thing.

Just keep reading.

[You didn’t want her to become a marionette who only knew how to follow your footsteps, so you adopted various methods to reduce Matsuzaka Granu’s love and dependence on you. 】

[But these methods have no effect without exception. 】

[A girl suffering from love deficit disorder only sees you. 】

[There is no other way, you have no choice but to comply with her wishes, let her stay by your side, and at the same time silently hope that her extreme love for you will be smoothed out over a long period of time. 】

[Time continues to pass backwards. 】

[You graduated from college and successfully entered a job in a large bank. 】

[Then I used my rich experience in working in a bank and the high-quality customers I had good relationships with to formally establish a company outside. 】

[You are twenty-six years old this year and will be twenty-seven years old. 】

[Similarly, this also brings you to an age where you have to start thinking about one thing - getting married. 】

[If you had followed your plan in advance, you would probably have proposed to the band members who ended the band, the girl named Rico Rico, Akane Shinjo, and Rio Futaba without hesitation. 】

[But the reality is that there is something you have to face face to face. 】

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