My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1023 Entering the Star Picking Tower Again

Although there are warriors who are eliminated every year in the temple, the overall number is constantly increasing.

Over the past few decades, compared to when Chen Fan first entered the church, the number of people has more than doubled.

The overall proportion of masters is also increasing, so the number of people in each major sequence has also increased.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen people in the first sequence.

From the original thirty-three people to fifty-one people!

In the past, only three people could be relegated every year, but now it has become five people.

Although the number of places has increased, the difficulty of being promoted to the first rank has not decreased.

Among the fifty-one people, except for the three quotas established in the Meihui every ten years, the weakest among the others is still the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower!

Of course, Chen Fan, who had already passed the Nine-story Pagoda, didn't have to worry about the possibility of being eliminated.

So during this period of time, he has never wasted time to take the quiz, or go to the Tongtian Tower.

And in the past few decades, there have been many new names on Tongtian Tower.

Some old friends of Chen Fan also made a lot of progress.

It is worth mentioning that the Yuhu has entered the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower again, and has stabilized its position in the first sequence.

As for that wisdom, it was even more exaggerated. After Chen Fan, he became the first person in their group of Meihui to break through the tenth floor of Tongtian Tower.

But he is the reincarnation of a fairy, so it is normal to have this kind of improvement.

Except for the two, the other geniuses in the same session of the Meihui that Chen Fan had were nothing special. Even Wu Cheng, who was not much weaker than Chen Fan at the beginning, was still on the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower. .

On the contrary, many powerful geniuses emerged after joining the Holy Church.

There is even one that is more exaggerated than Chen Fan's progress speed.

He joined the Holy Church through Meihui thirty years ago, and he went straight to the seventh-floor Tongtian Tower just after he joined, and ten years later, he broke through the eighth-floor tower, and at this time he had already broken through Raised the nine-story pagoda!

This guy is called "Hei Luo". He is not a human race, but a peerless genius of a race called "Night Dire". It is said that he is also a disciple of a demon king.

There are quite a few demon prince heirs or disciples in the temple, but it is extremely rare to have such a terrifying speed of strength improvement.

"This is probably a peerless genius who truly possesses the appearance of a demon king..." Chen Fan also sighed in his heart.

In fact, during this period of time, there have been many more geniuses against the sky in the holy hall, but there is only one like "Hei Luo", and it is not at all compared to Chen Fan's tower breaking speed. inferior.

In fact, the longer the time goes by, the more heaven-defying geniuses may appear in the church.

"The tenth floor of the Tongtian Tower is a hurdle. No matter how powerful this Hei Luo is, it will be difficult to break through the tenth floor tower in a short time!"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

With Chen Fan's current strength, even without external support, it should not be difficult to break through the ten-story tower.

However, considering that I have experienced hundreds of years of cultivation under the "Core of Zhouguang", it is not something to be proud of.

Of course, other geniuses in the temple may also have entered different time secret realms, and may have other opportunities and treasures. Who can make it to the end, but it is not obvious in a short time!


After completing the memory sharing with the avatar.

Chen Fan sat cross-legged in the dojo.

But with a flick of his hand, he took out a glass-like jade bottle.

This jade bottle contains golden gravel.

This gravel is exactly the Wuji precious sand needed to break through the nine layers of "Indestructible Vajra Body".

The process of breaking through was quite smooth. Chen Fan, who had reached the eighth level of perfection in the "Immortal Vajra Body", also refined the infinite treasure sand very easily.

After the breakthrough, his body also ushered in a small round of physical leap.

It's just that it takes a longer time to hang up and complete the nine-fold "Indestructible Vajra Body", even for Chen Fan, it will take thousands of years.

"The time it takes to hang up the last stage of "The Immortal King Kong Body" is more than the previous eight stages combined..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

In fact, he was not surprised by this result.

It took him hundreds of thousands of years to complete the eighth stage, but it was normal for the ninth stage to take ten times as long.

"Wan Ze is able to have the power to become a king by virtue of the perfect level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", which is enough to show the gold content of this supernatural power, and it is naturally impossible to cultivate it too easily!"

In fact, with Chen Fan's cultivation level at this time, the breakthroughs in many supernatural powers and secret techniques he practiced at this time would take hundreds or thousands of years.

Of course, his cultivation base is still at the fourth level of longevity at this time, and as his cultivation base breaks through and his understanding of the Dao improves, the efficiency of his various supernatural powers will inevitably increase further.

The higher his cultivation level, the greater his own advantages.

"Physical breakthrough, I can try to go to the Star Picking Tower again."

The sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower has blocked Chen Fan for quite a long time.

With a thought, he directly entered the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

Transferred directly to the front of the Star Picking Tower.

"Chen Fan, are you going to enter the Star Picking Tower again?"

The figure of Fu Ling suddenly appeared around Chen Fan:

"I advise you not to have too much hope. Even if you can get the second stage of "Picking the Stars", you may not be able to practice it. There are countless disciples of the Pengxuan Immortal, and only one Xiangpeng can reach the level of cultivation "Picking the Stars" before breaking through the immortals. "Star" double standard."

"None of the disciples who are valued by Immortal Pengxuan are not ordinary people. There are many immortals and heirs of demon god princes. In order to practice "Picking the Stars", all of them have powerful body-refining supernatural powers in their hands, but they can actually break through. There are very few people who have passed the Star Picking Tower."

"In the end, there are even fewer people who can cultivate the double star picking tower. Immortal Pengxuan has also cultivated two or three disciples of the immortal level, but among the disciples of the immortals, only Xiang Peng has cultivated the double star picking tower." "..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, confident: "As long as I can break through the sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower and get the method of double star picking, I am confident that I will be able to cultivate it!"

As long as he has seen the magical powers and secret methods, he can directly enter and hang up.

It's nothing more than a matter of hang-up length.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Fu Ling just shook his head: "You can try—"

Chen Fan nodded, and went straight into the Star Picking Tower.

Rampage all the way, and soon came to the fifth floor of the Star Picking Tower.

At the beginning, it was difficult to resist the gnawing of ten thousand insects, but this time Chen Fan was able to pass through intact.

His body is much stronger than before.

His "Indestructible Vajra Body" has gone from the seventh level to the ninth level, and his "Blood Fusion Technique" has also made breakthroughs, and his actual physical strength has become considerably stronger.

When he came to the first stairs leading to the next tower, Chen Fan took a deep breath, but pushed the "Indestructible Vajra Body" to the extreme.

When this supernatural power was practiced at the ninth level, Chen Fan's body like a crystal diamond was once again covered with a layer of faint golden light, but it seemed to have returned to the form when he first started practicing "The Immortal Vajra Body" .

Needless to say, the effect is quite powerful.

At the same time, the blood around him surged, and he directly entered the state of double berserk.

Under the second level of berserk, his explosive power will be greatly enhanced, and his speed will be faster, so he will naturally be able to obtain the second level of "Star Reaching" method faster.

He went straight to the six-storey tower.

What appeared in front of him was densely intertwined black silk threads, covering the entire tower like a fishing net.

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