Very cold.

Almost to the point where the body can feel the cooling down.

If it is usual.

Nanxiang Shi will probably take advantage of this rare holiday to lie down in bed and sleep comfortably.

But today is different.

Nanxiang Shi let out a breath of white air and opened the wardrobe.

Even though it was snowing, he didn't change his mind.

After simply washing up and changing into clothes for going out, Nanxiang Shi looked up.

It's almost the end of the year.

Ocha High School only has one final exam next week before it officially enters the winter break.

Booking winter vacation in Nanxiang is actually very simple.

I just went back to my hometown from Tokyo to visit my two sisters and mother.

After all, I have been staying in Tokyo this whole year without going home.

Now that I finally have some free time, why not go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year and look forward to the various situations in the New Year.

With this thought in his mind, Nanxiang Shi took a step forward.

There were neither too many nor too few pedestrians on the streets.

The tiny snowflakes fell to the ground and melted instantly.

Nanxiang Shi's feet made a squeaking sound on the ground as he continued to grope forward.

The entrance to Shimokitazawa Station has an awning to protect you from the snow.

Nanxiang did not show off and simply got under the awning.

Take out your phone and take a look at the time on it.

It is now eight fifty, ten minutes away from the agreed nine o'clock.

Nan Xiangshi rubbed his hands and looked up at his surroundings.

In the world composed of small white snowflakes, he did not see the girl's conspicuous red hair.

Could it be that he really isn’t coming?

Nanxiang Shi let out a breath of hot air and thought in his heart.

Although in his imagination, Kita Ikuyo was not the type of girl who could watch him suffer from the snow and cold.

But everything has a surprise.

What if Kita Ikuyo can't make it?

"Don't worry about it so much."

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

Because it doesn’t matter whether Kita or Ikuyo comes.

He planned to wait for each other here.

After all, he had already spoken to Kita Ikuyo before.

‘Whether he comes or not, he will always be here waiting. ’

This is a commitment.

And since it was his promise.

Of course he must abide by this agreement.

Even if you wait for someone to freeze in the winter, this kind of behavior is really crazy.

He began to move his body slightly.

At the same time, look at the time on your phone from time to time.

Ten minutes is not far.

Nanxiang Shi only moved his body a little, and it was already the agreed nine o'clock.

He looked up again.

Still didn't notice the conspicuous red hair.

In this case...

Then keep waiting.

Nan Xiangshi didn't care at all and continued to rub his palms together, exhaling heat.

The agreed nine o'clock passed quickly.

Then it's nine ten.


At the station in Shimokitazawa, pedestrians come and go.

And it was among the busy pedestrians coming and going.

When Nanxiang arrived, he still couldn't see the red-haired figure.

Could it be that Miss Kita has really changed her gender? Are you really not coming to see yourself?

Nanxiang Shi held his chin and thought again.

But just thinking is useless.

Like tiny white snowflakes in front of you.

If there is a girl by your side to watch together, then the cold wind and the chilly snow flakes can become romantic things.

But without the company of girls, these so-called romantic things are just abominations that add to the coldness of winter.

Nanxiang breathed out another breath.

He didn't back down.

Instead, he continued to stand there and wait.

Regardless of whether it comes from the understanding of Kita Ikuyo in the simulation.

You are still responsible for what you promised.

He felt that he should wait.

The already cold palms rubbed again.

There was no deviation in his steps.

Just when Nanxiang turned his attention to time again——

"Senior Nanxiang!"

The sound came out.

Nanxiang raised his head subconsciously.


He then saw the most beautiful thing in this first snow.

That was a young girl.

The girl's cheeks were rosy, with a slightly reproachful look on her face.

The palms are wrapped in pink gloves.

She also looks particularly cute wearing white earmuffs.

But what caught Nanxiang Shi’s attention the most.

Sure enough, he still has the same red hair.

Like a burning bonfire in winter, red hair makes people subconsciously want to get close to her.


In a cafe decorated with light brown wood on the corner of the street.

"It's hard to believe! It's hard to believe! Could it be that Nango-senpai is an idiot?!"

While making an incredible sound, Kita Ikuyo hurriedly wrapped his hands around Nango's palms, which were red from the cold, and complained.


Could it be that Nanxiang was a fool?

Actually waiting for myself in this kind of weather.

"Doesn't Senior Nanxiang care about his body at all?"

After issuing such a reproach, Kita Ikuyo looked at Nango angrily.

"I don't think Yudai is qualified to speak against me, right?"

Nanxiang laughed and held Kita Ikuyo's palm, which was also red from the cold, with his backhand.

This red-haired girl is just like him, and may even arrive at the scene earlier than him.

Her palms are also cold, and if you look closely, you will find that the shoulders of the brown coat also have some traces of water stains after the white fine snow melted.


It seemed that he was aware that he had been exposed.

Kita Ikuyo's pretty face turned red instantly: "I, I'm just worried about Nango-senpai!"

She turned her face away.


Look at Kita Ikuyo's appearance.

Nan Xiangshi showed a slight smile: "Then I really want to thank Yudai for caring, but besides this matter, there is one more thing I want to ask Yudai."

"And one more thing?"

Listening to Nanxiang Shi's words, Kita Ikuyo turned his head and tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, there is another very important thing."

Nan Xiangshi nodded: "As promised, where are Ikudai's friends?"


As soon as the words were spoken.

Kita Ikuyo, who had been full of anger just now and wanted to blame Nango, suddenly stopped.

When she wanted to tell Nanxiang, she was called over by a friend to tell him not to wait any longer.

But as soon as the words came to his lips, Kita Ikuyo actually understood.

There was definitely no way to hide this little lie from Nan Xiangshi.


It was obvious that Nan Xiang already knew that her 'friend' was a fictional character that did not exist at all, yet he still kept teasing her about this character...

This man!

It's so mean-spirited!

After all, why did I want to persuade him to avoid the snow?

Wouldn't it be enough to just let him die in the cold?

Kita Ikuyo covered his head, feeling that he was such an idiot.

But with her character, she wouldn't be able to say such a thing.

He could only look at Nanxiang Shi with a soft and tender look with those pale golden eyes.

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