My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1028 New Words

chaotic sea.

The thick sea of ​​fog intertwine and ripple.

In the sea of ​​fog, under the mountains.

The magnificent sword light pierced the sky, but it cut a huge snake-like beast with wings that covered the sky, and cut it into two pieces.

This is a soaring snake that can reach the level of a feudal lord.

Naturally, he would not be Chen Fan's opponent.

A fierce beast like the Soaring Snake is cruel and cunning, but it is not good at fighting. Its strength is relatively weak among the beasts of the same level. It is not troublesome for Chen Fan to deal with this beast.

"This soaring snake can bring me tens of thousands of battle orders at most..."

Ordinary long-lived sixth-layer beasts can only have a few hundred battle orders, and Fenghou-level beasts can have tens of thousands of battle orders, which is already very high, but for Chen Fan, it is still not enough.

This was the tenth day that Chen Fan went out, and it was also the first time Chen Fan hunted down a Fenghou-level beast.

The information provided by Feng Jiaojiao is not completely accurate, and the fierce beasts of Fenghou level may not necessarily stay in a certain place.

In the past ten days, Chen Fan has only found such a soaring snake of the Marquis level.

Shaking his head, he was about to go on to the next hunting spot, but Chen Fan's eyes flashed suddenly.

But he received a letter from Feng Jiaojiao.

The items traded between him and Zheng Gongcheng have been sent to the church.

Chen Fan licked his lips, but he turned into a phantom and disappeared suddenly.

This place is only tens of thousands of miles away from the Holy Church, and Chen Fan successfully returned to the Holy Church in just a short distance.

Chen Fan didn't dare to move around some unknown places in the Chaos Sea, but the "Temple" was absolutely safe, so naturally it didn't matter.



Chen Fan excitedly returned to his palace with the Sumeru Ring he had brought from Feng Jiaojiao.

These two Sumeru rings are all the items that Zheng Gongcheng and the two obtained in the ruins of the ruins.

In the wide and uninhabited dojo.

Chen Fan poured out all the items in the two Sumeru rings.

There are all kinds of miscellaneous treasures and resources, but they have everything.

And Chen Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, but he looked at the hill-like sundries.

However, he felt the aura of the same origin through the star god's imprint in this pile of items.

He decisively activated the Star God Seal.

Between thoughts.

But I saw three talisman-like objects floating away from the mountain-like debris, and flew straight to Chen Fan.

These three are big characters with a special style.

Following the attraction of the Star God Seal, the three directly merged into Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

A lot of information poured into Chen Fan's mind, and Chen Fan could clearly feel that the Star God Seal was constantly being completed.

This is the power of the two new words.

They are "town", "shen" and "all".

The power of the "Zhen" tactic and the "Shen" tactic is easy to say, the former focuses on banning and suppressing, while the latter refers to a special kind of soul attack.

The word "Jie" is more magical, but what it pays attention to is "crisis sensing".

This is different from the sense of crisis deduced in advance by the occultation mirror, but it is more similar to intuition, a special feeling similar to "whim".

In comparison, although the power of the "Zhen" and "Shen" characters are useful, they are not necessities for Chen Fan. He also has many alternative methods in his hand. For him, the more valuable ones are naturally It is the word "Lin", this ability can save lives at critical moments.

Although Chen Fan has a sun-shielding mirror, it is impossible to activate the sun-shielding mirror all the time for everything.

And many dangers are sudden, accidental, and unpredictable.

With the completion of the formulas, the Star God Seal has also recovered more power, and the upper limit of the abilities that other formulas can achieve has also been improved.

For example, the power of the three characters of "Yu", "Bro", and "Shou" has also been improved to a certain extent.

His sensitivity to the person who "planted" the Star God Seal has also improved a lot, both in terms of range and accuracy.

If it is said that in the past, the Star God Seal in Chen Fan's hands could at most be comparable to the middle and low-star Dao artifacts, but now the various abilities of the Star God Seal can barely reach the effect of high-star Tao artifacts.

In fact, apart from "Shou" and "God", Chen Fan has better and more suitable alternatives, and other spells can still play a big role for Chen Fan.

For Chen Fan, the usefulness has naturally improved a lot.

But until now, the "Star God Seal" was still not fully completed, and even Chen Fan felt that the key parts were still missing.

It is very likely that apart from Zheng Gongcheng and Zheng Gongcheng, the incomplete part obtained by the third foreign race is the key.

It's a pity that even relying on Feng Jiaojiao, Chen Fan still couldn't find the identity and whereabouts of the person, but Chen Fan couldn't be in a hurry.

After completing the completion of the Star God Seal, Chen Fan immediately took the body of the Soaring Snake to exchange for the battle order.

However, the exchange of the battle order of the Holy Temple does not need to turn over the corpse of the spoils of war, it only needs to go through inspection and testing.

Needless to say, when Chen Fan took out the corpse of the Marquis-level Teng Snake, it was inevitable that the relevant personnel would be amazed, but Chen Fan had been able to break through the nine-story tower decades ago.

In the outside world, with the help of foreign objects, it is not too shocking to defeat a fierce beast that is barely enshrined.

In fact, Chen Fan didn't care that part of his strength was exposed.

His real strength is almost comparable to that of the king, even if it is revealed that he has the strength of a prince, it doesn't matter.

After completing the exchange, he continued to hunt the beasts...


The thick sea of ​​fog interweaves and ripples, and the mountains undulate in the sea of ​​fog, but it is like a fairy island on the sea.

But among these mountains, there is a majestic mountain, surrounded by flames, and a piece of red land. Even if it is hundreds or thousands of miles apart, you can still feel the turbulent heat wave.

In the sea of ​​fog, a stream of light flashed across, but stopped in the void.

"This is Chiyan Ridge..."

Chen Fan licked his lips.

In this Chiyan Ridge, inhabits a peerless beast, the Chiyan Golden Beast. As a rare feudal beast even in the Chaos Sea, its fierce name goes without saying.

One of the strongest beasts he hunted.

It is also a powerful creature that ranks at the forefront of the mountain and sea list.

It is said that the reason why the Chiyan Ridge has a long-lasting heat wave is because of this Chiyan Golden Beast.

During this period of time, relying on "Hiding the Void" and "Hiding the Sword in the Void", he has already killed several Fenghou beasts, but this beast is the strongest one.

"If I can kill this beast, then I can at least get tens of thousands of battle orders..."

An ordinary vicious beast of the sixth level of longevity can only be compared to this terrifying vicious beast with hundreds of battle orders and killing dozens or hundreds of them.

When Chen Fan returned to the holy hall, he traveled a million kilometers and killed countless beasts and monsters. In the end, he only exchanged a hundred thousand battle orders.

"The physique of the Chiyan Jinyu beast is probably much stronger than that of the demon emperor. I don't know if I can successfully sneak attack and kill this beast..."

If the sneak attack was unsuccessful, he would have to deal with this big monster, which would be a lot of trouble.

His eyes flickered, but his body was hidden in the void, and he quietly moved towards Chiyan Ridge in the distance.

The characteristics of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast are too obvious, constantly emitting fire and heat. Chen Fan only needs to search for the source of the flame and heat to find this guy.

And when Chen Fan was heading towards Chiyan Ridge.

Some distance behind him.

Ripples like water flickered, but a sneaky mouse with gleaming eyes appeared in the sea of ​​fog...

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