Flowers bloom and fade, flowers fade and flowers bloom.

After the towering spiritual essence was exhausted, Chen Fan did not leave the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, but continued to practice swordsmanship hard.

One hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years, time flows like water...

In the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, the various swordsmanship supernatural powers he practiced are also rapidly growing and perfecting.

However, even so, his kendo has never been able to break through the fifth level of longevity.

At Chen Fan's realm and cultivation base.

Many of the swordsmanship supernatural powers he practiced require at least hundreds of years of hang-ups to complete a single form.

It is really too difficult to improve the way of the sword.

Although he mainly focuses on kendo, he has a hang-up slot, and many magical powers and secret methods are constantly hanging up.

For example, "Blood Fusion", such as "Indestructible Vajra Body", "Dayan Shenjue" and other supernatural powers.

His "Blood Fusion Technique" successfully broke through to the ninth level during the third hundred years of his retreat practice.

During the long time of practice, Chen Fan also devoted his energy to absorbing his own blood spirit flower, blood seed and blood crystal.

With that deformed blood beast around, his external blood will never run dry. Although the absorption speed is a bit slower, his "Blood Fusion Technique" can barely keep up with the slow progress.

The ninth breakthrough of "Blood Fusion Technique" brought him a comprehensive increase in physical strength.

The time he can maintain the "furious" state is also constantly extending.

After reaching the ninth level, he activated the "Rage", but it could last for several months!

If supplemented with external blood, the time he can actually maintain the "rage" can be extended even more!

"If things go on like this, sooner or later, my consumption in the state of 'Rage' will be able to reach a balance with the reconstruction and recovery of my own blood, allowing me to activate the 'Rage' without limit..."

It's just that after breaking through the ninth level, the difficulty of this supernatural power has become more and more prominent. It takes a longer time to complete the hang-up, even for Chen Fan, it will take thousands of years.

As a matter of fact, he who has the hang-up slot is already ten or a hundred times faster than other geniuses in practicing these secret techniques and supernatural powers.

At the time of the breakthrough of "Blood Fusion", his physical strength was also much stronger, and his resistance to "Reaching for the Stars" and the core of Zhouguang increased.

He can withstand the limit of time flow rate of Zhouguang's core is also increasing.

In the beginning, it was only a little over ten times, and less than five hundred years later, it was almost fifteen times...


Time passed.

On this day, Chen Fan who was in painstaking practice suddenly opened his eyes.

A sharp gleam flashed across his eyes.

""The Immortal Vajra Body" has finally broken through!"

At this moment, nearly six hundred years have passed since his retreat.

Of course, this is under the "Core of Zhouguang". In fact, only fifty years have passed in the outside world.

However, considering the ten times the speed of practice provided by the towering spirit in the first few decades, Chen Fan's six hundred years of hard work is comparable to a thousand years of practice.

After a long time, his "Immortal Vajra Body" finally reached the eightfold perfection.

He has the infinite treasure sand presented by Situ Xiu, the lord of Kunwu City, in his hand, but he can directly break through the ninth stage of "The Immortal Vajra Body".

It is also the highest level of "The Immortal Vajra Body".

"At the beginning, my cheap master, Wan Ze, was able to reach the level of becoming a king because of this supernatural power that has been cultivated to the ninth level of perfection..."

His eyes flickered, and he was naturally looking forward to this.

Although breaking through the Nine Layers, there is still a considerable gap between the Nine Layers and the Consummation...

Even if he breaks through the Ninth Layer, it is impossible for Chen Fan to directly reach Wan Ze's level of strength, but he still has "Blood Against God", so it will not be too far behind.

For Chen Fan, the more important thing is...

"If my "Indestructible Vajra Body" can break through the ninth level, maybe I can get the possibility of practicing the second level "Picking the Stars"..."

After the double breakthrough of "Blood Fusion Technique" and "Indestructible Vajra Body", Chen Fan's physical explosive power was much stronger than before.

Among the king masters, it is estimated that most of them can't compare with Chen Fan, and he also has the self-confidence of practicing "Picking the Stars".

After the breakthrough of "The Immortal Vajra Body", he went out and left the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm.

One of the reasons for leaving the level is that the environment of the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm is not suitable for the breakthrough of "The Immortal Vajra Body".

Another reason is that his battle order is not enough...

After this period of practice, his battle orders have already been used up to eight or ninety-nine.

When he returned to the Chaos Sea, he also hunted a lot of fierce beasts, and got tens of thousands of battle orders, which is quite a lot, but he couldn't stand such a practice!

In fact, it is not the secret cultivation realm that consumes most of the consumption. Because of the core of Zhouguang, all his spirits and deities gather together, and only need to enter a secret cultivation realm. The consumption of the secret cultivation realm in the past few decades is actually not tall

Adding up to almost fifty years, the cost of cultivating the secret realm is less than 20,000, which is not too much.

Most of his battle orders are used to exchange for various magical powers in the Shentong Pavilion!

Immortal-level supernatural powers, the higher the level, the higher the consumption of battle tokens. Chen Fan's tens of thousands of battle tokens are not spent at all.

And because of the Cosmic Light Core, his speed of practicing swordsmanship supernatural powers was too fast. At ten times the speed of practice, the swordsmanship that Chen Fan could have practiced for thousands of years was almost learned in decades...


Return to your own palace.

A clone is sitting in his own palace.

"You're back."

The split spirit and the deity belong to the same branch of will, and the clone is equivalent to himself.

While Chen Fan himself was retreating, he left a clone outside to handle some chores.

The deity and the avatar have not communicated with each other for decades.

After all, the deity is practicing hard in closed doors, there is no major event, and the avatar will not take the initiative to disturb the deity, and the avatar can easily handle some small matters.

The avatar's spirit flew out and merged into the sea of ​​consciousness of Chen Fan's deity, and the memories of the avatar's decades of being away continued to emerge.

The memory of the two is also shared.

The avatar has only decades of memory, but Chen Fan absorbs it very quickly.

"Oh? This kid Zha Luo successfully broke through?!"

Chen Fan had agreed with Zhaluo for ten years.

Chen Fan himself has high expectations for Zhaluo.

However, looking forward to it, it is impossible for Chen Fan himself to leave the Chaos Sea just for him, and to go back to the mainland to see him, but it would be too troublesome.

However, he left a clone in the central region, and after arriving at the appointed time, he took a trip to the southern region.

Not only has Zara successfully broken through the tenth level, but his own sword domain has reached the second level!

The avatar has already accepted Zhaluo as a direct disciple.

Although the avatar did not share the memory of Chen Fan's real body, and the realm of swordsmanship was still at the third level of longevity, it was more than enough to teach a Zhaluo who had just broken through the tenth level.

"This kid didn't disappoint me."

Although compared with Chen Fan and the top geniuses in the temple, Zhaluo is still far behind, but judging from the training conditions he received, Chen Fan is already very satisfied, and he is likely to achieve longevity in the way of swordsmanship!

But apart from Zara, there is no other news from the mainland.

However, in the past few decades, the church has changed a lot.

The Holy Church not only held a few more Meihui, but also increased the number of geniuses through other channels...

In the early days of the establishment of the church, it was also the time when the church expanded the fastest.

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