My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1000 Dream World

However, Lan Ruo did not take Chen Fan out of the Ziyue Secret Realm, but came to an empty hall inside the Ziyue Secret Realm.

Stepping into the empty hall, a magnificent and majestic jade platform appeared in front of Chen Fan.

"This is……"

There are complicated and mysterious lines outlined on the jade platform, and there is also a strong aura exuding from it.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

Lan Ruo smiled and said: "This is a long-distance space teleportation formation, which can be teleported to other places where the space formation is also set up..."

Chen Fan nodded, and then said with a subtle expression: "With this thing... can we go straight to the Western Regions?"

There is something similar in Dagan, but in Dagan domestic teleportation, it can be teleported for tens of thousands of miles. Although it is already very powerful, it is still a bit far away compared to the distance between domains.

Lan Ruo nodded: "Not only the Western Regions, but also all parts of the mainland, and even the Chaos Sea, as long as there is a Unicom Array, they can all be reached."

Chen Fan frowned.

I am also amazed in my heart.

The continents are millions of miles away, even if Chen Fan uses Shrink the Land to Inch, it will take hundreds of times to move over.

Not to mention, some special different spaces, such as strange lands such as Nanyunmo and Chaos Sea, may affect the effect of teleportation, but it may be more difficult to reach.

Lan Ruo waved her hand slightly, and pieces of crystals exuding strong power flew out of her sleeves, and then spread to various positions in the formation.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling spiritual light stirred up.

"let's go!"

Chen Fan followed Lan Ruo into the formation.

Soon, he felt a surge of turbulent space power.

The stars were changing in front of him, and in just an instant, Chen Fan found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

I am standing on another simple and mysterious teleportation formation.

The surrounding environment is extremely dilapidated.

"here it is……"

Lan Ruo raised her brows slightly, and explained: "We have already arrived in the Western Regions, and there used to be a sect that had a good relationship with the Ziyue Sect, but this sect was destroyed two or three epochs ago..."

Chen Fan nodded.

Even the demon king and the immortal may die in the catastrophe. After two or three eras, after such a long time, anything can happen.

"let's go!"

The two left the almost ruined ruins and headed west.

There are nine domains in the world, and each domain is different.

Culture, inheritance, way of life, and so on.

The architectural style of the Western Regions is also very different from that of the Central Regions and Southern Regions.

The environment here is also quite harsh.

There is yellow sand all over the sky and wasteland everywhere.

It is worth mentioning that the Western Regions are also connected to the Yaoyu, one of the Nine Wonderful Lands.

Chen Fan once had an agreement with Liuerhou.

It has left a treasure house in the demon domain, and there are many resources and treasures in that treasure house.

At the price of the location of the treasure house, Liu Erhou asked Chen Fan to help protect his adopted son, and even hoped that Chen Fan would accept his adopted son as his apprentice.

At that time, Chen Fan was in the sea of ​​chaos, and the distance was too far, so he naturally didn't have time to deal with this matter. But this time he came to the mainland, even if Lan Ruo didn't bring her here, he still planned to go to the demon realm.

This is just right.

Even with Chen Fan's financial resources at this time, he is unwilling to miss the lifelong possession of a master of feudal marquis.

The Monster Realm is certainly dangerous, but it is far inferior to the Chaos Sea. With Chen Fan's current strength, he has enough confidence.


Two hours later.

The two finally reached their destination.

In front of him is a hideous cliff and cliff.

Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness swept through, but he didn't find anything.

There is not even a single bit of power and so on.

He turned to look at Lan Ruo.

Lan Ruo's eyes shone with silver light, and they converged into a special spell.

Then the sky flashed like water ripples, and a pulling force came.

"Don't resist." Lan Ruo reminded.

Chen Fan nodded, and then disappeared with the force of traction.


Between the stars and the stars.

However, Chen Fan found himself in a special space full of flowers and plants, with extremely bright colors.

And among the flowers and plants, a large amount of turbulent force filled the air.

"With such an exaggerated power, how can these flowers and plants survive?"

Chen Fan felt strange in his heart, but he decisively summoned the source beads and covered himself and Lan Ruo beside him.

Lan Ruo smiled and nodded at him, then looked up into the distance with a delicate expression on her face.

"follow me."

The two walked away one after the other.

The whole world seems to be in a painting. It is obviously full of evil forces everywhere, but it also gives people a strong feeling of vitality.

This sense of ambivalence runs through the entire world.

"Where is this place?" After walking with Lan Ruo for a long time, Chen Fan couldn't help asking, but there were still similar scenes around.

Lan Ruo saw through Chen Fan's doubts, and explained: "This is the mind world of Zhou Guang, who I used to be. These flowers and plants are not real things, so naturally they will not be affected by evil forces."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

Following Lan Ruo, Chen Fan soon saw a silver-white building with a strange shape standing among the flowers and plants not far away.

The reason why Chen Fan thought it was a building was because Chen Fan saw a door in it.

What surprised Chen Fan was that although they looked quite close, the two of them walked for quite a long time but did not arrive, and the distance did not even appear to be much closer.

If Lan Ruo hadn't been approaching the silver building, Chen Fan must have suspected that he had fallen into an illusion.

"About to arrive!"

While walking, Lan Ruo suddenly stopped and looked back at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's expression was extremely subtle.

In his view, the distance between himself and the building has not changed at all...

Lan Ruo said: "The follow-up force will be slightly exaggerated, but you should be able to stop it... If there is any discomfort or special, please let me know."

Chen Fan nodded.

"let's go."

The two moved on.

Sure enough, as Lan Ruo said, Chen Fan clearly felt that he was approaching the silver building this time.

And as it gets closer.

The originally seemingly small building has become very large.

This is not a simple visual principle of near big and far small, but when it is really close, the building becomes bigger!

In the distance, the entire building may be only a few hundred feet tall. Although it is not small, it is nothing to a master of Chen Fan's level.

But when it got closer, it was so tall that the naked eye couldn't see its top, and the opening of the black door became hundreds of feet tall and magnificent.

And as he got closer to this building, Chen Fan could also feel more turbulent forces coming...

Of course, these forces were probably the same as Lei Xiangshan's. Although they were exaggerated, Chen Fan could easily resist them.

He was still at the second level of longevity and could easily resist it, let alone now at the fourth level of longevity.

For Chen Fan, frenziedly refining his power could even help him improve his cultivation.

It's just that he has just broken through the fourth level of longevity, and there is still a long way to go before consummation.

The structure inside the building is also very wonderful.

All the way flat.

But there are colorful and dreamy lights everywhere, like a dream.

But apart from these phantom lights and the ubiquitous turbulent force, there is nothing else here.

All of a sudden, Lan Ruo stopped Chen Fan: "It's here. Please wait here, Chen Fan..."

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