My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1024 Transaction

Looking at the densely intertwined black lines in front of him, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't rush forward.

This was not the first time he had come to the Star Picking Tower on the sixth floor.

Although he had never broken through it before, he knew the horror of this black line.

He licked his lips, stretched out his red and gold intertwined fingers, like blood diamonds, and poked out of it.

Chi Chi Chi!

His fingers stretched towards the black network cable, but it seemed that he passed through the black network cable in front of him without any hindrance.

These black lines seemed unreal, but Chen Fan's face changed drastically.

The fingers he stretched out were divided into fine blood mist by those black network cables in the blink of an eye, scattered in the air.

Chen Fan quickly retracted his fingers, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"it turns out……"

He himself has activated his own strongest state, the double berserk and the indestructible vajra body are all activated, but he has no resistance in front of this black network cable, and his fingers are cut into countless pieces of meat in an instant!

In this Star Picking Tower, he couldn't move outside objects, and his body couldn't stop him, so it was impossible for him to act in this tower.

This situation is even worse than when he first broke into the fifth floor tower!

"Both "Blood Fusion" and "Indestructible Vajra Body" have made breakthroughs. My physical defense has become stronger by many times. It is estimated that among the masters of the king, there are not many physiques that can match mine... But even so, it is still The body is wiped out in an instant... This is too outrageous..."

Chen Fan was really not reconciled, and tried again and again, but there was no surprise every time. Whenever he dared to enter the range of the sixth floor tower, no matter what part or how hard his body was, it would be instantly annihilated and turned into countless pieces of minced meat .

There is a clear gap in levels.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave "Star Reaching Tower".

"I said, it's very difficult." Seeing Chen Fan coming out, Fu Ling shook his head.

Chen Fan was helpless: "This is too exaggerated, isn't the difference in difficulty between the five-story and six-story Star Picking Towers too big?"

Fu Ling sneered: "The higher you go up the Star Picking Tower, the greater the difference in difficulty...the difference between the seven-story tower and the six-story tower is the biggest!"

"You are only at the fourth level of longevity. It is possible for your body to continue to grow stronger. In the future, it is still possible to break through the six-story Star Picking Tower..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded.

Those who can be favored by Immortal Pengxuan and accepted as disciples will not be ordinary people. In that case, there are not many people who can break through the six-story Star Picking Tower, so it will not be easy in itself.

Ordinary body-refining kings may not be able to break through the sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower!

Chen Fan turned his head to look at the Star Picking Tower, his eyes gleamed sharply: "I will come back again."

With a thought, he temporarily left the Immortal Mansion.

Among the disciples of Immortal Pengxuan, there are still some disciples below the level of Immortal who have broken through the six-story Star Picking Tower, but only Xiangpeng has practiced this supernatural power.

Chen Fan's "Indestructible Vajra Body" and "Blood Fusion Technique" still have the possibility of improvement, but he doesn't believe that when his "Immortal Vajra Body" reaches the ninth level of perfection, and if "Blood Fusion Technique" makes progress, he can still pass it. But the Star Picking Tower on the sixth floor!


Failed to break into the sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower.

Chen Fan immediately left Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, and immediately went to find Feng Jiaojiao.

Chen Fan didn't have enough battle orders, but he planned to use Feng Jiaojiao's channel to help him detect the whereabouts of some beasts of the sixth level of longevity and feudal marquis level, go hunting and accumulate battle orders.

It's just that when I saw Chen Fan just now, before Chen Fan could take the initiative to speak, Feng Jiaojiao spoke first: "Chen Fan, you came to find us because of the whereabouts of those three guys back then. We only found two of them now. ..."

Chen Fan froze for a moment.

But after thinking for a while, she realized who the three guys Feng Jiaojiao was talking about were.

When Chen Fan returned to the Primal Chaos Sea, he went to the place where Zhongli Haocang obtained the Star God Seal, but he used the occultation mirror to deduce three scenes and three people, more precisely, one person and two alien races.

After returning to the holy hall, his main body retreated, but his avatar also contacted Feng Jiaojiao to help find these three.

Feng Jiaojiao is the little princess of the Fengmo Clan and the heir of the Prince of the Demon God. She has strong talent and background, but her information channels are also quite powerful.

Because of this matter, Chen Fan didn't have too much expectation, adhering to the mentality of gaining my luck and losing my life, but never urged Feng Jiaojiao.

But he didn't expect that after only a few decades, he would gain something.

Feng Jiaojiao nodded: "I found two of them, one is that person, the supreme elder of a current sect called Xuantianmen on the mainland, he is called Zheng Gongcheng, and he has cultivated at the fourth level of longevity. Wandering in the Chaos Sea..."

Chen Fan also frowned.

However, he had really heard of the Xuantianmen sect, which was the second most famous sect in the Eastern Region before the great change of the world.

Although it was not listed among the original top ten sects.

But the real strength is much stronger than sects like Lingshen Dao Sect.

"The other guy is the patriarch of a small group in the Chaos Sea, but he is weaker, only has the third level of longevity... At this moment, both of them are still in the Chaos Sea. I have already discussed and found out the relationship between the two of them." whereabouts……"

Chen Fan's eyes were also twinkling: "Please Jiaojiao, please set up a line for me. I want to meet these two people and complete a deal."

He has no grievances or enmities with the two, so naturally he is not so frantic that he wants to kill people and seize treasures.

With the strength of these two, Chen Fan also believes that they are willing to trade with Chen Fan, and Chen Fan doesn't care about letting the two take advantage.

Feng Jiaojiao didn't care and said: "I can help you to contact the two of you... just wait for me..."

Feng Jiaojiao immediately turned over her hands and took out a communication weapon in the shape of a token, chatting with a certain existence, and it didn't take long.

"Okay, Chen Fan, I'll help you contact Zheng Gongcheng first, if you have anything you want to say to him, just say it."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and walked forward, but saw a figure appearing on the token in Feng Jiaojiao's hand.

This person is exactly the person I deduced at the beginning!

His face hardly changed.

The cultivation base has reached the level of longevity, and the lifespan is long, hundreds of thousands of years, but it will not leave any obvious traces at all.

His expression at this time is also quite polite and nervous:

"I'm in Zheng Gongcheng, I don't know who the senior is, so what's the matter with me?"

Chen Fan glanced at Feng Jiaojiao with a subtle expression, the power of such a top force is really exaggerated.

He cleared his throat:

"Your Majesty, Chen Fan, from the Holy Church, you should have heard of my name, right?"

Zheng Gongcheng's eyes also flashed, but he clasped his fists again: "It turns out that you are Chen Fangenius. I don't know that Chen Fangenius is a peerless person like you... What can you do with me?"

When Chen Fan first joined the holy hall, he had already shown his strength not weaker than the fourth level of longevity. At that time, he was less than fifty years old. At this time, after nearly a hundred years, how far has Chen Fan's strength progressed? Zheng Gongcheng didn't know the extent of this, but he could imagine that he was definitely not offended by himself.

Chen Fan didn't beat around the bush, but he waved his hand and showed the map of Chaos Sea beside him, and then he pointed at a certain place on it: "Your Excellency should have been to this place..."

Zheng Gongcheng's expression froze slightly, his eyes narrowed, his eyes flickered, and he didn't answer.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he saw his attitude, and continued:

"I want to make a deal with you..."

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