Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the cascading white woods outside the window.

White mist rises from beneath the white woods.

The mist was mixed with snow, and coupled with the temperature difference between the inside and outside, soon ice fog formed on the floor-to-ceiling windows. Through this crystal clear ice fog, it seemed like an unknown hazy world behind.

Just like the face he had now when he was drinking the steaming beet soup brought by the waiter, his face was half hidden in the heat of Nanxiang.

"Senior Nanxiang, why did you find me?"

After getting off the motorcycle and entering a restaurant in the scenic spot to rest, Matsuzaka Satou looked at Nanxiang with some restlessness.

Some food was also placed in front of her.

But she didn't eat.

Compared with the craftsmanship in Nanxiang, the cuisine in this scenic area is actually not that outstanding.

Not outstanding food compared to this.

What she wanted to understand more was.

In the past two days, Nanxiang should have been busy with exam questions.

Why did he suddenly appear in a place he shouldn't have appeared at a time he shouldn't have appeared?

"If I hadn't appeared there, the naughty Miss Sugar would have run to the other end of the world without saying a word, right?"

Nanxiang Shi replied with a smile: "I spent a lot of effort to defeat the monster named Kaoxue."

He smiled and spoke.

It was like just completing a random thing.

But Matsuzaka Sugar knew there was more than that.

Although Nanxiang didn't say it, she clearly understood how important the exam was in the other person's heart.

Nango Shi was born in Akita Prefecture. In order to give him a better future, his two older sisters voluntarily gave up their studies and sent him to Tokyo to study.

Nanxiang Shi can be said to have shouldered all the hopes of his family and came to Tokyo to find a way out.

It’s not as simple as ‘a lot of effort’.

But even so.

He was still there.

With an agreement with yourself.

She was speechless for a moment.

I felt guilty and unspeakably moved.

Even in such an important period, Senior Nanxiang still did not forget her.

She just wanted to speak.

Nanxiang, who had already finished the beet soup and wiped his mouth, waved his hand and spoke proactively:

"Then, you should be able to tell me this time why you left secretly alone, right?"

He emphasized the word 'this time', alluding to the fact that he had asked Matsuzaka Granu before, but was fooled by the other party's perfunctory attitude.

The words came out.

Matsuzaka Granu couldn't help but open her mouth.

She originally wanted to keep hiding it.

Finally, under Nanxiang Shi's gaze, he lowered his head guiltily and told him his thoughts and the cause of the matter.

It includes at least seven to eight hundred words of psychological description about her inner emotional struggle and her apology to them in Nanxiang.

She thought after saying these words.

Nanxiang will show a very touched expression when looking at her, and understand her behavior.


"Isn't this just purely self-motivation?"

Listening to Matsuzaka Granu's words, Nanxiang knocked on the edge of the bowl.


This unfamiliar word stunned Matsuzaka Granu.

"If you have troubles and don't communicate with others, you just think about it alone. One person feels that he is dirty and terrible inside. Another person decides to run away from home and even thinks that it is for the good of everyone... Isn't this the so-called self-movation? ?"


Nanxiang Shi's natural words made Matsuzaka Satou not know how to refute.

When Nanxiang looked at Matsuzaka Satou in this state, he also sighed.


This is actually something that some people with self-sacrifice personalities often do...

In his previous life in the Heavenly Dynasty, he had a friend with such a personality.

In terms of love, his friend is an out-and-out self-motivated type.

I give milk tea and soy milk and fried dough sticks to a girl who is not even a friend yet, and I feel like I am doing her best.

He is the type who is said to be incomprehensible by many girls, and after deleting and blocking him, he still has to meet in person and tell the other party that he must be nice.

I didn't expect that Matsuzaka Granu, who was gradually recovering from her emotions, would still have this side... He was really negligent.

But think about it carefully.

Matsuzaka Satou has shown a somewhat self-sacrificial side to her personality very early on.

Bi Fang said that he never wanted to believe that Nan Xiang was cheating or that Nan Xiang had shortcomings. He even took the initiative to put in good words for him... These situations actually reflected this.

This made him couldn't help but shake his head, and then he simply reached out his hand and pinched her nose.

"This guy who can't even express his emotions fluently has learned to be moved by himself."

"S-Senior Nanxiang?!"

She made a panicked sound.

But Nanxiang Shi had no intention of letting her go.

You know, he spent a full 1,200 heartbeat points to simulate the self-impressed behavior of the girl in front of him.

That's a personal simulation worth 1,200!

After using it.

Now he has become a pauper who doesn't have a penny and has been completely drained by the simulator lady.

Moreover, the entire process of personal simulation can be said to be very tortuous.

At the beginning, he first confirmed various conditions of the simulator.

Then he found Matsuzaka Satou's aunt, Matsuzaka Sayuri.

He selected the three simulated options in advance and learned about Matsuzaka Granu's plan to escape.

I originally thought of cutting it off directly to make the other party's escape plan aborted.

But considering that he had an agreement with Matsuzaka Granu before.

So I simply put this matter aside for the time being and started learning how to drive a motorcycle.

To be honest, ordinary motorcycle driving methods were nothing to Nanxiang Shi's terrifying learning talent.

It only took more than twenty days.

He successfully obtained his driver's license from a driving school in Japan.

Then what happened today happened.

This is actually equivalent to Nanxiang staying in this simulated world for more than twenty days.

Fortunately, in reality, his somatosensory time had only passed for less than an hour, which made him feel relieved and continued to boldly carry out personal simulations.

So now I’m just pinching Matsuzaka Sugar’s nose.

Nanxiang Shi even felt that she was being treated very cheaply.

He was already very restrained even if he didn't spank her.

It seemed that Matsuzaka Granu had something else to say.

Nanxiang Shi saw his fingers slowly retracting, and at the same time he turned his head to look at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Even though I'm touched...but I still can't accept myself like this."

Matsuzaka Satou rubbed her nose and spoke softly.


Even if Nanxiang Shi explained it like this.

She still couldn't accept it.

There is indeed something foreign to my inner emotions.

She couldn't accept the desire to monopolize Nanxiang Shi and to exclude other people's emotions.

"This is no longer what I am pursuing, pure and clean 'love'!"

She said this without any intention of joking, and her expression was very serious, as if no one could shake her current thoughts.

However, in the next second——

Nan Xiangshi reached out and pinched her nose again.

This time it was very powerful.

She felt her nose hurt a little.

"S-Senior Nanxiang?"

There were some surprised sounds.

"Ah...I'm sorry. Because what you said was so out of common sense, I really couldn't hold back my actions."

Nanxiang said sorry.

But the movements of his hands did not relax, but intensified.

This made Matsuzaka Sugar blush.

Fortunately, Nanxiang didn't keep taking action.

After maintaining this action for about ten seconds, he released his hand and took a sip of hot tea.

But what makes Matsuzaka Granu feel strange is.

Nanxiang Shi didn't say much this time, he just drank hot tea without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

That thoughtful look made Matsuzaka Sugar unable to help but speak:

"Um...what's wrong with what I said? Senior Nanxiang?"

"Any questions...?"

Listening to her words, Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but laugh out loud: "The problem is too big."


Matsuzaka Granu really didn't expect it.

The pure 'love' that I have always pursued.

In Nanxiang Shi's mouth.

It actually only received such a bad review.

She was about to speak again.

But Nanxiang Shi over there had already taken the initiative and said:

"First of all...there are few seventeen-year-old high school students in the world who still talk about 'pure love'."

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