The black armor that Kong Shuhou left behind after his death was an eight-star Taoist artifact.

Eight-star Dao artifacts are rare, and defense types are even rarer. Although the effect is far inferior to Master Bai, they are still quite precious.

One piece can compare to several other Taoist artifacts of the same level.

"It's a pity that it's not a nine-star Taoist artifact..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

However, Master Bai appeared on his shoulder: "If it was a nine-star Taoist weapon, you would not be able to kill this 'Empty Mouse Lord', so just be content!"

As Chen Fan's defensive weapon, he naturally disliked other defensive tools, and naturally he was unwilling for Chen Fan to obtain a better defensive tool.

Chen Fan also nodded with a smile: "Master Bai, you are right."

Although Master Bai has not fully repaired it, it is still quite powerful, and the general nine-star defensive Taoist weapon may not be able to match it. The only disadvantage is that it consumes too much energy.

Of course, this is not the disadvantage of Master Bai, but the disadvantage of Chen Fan's own cultivation.

However, he still has a lot of energy crystals such as Yuanjing in his hand, even if his cultivation level is not enough, they can still support consumption.

Chen Fan picked up the Void Mouse Marquis Golden Pill, and in the world of his mind, Chen Fan also found quite a lot of stored treasures.

All kinds of storage treasures are divided into categories and contain various types of resources.

A pill is a pill, a weapon is a weapon, and an ore is an ore.

"This 'Empty Mouse Hou' is an obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

This is naturally convenient for Chen Fan to organize.

But among so many stored treasures, Chen Fan has never found a high-level Taoist artifact, or some top-grade or top-grade holy-level medicines.

And when he picked up an item in the shape of a jade bottle among many stored treasures.

But he felt a thought of anger coming.

"Kill my master, go to hell!"

Chen Fan could feel a turbulent spatial fluctuation coming from the bottle, and a terrifying suction.

"not good!"

Chen Fan's face also changed slightly, and then he activated the space seeds to resist the terrifying space gravity.

Although this gravitational force was strong, it only lasted for a moment before disappearing completely.

Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief, but his eyes were extremely shining.

"It's a weapon spirit! Such a highly intelligent weapon spirit, this bottle may be a nine-star or higher Taoist weapon!"

Losing the master's nine-star Taoist artifact, he couldn't exert the ability of the Taoist artifact at all. Wherever he could exert much power, it was not enough to threaten Chen Fan. However, Chen Fan stepped forward decisively, bursting out with all his strength, and forcibly suppressed the bottle. Refining.

Qi Ling was still resisting. It wasn't that there was a spatial fluctuation coming from the bottle, but it wasn't enough to attract Chen Fan into it.

When "Empty Shuhou" died, he was a thing without an owner. After being forcibly refined by Chen Fan, although he still had the memory of the past, he couldn't afford to kill Chen Fan and resent him.

And as the jade bottle was refined, some introductions about the jade bottle also entered Chen Fan's mind.

This thing is indeed a nine-star Taoist artifact.

It is called the Qingjing Glass Bottle, but unfortunately, it is not an attack or defense type treasure, but a special type of magic weapon.

It has a lot of space inside, which can be used for storage.

In addition, urging this bottle can generate a great suction force, which can absorb weapons and enemies, and the sucked enemies will enter one of the special spaces, where there is a strong water of robbery, but it is a kind of Quite a powerful disaster of heaven and earth, similar to things like Jiemi Shenfeng, which can slowly refine the enemy.

It can trap people and store things.

But it is a pretty good magic weapon!

"Fortunately, I didn't give 'Empty Shuhou' a chance to give this guy a second, otherwise if this guy activates this treasure, I'm afraid I will be in a lot of trouble..."

The two times he saw Chen Fan, he didn't make much of a move. In the end, he was influenced by the Eye of Thunder and the Power of Heavenly Abyss and took him away. There is no chance to use other treasures.

Of course, with Chen Fan's cultivation base, even if this treasure is refined, it will not be able to exert its full power in a short time.

In fact, only the masters of the Demon God King level can perfectly display the power of the nine-star Taoist weapon, and it is difficult for even the king-sealing masters to perfectly display the power of the nine-star Taoist weapon.

Chen Fan began to examine the treasures in the clear glass bottle.

The items stored in it are of ridiculously high value.

All kinds of top-quality holy pills and high-star Taoist artifacts, but Chen Fan's eyes were straightened when he looked at them.

"The items in this glass bottle should be the most precious treasure of the 'Empty Shuhou'!"

There are more than a dozen seven-star Taoist artifacts in this mustard stone, and there are also three eight-star Taoist artifacts.

It's just that there is no second nine-star Taoist artifact among them.

As for the elixir, there are more, hundreds of holy elixir, there are many top-grade holy elixir, but they are enough to use the sixth level of longevity!

However, a mere feudal lord can have so many treasures and resources, but no master feudal king can compare.

But it is also worthy of being a "treasure hunting mouse".

But at this moment, Fu Ling's voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart: "This 'treasure hunting mouse' probably met you before it lived too long, but there is nothing good about it."

Hearing Fu Ling's voice, Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

A mere feudal marquis can have such a rich net worth, but Fu Ling said that there is nothing good about him, which also made Chen Fan feel subtle.

When looking at the items in the glass bottle, Chen Fan's eyes suddenly flashed, and a token appeared in his hand every year.

"This token..."

This token looks like it was made of black iron, and there is nothing special about it, but it makes Chen Fan even more surprised.

Nine out of ten of the items contained in the glass bottle of the Marquis of the Kongshu are his most precious treasures, how could he put an ordinary token in it.

There is definitely something special about this token!

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but with a thought, he asked the spirit of the glass bottle: "Do you know what this token is?"

The glass bottle was forcibly refined by Chen Fan, but Qi Ling could not deceive his master no matter how dissatisfied he was with Chen Fan.

Qi Ling said honestly:

"My former master once said that this token was left by an immortal to select the tokens of successors. By activating this token, you can enter the cave left by that immortal to experience the assessment. Those who pass the assessment , can become the descendant of that immortal, and obtain the treasure left by that immortal..."

Chen Fan's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

As expected of a "treasure hunting mouse", apart from ordinary treasures, there is such an opportunity.

This time it was cheaper for Chen Fan.

And at this moment.

Fu Ling's voice rang in my ears again: "I did sense the aura of immortal power on this token..."

Chen Fan's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the spirit of the glass bottle: "Do you know the title or name of that immortal?"

The glass bottle spirit said: "I only know that the immortal is called the 'Haofang' immortal, but I don't know the details..."

"So it's this..." Fu Ling's voice rang in his ears again.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes: "Senior Fu Ling, do you know this person?"

Fu Ling's expression was subtle: "Rather than knowing each other, it's better to say that I have heard of this name, but this is an immortal who is at the same time as the master. I didn't expect that this person has lived until now..."

However, Fu Ling did not mention the name "Haofang" Immortal.

Because of the existence of this level, if it is mentioned, it will be sensed. As an immortal artifact, Pengxuan Immortal Mansion is a treasure that may arouse the hearts of immortals.

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