My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1001 The Core of Cosmic Light


Chen Fan nodded, but his expression was somewhat subtle.

Look around.

Is there anything special around?

not at all.

He didn't see any difference between here and other places at all...

Nothing architectural or special about it.

Except for the dreamlike streamer, there is only power.

In fact, the evil force here is no stronger than that outside.

For Chen Fan, it is not too exaggerated.

Lan Ruo nodded, but sat down directly on the ground, and then clapped her hands to the ground that shone with dreamlike light, as if she was sensing and summoning something.

Chen Fan frowned, but he silently urged Yuanzhu to guard him.

With the improvement of Chen Fan's cultivation base, the power that the source pearl can carry is also increasing. At this time, the source energy contained in the source pearl is still very much, enough for Chen Fan to stay here for ten or eight years.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Fan continued to refine his energy to improve his cultivation.

Practicing here is faster than in the Tenth Pagoda Realm.

Of course, purely improving the progress of cultivation base is of little significance to Chen Fan.

to this level.

The improvement of Dao is far more important than the improvement of cultivation itself.

About two months have passed.

Chen Fan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes became slightly dignified.

He suddenly sensed that the concentration of surrounding forces increased again.

He turned his head to look at Lan Ruo, but found that the girl was also frowning at this time, and beads of sweat were oozing from her head.

For the four masters of longevity, sweating is an extremely outrageous thing!

Noticing Chen Fan's gaze, Lan Ruo also nodded solemnly at him: "The most critical time is coming, you should be ready..."

She didn't say much.

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

In fact, although the concentration of the evil force has increased, Chen Fan can still easily resist it. Even if it is not for fear of Lan Ruo, Chen Fan does not need to use the power of the source pearl at all. "Origin Technique" is enough to resist the force here.

After Lan Ruo reminded, the concentration of the surrounding forces continued to rise, and Chen Fan's refining speed continued to accelerate.

It took another half a month before the power concentration reached its peak.

Until then, Chen Fan felt some pressure.

But Lan Ruo's eyes flickered, she raised her hand suddenly, and let out a long breath.

And as the person raised his hands, the surrounding turbulent forces jumped.

Then a bead shining with dazzling light rises from the earth, black air surrounds it, and a strong force surges within it.

"Chen Fan, the last step is to ask you to help get rid of the evil force!"

Lan Ruo turned to look at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also nodded decisively, but licked his lips and walked forward.

If he had just been promoted to Changsheng, it would have been difficult to block such a raging force, but now, it is quite easy.

For him, something that contains such a strong force is also the key to the accumulation of his own cultivation.

This thing is more effective than any elixir.


It took Chen Fan another two months to refine the evil force on the bead.

In fact, if Chen Fan hadn't used the power of the source beads for his own cultivation, he would have been able to refine the power a lot earlier.

However, after refining, he himself has just reached the fourth level of longevity, but his cultivation progress has directly increased by half!

If it is left outside, even in the Ten Realms Pagoda, it will take Chen Fan at least 20 years to accumulate such a fast cultivation base without taking pills!

"It's done." After removing the evil force, Chen Fan turned to look at Lan Ruo.

Lan Ruo also had a happy expression on her face, and then raised her plain hand, and the bead flew straight towards Lan Ruo as if she had sensed something.

But in the blink of an eye, it merged into her palm.

Chen Fan just watched this scene silently.

But he didn't even ask what the bead is or what it does.

As the bead melted into Lan Ruo's body, Lan Ruo showed joy, but at this moment, Chen Fan felt a special change in him.

This change was very subtle, but even Chen Fan couldn't tell, but he could feel that he was different from before.

Lan Ruo turned around with a smile, waved her hand gently, and an irregular cyan crystal nucleus floated up, slowly drifting towards Chen Fan:

"You come with me, and I won't let you suffer..."

At the beginning, Lan Ruo said that if Chen Fan helped her, he would also give Chen Fan a chance.

This special crystal nucleus has always been the benefit provided by Lan Ruo.

Not to mention Lan Ruo's strength at this time, her past identity can be guaranteed, and the treasures provided by her are absolutely extraordinary!

"Thank you, Miss Lan Ruo." Chen Fan took the crystal nucleus without politeness, then looked at the thing carefully, and asked curiously:

"What is this?"

Lan Ruo smiled:

"This thing is part of the original core of the Zhouguang Demon God, but I modified it a little bit and refined it into a special can call it the core of the Zhouguang Demon God."

Chen Fan nodded: "Cosmic Light Core, what is the function of this thing?"

Inside the cyan crystal nucleus, black vortices flow, as if containing a miniature black hole.

Lan Ruo said: "The effect of this thing is very simple. As long as you supply energy, it can generate a special enchantment covering your body. This enchantment can slow down the flow of time..."

Chen Fan was still curious, but when he heard Lan Ruo's words, his eyes flickered: "Can you change the speed of time?"

Chen Fan was not particularly surprised by this thing because he had heard from Fu Ling that the practice of "Zhou Guang" had a certain relationship with time, but he was very happy in his heart!

What makes this thing stronger than ordinary time secret realms is that it is a special barrier formed around Chen Fan's body, which also means that Chen Fan can take this "Cosmic Light Core" and enter some special practice secret realms!

This is what is really important and crucial to Chen Fan!

His eyes flickered:

"I don't know how many times the flow of time can be slowed down by this thing?"

Lan Ruo said: "The core of Zhouguang can slow down the flow of time by a maximum of a thousand times, but the greater the time slowing down, the greater the burden on the body and the greater the consumption."

"Even ordinary demon kings can't really slow down time by a thousand times...and demon kings or immortals below, even some king masters who are good at physique, can slow down time amazingly Up to twenty or thirty times..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

The effect of this cosmic light core is too powerful.

Of course, if you don't have enough talent, it doesn't make much sense to just pile up time.

How many people have lived for several epochs, hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, and they may only be five or six stages of ordinary longevity.

But for Chen Fan who has the talent of hanging up the phone, the significance of this thing is too great.

If Chen Fan wants to improve his way of swordsmanship, it is actually quite simple, that is to learn enough and advanced enough swordsmanship, or to see more swordsmanship.

There is an on-hook slot, as long as there is enough time and enough understanding of the Dao, it can progress.

Although Chen Fan did not dare to say, his physique must be stronger than that of some kings who are good at body training.

But that kind of existence can slow down the flow of time by 20 to 30 times, so it's not a problem to slow down by 10 times, right?

For him, ten times the time delay is already strong enough.

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