[At Nanxiang Sugar’s suggestion, you decided to travel far while your body is still able to move. 】

[For you, instead of lying at home or rotting in a hospital bed in the future, it is better to devote yourself to nature. 】

Chapter 296. Your wife is gradually passing away 4300 words

[The first time I had the idea of ​​traveling together was when Nanxiang Qianshu realized that her memory was not as good as before. 】

[Maybe I’m getting older, so I don’t remember some things clearly. 】

[The body may also suddenly feel sleepy for no reason at times. 】

[So, you want to travel to distant places while your body is still able to move freely...]

[You are still the driver, taking the wives on a trip. 】

[You set off from Tokyo and first went to Kumamoto Prefecture, where Kumamoto Castle is located. There, you took your wives to taste horse meat hot pot. 】

[According to the store, the store also has a batch of high-quality horse meat for sashimi. You and your wives have declined the store owner’s offer. 】

[Because horse meat sashimi is something that not only you, but even the native Japanese like them are not able to accept. 】

[You have lived in Kumamoto Prefecture for a long time because Nango Chishu wanted to take more photos and send some specialties back to your daughters. 】

[You granted her request and spent the entire spring in Kumamoto Prefecture. 】

[When the summer cicada made its first chirp, you drove out of Kumamoto Prefecture and headed towards the next location, Okayama Prefecture. 】

[This city located in the southwest corner of Japan is dotted with a large number of hot spring attractions, and the hot spring eggs here seem to be one of the best. 】

[You and your wife first went to the hotel you ordered and soaked in the hot springs to wash away your fatigue. 】

[Then, on the recommendation of the local store manager, I made a special trip to the nearby famous Meixing Observatory. 】

[When night falls, the pale yellow sky and the starry sky that have been stained with dark colors form a dreamlike and blurred dividing line. 】

[You standing here are in the 'night', but looking from a distance, the distant skyline is still in the 'day'. 】

[The boundaries between white and dark are blurred. You sit under the starry sky, barbecue and enjoy the beautiful scenery. 】

[The only drawback is that there are too many mosquitoes near Meixing Observatory at night. Coupled with their phototactic properties, your wives will feed on them in just one night. 】

[The strange thing is that the mosquitoes only seem to bite them, but have no interest in you. You spend the night comfortably, but the next day you are chased and scolded by your wives. 】

[In this place, you have admired the starry sky for a long time, and sent your daughters many photos of barbecues and stars. 】

[This makes my daughters who cannot escape from their careers extremely envious. 】

[On the line, they even said that they would leave their current jobs and accompany you on the trip. 】

[But of course this is just a joke. 】

[They know that this is your unique time. 】

[Even if they are your daughters, they cannot deprive you of the time and freedom that only belongs to you...]

[You originally wanted to enjoy the night view for a few days and then drove away. 】

[But the vehicle broke down just halfway through the journey. As a result, you have no choice but to take a temporary rest. 】

[The days continue...]

[After the vehicle was repaired, you went to many places one after another. 】

[Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Nara Ancient Castle, Hamanoura's fireworks, Kagoshima Prefecture's Yurihama...]

[For a while, you even had the idea of ​​going abroad. 】

[But since your passport is still at home and not taken with you, you have no choice but to give up this idea. 】

[Finally, you, who have already enjoyed countless beautiful views, parked the car on an unknown straight path. 】

[The front of my eyes stretches forward, as if to connect to the wilderness on the other side of the sky. 】

[You sat down and watched the sunset slowly set. 】

[Feeling the breath that is not hot...]

"It's so beautiful..."

Leaning her head gently on Nanxiang Shi's arms, Nanxiang Hongxia stared at the setting sun with her eyes.

Although the setting sun feels very sad.

But I don’t know why, but it also has an indescribable sense of beauty.

The other wives didn't speak either.

They just held their breath.

Staring at the distant wilderness.

Watching the ray of setting sun slowly sinking into the black outline of the wilderness.

At this time, a voice seemed to come from a distance.

A sound that they couldn't explain.

The voice seemed to say 'They are no longer young'.


"So what if I'm no longer young?"

Gently push the dark blue hair around your ears.

Nanxiang Ryo sat next to Nanxiang Shi.

