My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1014 Give the elixir!

Zhongyu, Yuan Shenzhou.

The streamer pierced the sky.

Between flashes of inspiration.

A butterfly stopped before Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

"It's back again."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and put away Xiaodie, and floated into the sword sect again.

Because the avatar sits in the central domain, it has been in contact with the deity.

Therefore, Chen Fan couldn't understand the matter of Jianzong in Zhongyu.

But he went back to his own cave first, summoned Master Yuanli and servants from Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, and let them stay in Jianzong's cave.

Then he also went straight to Jiange.


In the secret room of Chen Tianqian's meditation.

"Why are you looking for me again, kid?"

Most people would not dare to disturb Chen Tianqian's meditation, unless it was related to the sect's major affairs, he would not care about other people, even disciples of the longevity class looking for him.

"Naturally, it's a big deal..." Chen Fan didn't hesitate, he flipped his hands over and took out a gourd.

This gourd is exactly the gourd refined by Zijinxian.

He opened the gourd plug, and with a thought, a pill flew out of it.

This pill is quite big, even bigger than Chen Tianqian's head.

when it emerges.

Immediately, the sound of immortals curled up, white clouds rose, and the power of heaven and earth also rolled wildly.

"This is..." Chen Tiangan's eyes widened.

Chen Fan immediately put away the pill for the time being.

Chen Fan didn't hide it: "This is an elixir, a healing elixir!"

This is exactly one of those five elixir.

It is also one of the two healing elixirs.

The elixir that has reached the elixir level is naturally extremely powerful, and it can even help the demon king and immortal recover from injuries, and it is more than enough to get rid of the remnants of the demon king's power.

Chen Tianqian couldn't help being startled when he heard the words: "Elixir?!"

Chen Wudao has a fourth-level cultivation of longevity, and has lived for thousands of years, but this is the first time he has seen an elixir.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "With this pill, the Patriarch will definitely be able to fully recover!"

The reason why he made a special trip back to Jianzong was to deliver the pill.

Jianzong treated him well. During the Meihui, in order to help Chen Fan with special training, the ancestor who was seriously injured and dying came to his senses from his deep sleep and paid a lot of money to help Chen Fan improve.

At that time, Chen Fan had already decided in his heart that he would help the ancestor recover when he had the opportunity.

Although his cultivation has improved a lot, the power of the source pearl is still not enough to help the ancestor recover from his injuries.

But with the elixir, everything is different.

Chen Tianqian also showed joy on his face, but he got up immediately: "I'll take you to see the ancestor—"

Before the two of them got up, they saw a figure flying across the streamer and flying in from outside.

"No need, I'm coming!"

With the help of Chen Fan some time ago, the ancestor of Jianzong temporarily suppressed the injury, but at this time he is not in a deep sleep.

"Master!" Chen Tianqian looked at him in surprise: "Chen Fan brought back the healing elixir, and there is hope for your injury to be eradicated, Master!"

The ancestor of Jianzong's eyes twinkled, and his expression was dignified:

"Chen Fan, quickly put away this pill!"

Chen Fan was taken aback, but he was also taken aback when he saw the solemn expression on the patriarch's face, and then he waved his hand and took the elixir into the Immortal Mansion.

The ancestor of Jianzong nodded:

"The elixir is extraordinary, the vision is too exaggerated, and the formation level of Jianzong is not enough to shield this kind of vision. Not only I will notice it, but the powerful masters around Yuan Shenzhou may also notice it!"

"If it's the fifth or sixth level of longevity, it's fine. Even if you notice the breath, it's okay to be here, but if Fenghou and Fengwang also notice it, then it will be troublesome!"

At this time, the number of masters is limited.

Not to mention other places, in Shenzhou of Yuan Dynasty, there are no demon kings or immortals, and there may be princes and kings, and I am afraid there will not be only one.

If such a master sensed the breath of the elixir and had malicious intentions, it would be no small matter.

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and his face froze.

It's okay to be a Marquis in general, he is confident that he can beat the enemy, but if he comes to be more than a King, then it will be in big trouble.

"With my current strength, it is impossible to win the title of king..."

With Bai Huangjia around, Chen Fan was not afraid of becoming king, but it was impossible for him to win the title.

He was all right by himself.

But such a huge sword sect is here, if a king master is summoned, it will be troublesome.

Chen Tianqian was also sweating coldly.

Chen Fan also said: "I didn't think about it."

He said, but put the elixir in the Immortal Mansion into a Sumeru Ring, then took out the Sumeru Ring, handed it to the Patriarch, and said:

"Patriarch, you take this pill, enter the world of mind, and refine this pill—"

The man shook his head:

"I can't take it! You keep this pill, but it can save your life at a critical moment!"

If it is said that the elixir that Chen Fan gave him before is considered precious to him, but the blood drink sword that he gave Chen Fan an eight-star Taoist weapon in return did not make Chen Fan suffer, but the elixir-level items, But it is too precious.

Chen Fan also shook his head: "Patriarch, don't worry about my safety, I have another elixir."

As he spoke, he put another elixir from the Immortal Refining Gourd into another Sumeru Precept, then took it out and handed it to the Patriarch.

"If you don't believe in the Patriarch, just poke your spiritual sense into it and check it out."

These two Sumeru rings are unowned items. With the cultivation of the ancestor of Jianzong, it is not difficult to penetrate into them with spiritual sense to see what is there.

The Patriarch was taken aback, his spiritual sense penetrated into the Sumeru Ring in Chen Fan's hand, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Among the two Sumeru rings in Chen Fan's hands, there is a healing elixir each!

"You, you have such luck..."

The ancestor of Jianzong was also surprised and stunned.

It's just that there was still hesitation on his face, and he shook his head:

"The extra elixir can be exchanged for other treasures and resources. With this elixir, it is even enough to exchange for a nine-star level Taoist weapon... My injuries can be temporarily suppressed, but using this level of elixir is still too much. wasted."

Chen Fan shook his head:

"Patriarch, don't worry about me. I don't lack Taoist artifacts and treasures. I vowed in my heart to help Patriarch recover... If I have the ability and don't do it, I will breed demons in my heart, which will affect my practice. .”

What he said was a bit exaggerated.

Although he was indeed determined to restore the patriarch, even if he failed to do so, it would not affect his own practice. He said this to force the patriarch to accept him.

"You...I..." The patriarch of Jianzong sighed, his face was both gratified and lamented: "Since I was injured, plus the time of sleeping, for nearly 20,000 years, I never wanted to take advantage of my Jianzong junior... ..."

Chen Fan waved his hand: "Master Ancestor helped me practice selflessly back then, and I should have been rewarded, so why not take advantage of it?"

The Patriarch of Jianzong took a deep look at Chen Fan, hesitant to speak, but it was only then that he took a Xumijie from Chen Fan's hand.

After receiving the Xumi Ring, his expression was extremely complicated, and there was also a touch of excitement on his face.

Then he turned to Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan, I won't say anything too polite. I will keep this matter in my heart."

Chen Fan also nodded with a smile, and clasped his fists together: "Patriarch, you are polite——"

The ancestor of Jianzong nodded, but with a thought, he suddenly disappeared in place amidst the dense space.

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, but he could sense the fluctuations in the space in front of him. He should have entered the world of mind!

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