That look was actually equivalent to her expressing her stance.

Her so-called 'friends' are actually just lies.

It has been fully reflected in such eyes.

Kita Ikuyo originally thought that if she surrendered in this way, Nanxiang would understand her and would no longer pursue her for lying.


"Rather than communicating with eyes, I actually want to hear you say it yourself, Ikudai."

No concessions.

Nanxiang Shi sat up instead and leaned over.

So close, so close, so close, so close!

Feeling the proximity of Nanxiang.

Kita Ikuyo's heart, which was already in a state of subdued state, began to beat rapidly.

As a band member who has always paid attention to makeup and appearance, she is naturally very aware of the charm of the black-haired young man in front of her.

The other party's regular facial features were vaguely profound under the reflection of the light. Due to the accumulation of reading books over time, they had developed an indescribable sense of intelligence.

From her angle, she could see the collarbone under the collar of the coat, and the shapely white wrists exposed when the cuffs were lifted——

good! looks great!

Whether it is his masculine or intellectual and elegant temperament, he is completely in Kita Ikuyo's strike zone.

The key was the deliberately teasing smile in his eyes when he looked over.

This made Ikuyo Kita lose the ability to resist in an instant, and the world seemed to have lost its sense of mystery at this moment.

to be honest.

She is also a girl, and she also likes to see handsome boys and beautiful girls.

And Nanxiang Shi happened to be the type she liked.

This moment.

She had the urge to show off "this is my boyfriend" to the women in the cafe next to her who were also stunned.

No, no, no.

clam down! Calm down Ikuyo Kita!

Think about it carefully.

Nanxiang-senpai is forcing you to answer.

This kind of boy who semi-forces girls is very dangerous!

You can't be fooled by him!

She thought this in her heart, but still turned her head to the side in embarrassment: "My... that... friend is lying."


This attitude is really too weak!

Just open your mouth.

The villain in Kita Ikuyo's mind had already covered his head and was regretting his weak attitude when facing Nango.

Isn't this a plan to completely let the other party bully you?

Fortunately, Nanxiang was not as bad as she imagined.

After the other party heard her answer, he smiled with satisfaction, nodded, and sat back in his seat.


He breathed out subconsciously.

Kita Ikuyo thinks.

It would be better for boys like Nanxiang Shi not to engage in such sudden attacks.

Because no matter how you look at it, it's really unkind to her heart.

She lowered her head and took a sip of coffee. At this moment, she tried her best to pretend as if nothing had happened.

But she hadn't finished her disguise yet.

Over there, Nanxiang Shi spoke thoughtfully again.

"Speaking of which, Ikudai actually likes me, right?"


Kita Ikuyo made a surprised sound again.

She had lost count of how many such sounds she made throughout the day.

But the Nanxiang in front of her forced her to make this sound again.

She coughed several times in a row, and then she heard Nan Xiang in front of her, raised her head, and asked her with a smile: "It's not difficult to know from Yu Dai's words, right? Your so-called 'friend' is actually yourself... So it follows that Yu Dai You like me... There’s nothing wrong with this conclusion, right?”

"...It's true..."

Even Kita Ikuyo couldn't deny Nango Toki's words at this moment.

Mainly there is no use in denying it.

Because this matter is completely her fault. She dug a hole for herself with lies and then buried herself in it.

Her eyes looked at Nan Xiang with some anxiety.

The other person now knows that he likes him.

According to his always evil attitude...

I don't know how I will treat her next...

Chapter 303. A girl’s love heart 4200 words

"Senior Nanxiang, did you expect that I would come directly because I care about you today?"

Taking the red bean soup handed over by Nango Shi to warm her body, Kita Ikuyo looked curiously at Nanxiang Shi who was walking forward with her.

She was indeed curious.

Because when Nanxiang was waiting before, he didn't hesitate at all whether he should leave, but just stood there as always.

And this is what poked at the heart of Kita Ikuyo, who was hiding in the dark and observing secretly.

"It was indeed expected."

Nango Toki in front of him did not deny Kita Ikuyo's statement, and then he spoke again: "But I can't say that I think you will definitely come..."


Although I had some expectations for Kita Ikuyo’s character.

And I thought she would come over for the appointment.

But that's just a 'feeling'.

If there is anything more unpredictable in the world than the weather.

Then it can only be the girl's changeable mind.

Even Nanxiang Shi couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't freeze in vain today.

"There was clearly no guarantee of victory, yet in the end he still stood there stupidly. As expected, Senior Nanxiang is indeed an idiot."

Kita Ikuyo blinked his pale golden eyes at Nanxiang and showed a cute and cute smile.

The relationship between the two has basically been made clear.

And Kita Ikuyo, who is already cheerful and enthusiastic, is not the kind of character who always dwells on what has happened.

So at this time, she looked away instead.

She pulled Nanxiang to a nearby convenience store.

"Please give me this and this."

Ikuyo Kita took out two transparent disposable umbrellas from the umbrella box by the door and spoke to the clerk.

She planned to take Nango to Inokashira Park, a good snow viewing spot in Tokyo.

I heard that winter comes in that place.

The branches will be covered with silver frost.

The clear lake water will also turn into the color of the sky.

Snow flakes fell one after another.

The two of them leaned together again, holding hot drinks and watching the snow flakes fall...

This kind of thing is so romantic.

With this thought.

Without hesitation, she purchased a clear disposable umbrella to protect herself from the snow.


"Two umbrellas?"

Behind her, Nanxiang frowned when he saw her movements, and took the initiative to say: "I think one umbrella is enough, and the quality of this umbrella is not good at first glance, so there is no need to spend money to buy two umbrellas."

"No one will be fooled by Senior Nanxiang."

Kita Ikuyo tilted his head.

As someone who has been in contact with Nanxiang Shi for so long, how could she not understand Nanxiang Shi's thoughts.

This young man must have wanted to secretly do bad things to her while holding an umbrella with her.

She's not stupid.

How could he be fooled by Nanxiang Shi so easily?

She said so.

I bought two umbrellas without hesitation, and then, under Nanxiang's watchful eyes, handed the umbrella to him and said with great interest: "Let's go, let's go. Let's go! Senior Nanxiang!"

It seemed that the red-haired girl was indeed very interested in the so-called snow viewing spot.

At this moment, he even urged Nanxiang Shi to come.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head. He had no choice but to take the disposable transparent umbrella.

And when he saw the other person, he finally took the umbrella.

Kita Ikuyo no longer hesitated, excitedly skipping away in front of Nanxiang holding an umbrella.

The red hair danced up and down in time with her movements.

Like an elf dancing in the snowy night.

Kita Yuyo was indeed happy.

Because in a sense, this was her first date with Nan Xiangshi.

At this moment, she even had the urge to take a photo with Nanxiang Shi and upload it to SNS.

But after all, this is just an idea of ​​my own.

After all, apart from her, all the members of the band also liked Nanxiang Shi.

Upload photos of her and Nanxiang on the SNS network platform.

This was simply reckless behavior that ended several of the band's mates.


Not uploading photos does not mean that she cannot take photos with Nanxiang Shi.

Interest came.

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