[Their energy is not as good as before. 】

[You understand, time is such a thing. 】

[It doesn’t need to do anything, it just needs to move backward slowly and steadily, and it will take everything away from you. 】

[You have tried to use your own methods to treat them, but the degradation of body functions is not a symptom of the body, and your methods have no effect. 】

[In the next two years, you will take care of Senshu, Takina, Ichisato and Ryo. 】

[Nango Hongxia and Nango Ikuyo, Nango Rio and Nango Akane's bodies are also not as good as before. 】

[Only you and Nanxiang Sugar are still in good health. 】

[Seeing that the condition of your wives is getting worse day by day, all you can do is stay with them, spend every day with them quietly, and give them all the happiness you can give. 】

[Wives are actually not afraid of death, and they even tease each other sometimes. 】

[They accompany each other and cling to each other, as if they can defeat the coming aging and death...]

[The young leaves of the trees in front of the window grow and wither. 】

[The flowers beside the bed changed one bunch after another. 】

[In just the blink of an eye, time came three years later. 】

[It seems to be in response to the previous words, or because they don’t want each other to be too lonely. 】

[Nango Chishu and Nango Takina passed away this year. Leaving them without illness or pain is the best comfort for the two girls. 】

[You kissed their aging faces, put on their final makeup, and buried them together. 】

[After Senshu and Takina left, Ichisato and Ryou followed...]

[Bass and guitar, the two partners may also play their own music in another world. 】

[What happens next will be a big blow to you and Nanxiang Sugar. 】

[In the spring of the following year, when the first cherry blossoms were blooming, Nango Hongxia and Nango Ikuyo passed away. 】

[Another day when red leaves dyed the mountains and forests, Nango Rio and Nango Akane passed away. 】

[In this moment when all things are dying, you watch your wives leave and see the happy but reluctant smiles on their faces when they are dying. You can only force your smile and smooth out the wrinkles of their clothes. . 】

[They who love cleanliness and tidiness definitely don’t want to see you shed tears on the edge of the bed. 】

[Nanxiang Sugar is with you, you are with Nanxiang Sugar. 】

[The originally huge room has now become empty. 】

[Even if your daughter often comes to visit you and comfort you, and I hope you don’t take it too seriously, you will still feel unspeakable loneliness. 】

[The large roving vehicle parked in the garage that has been modified by all of you... is now covered in dust. 】

[You and Nanxiang Sugar have no reason to activate it anymore. 】

[Time continues to move backwards...]

[About the sixth year, you suddenly felt some physical discomfort. 】

[This discomfort soon invades your whole body. 】

[As you lie on the hospital bed, you know that maybe this time it’s your turn to look for your wives. 】

[Looking at the tearful Nanxiang Sutang beside the bed, you just showed a gentle smile and stretched out your hand with difficulty to wipe away the tears on her face. 】

[You tell her, don’t feel sad, because meeting them in this life is your most beautiful memory. 】

[When you passed away, there was a smile on the corner of your mouth, and you also apologized to Nanxiang Sugar. 】

[Because in the end everyone left her alone. 】

[She must feel lonely...]

[However, that is no longer a problem for you to consider. 】

[Darkness comes slowly, and your consciousness also falls into sleep at this moment. 】

"This is really..."

In reality, Nanxiang Shi looked at the text on the simulated page and couldn't help but exhale.

Although it is just plain text.

But just looking at it, he could feel the heart-wrenching pain.

Watching all the wives go...

Just thinking about it, you know how painful it is, right?

Not to mention that Nanxiang sugar was left behind in the end.

This is even more uncomfortable.

Nanxiang sighed deeply.

Lifespan theory was his least favorite thing.

But it was something he had to face.

Human life is too short.

So short-lived that even their dreams of traveling again seemed unattainable.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

He is going to take a look at the system score and settlement situation this time.

But the moment his finger stretched out, it stopped.

Because he was surprised to find out.

The simulation before us doesn't end there.

Instead, it continues to evolve downwards according to the same rules.

"Something else happened?"

Nanxiang Shi was a bit incomprehensible.

The protagonist of his simulation is obviously dead.

What other stories can there be next?

He shook his head and could only continue to look down patiently.

Chapter 297. You They Love 8000 words, two in one

[After you passed away, Nanxiang Sugar cried loudly. 】

[She knew that so many people who were willing to care and love her had all passed away without knowing it. 】

[She was left alone in the world. 】

[Like a ghost, I can no longer hear your voice or talk to you. 】

[Countless difficulties and tribulations could not knock her down, but this time she clearly felt an inexplicable sense of powerlessness. 】

[This feeling of powerlessness is like moving forward across countless kilometers of wilderness, and she is like a traveler walking on this wilderness. 】

[You are on the other side of the wilderness, and she is on this side of the wilderness. A high wall called death stands in front of you. It is intangible and invisible, but it gives her such a clear feeling. 】

[Unable to speak, unable to communicate, all that is left is a black and lonely atmosphere. 】

[It is a very cruel thing for a person to stay in this world, and what is even more cruel is that she has the courage and reason to face it all. 】

[In addition to you, there are also your daughters... They have always been by her side. 】

[She can only apologize to you for this. 】

[She can no longer reach your world so quickly and smoothly. 】

[After you passed away, Nanxiang Sugar and your daughters prepared a grand funeral for you. 】

[At the funeral ceremony, all nine of your daughters took time to attend. 】

"I'm sorry to hear this news."

Guests coming and going apologized to the Nanxiang daughters, who were wearing black mourning clothes.

He must be a friend from Nanxiang, he is also very old.

He kept talking about what kind of person Nanxiang Shi was and how regrettable his death was.

The daughters of the Nanxiang family did not shed any tears.

They just maintained basic courtesy and smiles to greet everyone who came to express their condolences.


"Second sister...I really can't bear it anymore."

Nango Mirai looked at Nango Yuuna with red eyes.

She just couldn't hold back the sadness in her heart.

Tears seemed to fall down the next moment.


As the second sister, Nango Yuna scolded in a low voice.

She looked at Nanxiang Mirai and remained calm in her voice: "Have you forgotten what father said to us?"

When speaking, her eyes were firm: "No matter what, you must not show your weakness in front of outsiders."


This is what their father always told them.

If he passes away one day.

He hoped that the daughters of the Nanxiang family would not feel sad for him.

No matter what, don't show your weak side in front of outsiders.

Because of that time.

The mothers who are still in this world still need their care...

"But...but...I really can't bear it anymore."

His eyes were red.

"Stupid, idiot! Why are you crying?"

Nango Yuuna, who had always had a tense face, saw Nango Mirai lowering her head and crying in front of her, and her original voice also trembled.

Hoarse and powerful.

"Idiot! Because you cried! That's why I'm crying now!"

Nango Yuna finally couldn't bear it anymore.

It's like laughter is contagious.

The same goes for crying.

Not to mention that the sisters he spent time with all day long cried.

Nango Yuuna felt even more sympathetic.

While she was cursing Nanxiang Future for being a fool, she was crying uncontrollably.

But as she said this, the tears on her delicate face began to flow unbridled.

It’s not just Nango Yuna.

The eldest sisters Nango Notake and Nango Shio, as well as Nango Nahiro and Nango Harutoki who had just returned, could no longer hold back their emotions.

Cries sounded at this moment.

Until then.

After breaking through the pretense of being strong, they truly realized it.

His father has passed away.

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