She had always been expressionless, elegant and lazy, but now her face was full of tenderness.

"It's really interesting to be able to spend this whole period of my life with Shi... and everyone."

she muttered.

"It's like an adventure."

Nango Rio also sat down, with a demure smile on his face: "Unlike the laws of physics, every day is like a brand new day..."

"I-it doesn't matter even if I get older. As long as I'm with Ah Shi and everyone else."

Nanxiang Yili from the side also hurriedly added: "I'm very happy too."

"Okay, Ichiri-chan, no one said you were unhappy. It's true - you are still a little reckless at such an old age."

Nango Ikuyo laughed slightly.

"Little Lonely is always this reckless."

Nanxiang Qian Shu laughed loudly from the side, and at the same time handed everyone energy drinks: "Let's replenish some energy, there is still a long way to go."

Her opening this way attracted the helpless gaze of Nango Takina on the other side.

She paid for these sports drinks, but in the end, Nanxiang Qian Shu used them as a favor.

But forget it.

There is no need to argue with her at this time.

"Oh...Speaking of such a beautiful sunset. If we could film a special photography drama...it would definitely be a beautiful shot, right?"

Nango Akane gestured to the viewfinder with her hand, muttering to herself with some regrets.

Although I haven’t filmed a tokusatsu drama for a long time, I can’t hide the nature hidden in my body.

Especially at her age.

It is natural to feel a little regretful when seeing some beautiful things pass away.

She spoke like this.

It was at this time that Nanxiang Sugar, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Next year... let's travel together again next year."

She held the energy drink bottle and looked at everyone present.

In the past, she only wanted to go out with Nanxiang Shi.

But now, she has a strong desire.

I want to travel with everyone here...one more time...everyone together...one more time.

As the last trip in life.

Her proposal was quickly approved by everyone.

Nan Xiangshi saw that they were almost done discussing it, so he smiled and raised the SLR camera in his hand and said:

"In that case, let's take one last photo together and then go home before the sunset has completely set."


No one refused Nanxiang Shi's proposal.

Everyone stood up under his guidance.

Then Nanxiang Shi reached out and started to set the photo options. After setting the automatic photo, he placed it on the prepared tripod.

"Come on, come on, Toki-kun! Is it almost time to shoot?!"

Seeing Nanxiang move slowly and slowly, Nanxiang Qianshu, who had always been lively, couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"I'm coming."

Nan Xiangshi laughed, and after fixing the tripod, he turned around and looked at his wives behind him.

Then, his eyes froze slightly.

With the setting sun behind me.

This is the moment when the boundary between light and dark is most blurred.

He seemed to see it.

The wives are as young and beautiful as they were in their youth.

Stand still.

Smiling sweetly at him...

[The photos were taken quickly. 】

[Because you have the habit of traveling far away over the years, your photography skills are impeccable. If you put this photo on the Internet, countless people will probably send you private messages asking where you took the photo. 】

[But of course you wouldn’t do that. 】

[After saving the photo, you drove the vehicle and embarked on the return journey with them. 】

[On the way back, they looked excited and everyone was discussing the details of the next trip in a low voice. 】

[It’s as if the next long trip will be this year. 】

[You couldn't help but smile, let them discuss, put on the music and headed home. 】

[They are so eager for the next trip. 】

【However, the trip that everyone took together could no longer come. 】

[Maybe it’s because I’ve been traveling for a long time, or maybe it’s because of the sudden heavy snowfall in winter. 】

[Your personal doctor tells you that the bodies of Nango Chishu and Nango Takina are not as good as before just because of the heavy snowfall. 】

[They can no longer withstand the fatigue of travel. 】

[And in order to take care of the two of them, you naturally cannot travel far. 】

[But even so, no one complained about it, they just laughed and teased Chishu and Takina on the hospital bed. 】

[The two of them were embarrassed and wanted you to leave them and go on a long trip, but they were rejected by everyone. 】

[Because if not everyone is together, then traveling far away becomes meaningless. 】

【Time passes slowly...】

[Soon, it wasn’t just Nango Chishu and Nango Takina. 】

[Nanxiang Yili and Nanxiang Liang also have some physical problems. 】

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