Just like in the anime, Matsuzaka Granose kills others for her pure love and prevents others from finding the one they love.

In order to prevent your love from being contaminated by the dirty emotions in your heart.

In order to prevent myself from doing something irreparable to senior Nanxiang and my friends that would make them feel sad...

In fact, Matsuzaka Granose had already made her decision in her heart.

She decided to pick a suitable day to run away.

Just like when she met Nanxiang in the heavy rain that day.

This time she wanted to bid farewell to each other silently in the heavy snow and leave.

Matsuzaka Satou silently lowered his head and glanced at the time.

According to the agreed time.

The vehicle she reserved should be waiting for her downstairs by now.

Think of this.

She grabbed her suitcase and walked down slowly.

The suitcase is not big.

I just brought a few simple clothes inside.

She planned to have her aunt Matsuzaka Sayuri secretly mail the rest to her.

After all, taking so many things with him during a silent escape would definitely be exposed to the young man with keen senses.

Standing inside the elevator, she thought so.

At the same time, he raised his head and watched the elevator jump down one level at a time.

The number of floors in the elevator seemed to symbolize her state of mind.

Going down step by step, hitting the bottom.

My heart became heavy.

And when I think about the fact that I might not be able to see Nanxiang Shi and all the girl friends who care about her in the future...

She felt an unspeakable pain in her heart.

But what can we do if we don’t leave?

Continue to let feelings of jealousy and boiling possessiveness erode your heart?

Then face the person you like later.

To one's friends.

Do something irreversible?

It is simply not advisable to give up one party for the other.

Matsuzaka Granu is a very sharp girl.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t think so much.


The elevator dinged.

The crisp sound interrupted her thoughts and brought her back to reality.

She dragged her small suitcase out of the apartment door, then turned her head and looked around.

Contact the driver who just arrived according to the time.

The other party should be waiting downstairs now.

However, looking around, there is nothing but white snow.

The white snow lay on the ground.

Slowly moving forward...

There is no such thing as waiting for a car.

Just when Matsuzaka Granu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he wanted to call and ask about the other party's situation.

A sudden sound of motorcycle braking suddenly sounded from my ears.

The girl raised her head subconsciously.

Then he saw the black motorcycle parked in front of him, and the black-haired boy who reached out and took off the motorcycle helmet.

The young man exhaled hot breath, and his clean and pure eyes looked over at this moment.

Seeing Matsuzaka Satou's slightly dazed expression, the handsome face under the messy black hair showed a slight smile.

Because he was wearing windproof clothing, his well-proportioned figure stood out.

This handsome appearance made several passerby girls on the other side curiously take out their mobile phones to take secret photos.

"What's wrong? This pink-haired lady?"

He held the motorcycle helmet with his side hand, exhaled a breath of white air and rubbed his hands at the same time, showing a teasing smile: "Are you going somewhere? Do you want to hitchhike?"

Matsuzaka Satou's chest trembled.

She thought of her previous agreement with Nanxiang.

Thinking of the promise he made when he drove a motorcycle to pick her up in Nanxiang and go to various places to enjoy the scenery.

The boy's smile was like the cold wind in winter, pouring into her defenseless heart.

Chapter 287. Motorcycles in winter are too painful. 4500 words

Driving a motorcycle under a winter street scene.

This was probably the stupidest thing Nanxiang had ever done in his life.

Even if you wear thickened windproof clothing.

Even with a motorcycle helmet on.

Even his hands were covered with thick motorcycle gloves.

It's still very cold.

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but mutter.

What exactly was I thinking in the simulation?

Why does it have to be a motorcycle and not a car?

At the age of eighteen, he is already qualified to learn how to drive a car.

When driving to and from Matsuzaka Sugar, the air conditioner is on inside and you can enjoy the snow scenery on the road.

Isn't it more comfortable than riding a motorcycle?

But this is obviously just a simple complaint.

And for a simple girl.

Boys riding motorcycles or bicycles from afar, prick their heartstrings far more than cars.

This is probably romance.

I vaguely understood it when I was in Nanxiang.


Romance is useless.

It's really cold!

Nanxiang made such a sound.

This time I personally simulated it. In a sense, I was really suffering.

He sighed inwardly.


He turned his gaze slightly to the side and happened to see the girl in the rearview mirror, hidden under the helmet, moving her head around in surprise and joy.

Nanxiang Shi smiled.

never mind...

Just suffer this little sin...

It seems like nothing.

After leaving Tokyo, the whole road is straight and long, going straight forward, extending to the endless sky. Motorcyclists driving on such a road will feel relaxed and happy.

White snow lay on both sides of the road, like high walls in fairy tales, built high.

Nango Shi was driving along this high wall with Matsuzaka Sugar. The motorcycle under him looked like a knight's war horse, and Matsuzaka Sugar hugging his waist looked like a princess kidnapped by a victorious knight.

In the distance are stacks of white mountain forests.

Behind him is the snow-colored city left behind by the motorcycle.

Through the helmet of the motorcycle, Matsuzaka Suzu could see the surrounding scenery.

She was happy and excited.

The dreamlike scenery before her was both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

The key is that Nan Xiang is by her side.

All the heaviness from before, all the negative thoughts.

It all faded away in this moment.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly had an impulse.

The impulse rises from the bottom of my heart along with the roar of the motorcycle engine.

"Senior Nanxiang."


Nanxiang, who was concentrating on driving his motorcycle in front of him, said "hmm" and didn't look back.

"Can I scream?"


Nanxiang didn't understand the meaning of Matsuzaka Satou's words.

He thought he had heard wrongly.

After all, the sealed motorcycle helmet and the buzzing wind hitting the helmet made it difficult for him to hear Matsuzaka Granu's voice clearly.

However, Matsuzaka Sugar didn't care about this.

She just suddenly hugged Nan Xiangshi's waist with force, then put her head against his back and cried out "Ah--".

It's like venting the negative emotions that have always been felt.

It seems to be showing his current joy.

The crystal snowflakes fell again...

And the girl's joyful voice mixed with the snowflakes, scattering on the road along the way.

You can feel it when visiting Nanxiang.

The girl's hold on his waist... got tighter and tighter.


This is a Japanese scenic restaurant.

Solid wood planks.

The heating fan behind the back blows hot air.

Square tables and wooden screens separate each compartment.

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