My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1029 Scarlet Flame Golden Beast

Between the raging flames.

Chen Fan, who was hiding in the void, also officially entered Chiyan Ridge.

Soon he followed the source of the flames and found the so-called Red Flame Golden Beast.

This beast is a huge fiery red lion.

Its body is extremely huge, as tall as thousands of feet, but its body is taller and bigger than ordinary mountain peaks.

And around his body, there are also countless Flame Dao Rhymes lingering endlessly.

Chen Fan's Dao of Flame has broken through the Dao series for a long time, but it is not far from the next level. It is also a very good opportunity for him to be able to observe this beast up close.

After watching for a while, he quietly flew forward.

Headed towards the head of the red flame golden beast.

Because his body is too big, even Chen Fan's swordsmanship cannot completely cover his body, so when Chen Fan attacks, he must focus on it.

No matter what race it is, the head is the most important core organ.

What surprised Chen Fan was that he had just approached the head of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast, not more than a hundred feet away, but the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast suddenly opened its eyes with its eyes closed!

To Chen Fan, its two eyes were like a large lake, but the fiery red eyes looked straight at Chen Fan's position.


A golden light shot out from the beast's huge eyes.

However, Chen Fan felt like his body was petrified, sinking suddenly, as if he was practicing under the core of Zhouguang again, and felt extremely exaggerated pressure.


A look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"Master Bai!"

Without Chen Fan's elaboration, the white light armor on his body exuded countless auras, rising up.

But it blocked countless golden lights from the light armor.

At the same time, illusory wings formed behind Chen Fan, but they instantly shortened the distance to the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast.

He was already very close to this beast, but a wing of escape moved directly in front of the red flame golden beast.

The blood light on his body surged, and the sword light in his hand also fell.

"Sixth form!"

After the thirteen styles of Beiming reached the limit of the fourth level of longevity in kendo, they corresponded to two styles of swordsmanship, namely the fifth style and the sixth style. After a long practice under the core of Zhouguang, Chen Fan's two styles of swordsmanship were both It has advanced to the realm of perfection.

The two belong to the same level of swordsmanship, but they focus on different aspects. In terms of attack and killing power, the sixth form is superior.

Since he killed the Demon Emperor last time, Chen Fan has not only broken through a new level of swordsmanship and comprehended new swordsmanship, but has already advanced "Zhaixing" to a satisfactory progress.

The breakthrough of blood fusion technique and immortal vajra body also brought about an overall improvement in his physical strength.

At this time, the power of his attack was far more than when he killed the Demon Emperor back then.

The only pity is that when he killed the Demon Emperor, the other party didn't notice anything, but this time, he was discovered in advance, and the attack was relatively passive.

A slight surprise flashed in the huge eyes of the Chiyan Jinyan beast, and it had already aroused the flames all over its body, and at the same time, its huge mountain-like claws slammed forward!


The lingering flames rose ragingly.

Dao Dao rhyme continues to spread and agitate.

Even though it was just the most common claw, it carried extremely manic power!

"It's useless!" Chen Fan's eyes were cold.


The sharp sword energy in front of him seemed to split the world, and the flame seemed to be condensed into a solid body, divided into two by the sword light!

This scarlet flame golden beast is worthy of being a murderer who has reached the peak level of Fenghou class!

Not to mention the vitality, it is estimated that many masters of the king are not so exaggerated.

It's a pity that it met Chen Fan.

The lingering flames were chopped off, and the terrifying sword light that covered the sky and the sun fell towards the huge head of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast.

Chi! ~

When the huge amount of blood was spilled, it turned into flames and disappeared.

Half of his head was cut off by Chen Fan's sword.

Amid the earth-shattering howls, the red flames all over the body of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast rose ragingly, but turned into gold in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

"This guy's physical strength is really strong..."

He knows how terrifying the power of Chen Fan's all-out moves is.

For another Fenghou, even if it is the peak Fenghou, if he takes this trick by force, he will lose half his life if he does not die.

And this Scarlet Flame Golden Beast looked terrible, even lost half of its head, but its actual momentum did not decrease but increased!

But as the golden flames around his body burned, the hideous and frightening flesh and blood of his head grew in an instant.

"With its terrifying physical strength and its even more terrifying recovery power, this Scarlet Flame Golden Beast is probably invincible below the king... Even some kings who are not good at attacking may not take this guy down. Method."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but the eyes became brighter and brighter.

Although the attack failed, it would be much more difficult for him to kill this guy, but with the White Emperor Armor and Yuanzhu, and his strong physical fitness, Chen Fan's attack from the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast could almost be ignored.

It is also a very good opportunity for Chen Fan to be able to fight against such a powerful opponent, and he is also a master of Chen Fan's practice!

But he grabbed the cold front sword in his hand and rushed forward again.

Roar! ! !

The Scarlet Flame Golden Beast once again let out an earth-shattering roar. Amidst the roar, clouds of fire spread towards Chen Fan.

Countless invisible sword qi surged around Chen Fan's body, and he rushed out of the fire cloud easily, and once again slashed at the huge body of the Chiyan Jinyan beast.

Amidst the roar, the manic power of heaven and earth rushed in all directions.

Chen Fan's combat strength undoubtedly surpassed that of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast, but this big guy's body was really strong, but Chen Fan's sword and two swords couldn't hurt its root at all.

He drew out his sword time and time again, and the red-flame golden beast roared again and again, horrific flames lingered in all directions, but it was a pity that they were all blocked by the white emperor's armor.

Between the two masters.

Chiyan Ridge seemed to have encountered a natural disaster, the earth trembled endlessly, and countless peaks collapsed.

The surrounding area completely turned red.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passes.

Chen Fan's body was like porcelain, with black cracks forming, and blood continuously spilled out from the cracks.

These were not the injuries caused by the red flame golden beast to Chen Fan.

Although the power of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast and its use of the way of flames are extremely strong, but facing a powerful Taoist weapon like the White Emperor Armor, coupled with Chen Fan's strong body, the beast's flame and power are not enough to hurt How much to Chen Fan.

The reason for this is purely due to the burden on Chen Fan's body due to his own moves under "Picking the Stars"...

In fact, if he wanted to, he could repair these injuries in an instant by mobilizing Yuanzhu.

But it is nothing at all.

In comparison, the opposite Chiyan Jinyan beast is much worse.

However, there was no good piece of flesh in his whole body, and there were fuzzy flesh and blood everywhere.

Even if he recovers his strength with the terror of his beast, he will not be able to keep up with Chen Fan's attack.

But the breath of the beast at this time has also dropped a lot compared to before.

Hit and hit, but there was a sudden whine, and then the body suddenly shrank, shrinking to less than a hundred feet, and then rushed towards the sea of ​​fog in the distance.

This guy actually escaped!

A look of astonishment flashed across Chen Fan's face, and then he shook his head to summon Xiaodie:

"You can run there!"

After the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast's body became smaller, it became more flexible. Although its speed was fast, it was still slightly inferior to Xiaodie's.

Chen Fan stepped on Xiaodie and chased after it. At the same time, the sword light in his hand kept falling, slashing at the Chiyan Jinyu beast.

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