My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1015 Bad Guest?

After getting the elixir, the patriarch directly entered his own mental world.

Although he evaded it many times, it seemed that the patriarch was quite anxious about his recovery from his injury.

The refining of elixir is naturally not an easy task.

However, the strength of the ancestor of Jianzong can be called quite strong, and his cultivation base is much higher than that of Chen Fan. Naturally, Chen Fan doesn't need to worry about him.

However, Chen Fan did not leave Jianzong in a hurry, but found another quiet room besides Chen Tianqian's quiet room. While meditating, he was protecting the patriarch at the same time.

The elixir is not an ordinary elixir, it is extremely precious, it is the top elixir that can help immortals recover from their injuries.

Although Chen Fan hadn't left the elixir outside for a long time, after all, the breath was leaked out, which might attract the attention of some powerful experts.

The patriarch hadn't completely refined the elixir, if someone came to Jianzong on the way and encountered an accident, Chen Tianqian alone would not be able to stop it!

In less than half a day, Chen Fan, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the quiet room, suddenly opened his eyes.

The brows couldn't help but twitch.

But he rushed out of the Jiange in an instant and looked into the distance.

At the same time, a flash of spiritual light surged from the other side, and it was Chen Tianqian who came in front of Chen Fan.

The man looked at Chen Fan in astonishment: "What's wrong? Chen Fan?"

At this time, Chen Fan's cultivation had reached the fourth level of longevity, and his spiritual consciousness had further reached the fifth level of immeasurable, but he was able to detect some abnormal things earlier than Chen Tianqian.

Chen Fan frowned: "Someone came to visit, I don't know if it's a coincidence, or..."

He shook his head and soared into the sky.

Chen Tianqian's expression froze and he followed closely behind.

The two left Jiange in a blink of an eye and came outside Jianzong.

"Which friend is visiting my Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, how about showing up?" Chen Tianqian's voice moved with the wind, resounding through the world.

Chen Fan stood beside Chen Tianqian, his eyes flickered, looking in a certain direction.

"Hey." With a chuckle, an old man with a crooked figure appeared in the void, his gaze swept across Chen Tianqian, and then gathered on Chen Fan again, his eyes and pupils fluttered slightly. condensate.

"Chen Fan is a genius... when did he come back from the Chaos Sea?"

The person recognized Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "You care about me?"

Although this old man's cultivation base is strong, but he is only at the fifth level of longevity, Chen Fan is naturally right.

The old man smiled indifferently, then cleared his throat:

"It's like this. I've been retreating in the surrounding area recently, but I accidentally noticed the breath of some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure. Coincidentally, it was pointing to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, so I came here to take a look... I don't have any malicious intentions. , Chen Fan is a genius, don't care..."

As he spoke, his eyes swept across the two of them, and he laughed dryly: "My servant, let's go now."

Chen Tianqian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, while Chen Fan frowned:

"You'd better not leave."

The old man's face changed slightly, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Chen Fangenius, what does this mean?"

Chen Fan showed a smile on his face: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you to stay in my Jianzong for a few more days."

The old man's eyes flashed, and his face showed displeasure: "Then there is no need, I have something to do next, so let's take a step first."

Chen Fan moved forward with one hand, and the Leng Feng Sword appeared in his hand.

"You can't go!"

The old man's complexion changed drastically, a ray of light rose from his body, and at the same time, his body suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the sky, but the speed was frighteningly fast!

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and the cold front sword in his hand suddenly slashed forward.


The surging sharp sword energy caught up to the old man in an instant.

The Xiaguang around his body was torn to pieces by Chen Fan's sword energy in the blink of an eye, and his body also fell heavily to the ground amidst the bloody light.

Chen Tianqian looked at this scene in astonishment: "Chen Fan, you..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and did not explain to Chen Tianqian, but rushed down and came to the old man in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the old man was half kneeling on the ground, his body was bloody and his breath was abnormally weak, but he was no longer as indifferent as before:

"Chen Fan, how dare you, I am a disciple of Luotianmen! If you dare to attack me, Luotianmen will not let you go!"

Luotianmen is one of the four holy sects in the Hidden World Sect.

It is also a top-level force that has masters of the immortal series on the surface.

Of course, Chen Fan believed that among the Hidden World Sects, there would not be only these four forces with immortals in charge, but being able to be listed among the Four Great Sacred Sects, this Luotian Sect should not be underestimated.

Unlike the special forces like the Holy Church, they don't care about the disciple's life or death at all. Even if they die, the Holy Church officials will basically not specifically avenge the disciple.

But Zongmen is different.

Many sects are similar to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, they are very defensive, if you dare to kill my disciples, I will shoot the masters in the sect to kill you.

Chen Tianqian, who was floating in the sky, also had a serious expression when he heard the words.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a faint smile: "I just want to invite you to come to my Jianzong as a guest, and I have no malicious intentions—"

As he spoke, he also went straight forward, grabbed the old man by the collar, and lifted him up.

"Chen Fan! How dare you—"

The old man was naturally very angry, but facing Chen Fan, his strength was too weak, and he couldn't resist at all, but he was forcibly "invited" into the Sword Sect by Chen Fan.

Chen Fan imprisoned his true essence, and threw him into a certain room in the Jiange at will.

"Chen Fan, you..." Chen Tiangan showed hesitation, and looked at Chen Fan with a wry smile: "Although you are talented, most hidden sects would sell your face, but a sect of Luotianmen's level, Even if the Patriarch recovers, we probably won't be able to offend him at all."

Chen Fan nodded: "Not bad."

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Chen Tianqian was even more helpless: "Then you still..."

Chen Fan said: "We really can't afford to offend Luotianmen, but master, have you made a mistake? Let's not say that this person may not necessarily be from Luotianmen, even if he is, can he represent Luotianmen?"

Before the great change of the world, this old man might be able to walk sideways on the mainland with his fifth level of longevity, but in the current situation, it is nothing.

Luotianmen is a sect, a large-scale force with many masters, with its fifth level of longevity cultivation base, it can only be regarded as an upper-middle strength, and there will never be fewer people who are stronger than him!

"I just invited him to drink tea in Jianzong. After the patriarch refines the elixir and recovers his strength, even if some masters know that Jianzong once had elixir, it doesn't matter. I will naturally let him go. Luo Tianmen may Will you specifically trouble our Jianzong for such a trivial matter?"

In fact, with the strength of Luotianmen, it is natural to know Chen Fan's performance in the holy hall and the gold content of Chen Fan breaking through the ninth floor Tongtian Tower.

Don't say that Chen Fan didn't kill someone, even if he did, Luo Tianmen might not really treat Chen Fan.

The talent shown by Chen Fan is expected to lead to enlightenment.

At this time, it is difficult for the Holy Church to find a few geniuses who are better than Chen Fan!

Chen Tianqian also froze when he heard the words, his expression was slightly subtle.

Saying that, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and continued:

"This person should have indeed sensed the breath of the elixir, and he may even know what it is. He didn't know that I was in the Sword Sect, nor did he know how powerful the patriarch was, so he wanted to come alone. But knowing that I was there, he said I'm leaving, I'm afraid there are other plans... I naturally can't let him go."

Of course, everything is just Chen Fan's guess. Maybe this person doesn't think so at all. It's just that he is not afraid of 10,000 but just in case. Chen Fan naturally needs to be more cautious.

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