My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1032 Exchange and retreat

Even if this Immortal Haofang's own strength is not outstanding.

As an immortal at the same time as Immortal Pengxuan, if he is still alive today, he can be regarded as an old antique, and such an existence must not be ordinary!

Not only is this treasure hunting mouse born with supernatural powers of space, but it also has a little bit of luck from the heavens.

The chances are extraordinary.

But if he insisted on finding the trouble of Chen Fan, a "son of destiny" with more means, it would be bad luck.

No matter how good the treasures and opportunities are, they all made wedding dresses for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan rubbed the token in his hand, his thoughts turned, but he hesitated: "As a fairy, why does this one find a successor in this way?"

"If he is willing, he raises his arms and calls out. Presumably, there should be many powerful geniuses who are willing to worship under him..."

Leaving token tokens, this method is too coincidental, any kind of people may get tokens, some people with poor talent and strength, it is impossible to pass the test if they get tokens, it is just a waste of time .

Fu Ling's subtle voice sounded again: "No matter how talented you are, how many people can advance to the Dao of Enlightenment?"

"Generally, there can't be a few Dao of Enlightenment in an era. Compared with talent, what is more important for immortal level masters is 'luck'."

"Of course, if your talent is outrageous to a certain extent, immortal masters will definitely pay attention to it. However, if your talent is so high that you can comprehend the Dao 100%, there will be no such one out of no number of eras..."

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

I also thought about it in my heart.

He rubbed the token in his hand, but he was not in a hurry to activate it immediately, but asked the glass bottle spirit: "Do you know when the Marquis of the Air Shu is going to activate this token?"

Hou Kong Shuhou kept this order in his hand, but he didn't push it, and he couldn't think that his own strength was not enough.

The glass bottle spirit said: "Empty Shuhou once said that to pass the examination, it is possible to have at least the strength, or even close to the strength of the king, so he has not urged this token..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

In fact, with Chen Fan's strength at this time, plus the Shadow Orb, he barely has the strength to be a king, but his endurance is limited, and it is estimated that even the weakest king will be difficult to defeat.

At this time, when he activated the token, he might pass the assessment left by "Immortal Haofang", but he was not 100% sure.

In fact, what the glass bottle spirit said was correct, but Chen Fan couldn't be sure whether it was true or not.

Although the glass bottle has been refined by Chen Fan, it can't deceive Chen Fan, but what Kong Shuhou said may not be true.

Even if everything is true, it will not be easy to pass the apprenticeship assessment of Immortal Haofang.

After careful consideration, he was not in a hurry to activate the token immediately.

"My current strength is still improving at a high speed. When I break through the fifth level of longevity in the way of swordsmanship, have the strength to be a stable king, and have enough confidence, it will not be too late to activate this order."

He shook his head.

But he decisively put away the token.


During this period of time, he hunted and killed several ferocious beasts at the Marquis level, as well as several beasts below the Marquis level.

He gained a lot, but it was enough for him to exchange a lot of swordsmanship supernatural powers.

So he didn't continue to hunt the beasts anymore.

After returning to the church, Chen Fan went straight to the battle order exchange office.

He also took out all the corpses of the Fenghou beasts he had hunted and killed without any concealment, and completed the certification.

The relevant staff naturally also looked surprised and stunned.

Only ferocious beasts killed by themselves can be used to exchange for battle orders, and the Holy Church also has a special method to determine this.

If it is said that the previous Fenghou Teng Snake barely reached Fenghou, and Chen Fan has powerful Taoist weapons and treasures, and it is normal to kill them, then the death of these Fenghou beasts is enough to show Chen Fan's strength. strength.

Especially this red flame golden beast!

I'm afraid even ordinary kings may not dare to say that they will be able to kill them!

In fact, the beast that Chen Fan hunted and killed may reveal his true strength. After all, these staff members have no obligation to keep news for Chen Fan.

It's just that Chen Fan urgently needs a battle order, but he doesn't care about exposing his strength.

Because he is still in the stage of high-speed improvement, with the core of Zhouguang, he is confident that there will be a possibility of high-speed improvement in a short time. He is currently lacking a battle order, and it is acceptable to expose a part of his strength.

Finally calculated.

Chen Fan obtained a total of 300,000 battle orders, but it was enough for Chen Fan to squander for a certain period of time...

After completing the exchange, Chen Fan put away the corpse of the beast, but left straight away.

Several staff members left behind with different and complicated expressions.

"Chen Fan can even kill a beast of the level of the Scarlet Flame Golden Beast. His strength...I'm afraid..."

"Even with the blessing of foreign objects, Chen Fan's strength is really exaggerated. Let alone the ten-story Tongtian Tower, the eleven-story tower is probably not difficult. This is big news... If I remember correctly, Chen Fan entered the holy hall Is it less than a hundred years?"

"Even if he has entered the Time Secret Realm, Chen Fan's speed of progress is still disappointing. I don't think even Hei Luo from the 'Night Dire' clan can match it."

Several people discussed in succession.

Suddenly accompanied by a brilliant aura, a terrifying and suffocating aura descended suddenly.

At the same time, a voice sounded in the ears of several people:

"Chen Fan exchanged the battle order today, don't reveal it..."

The voice was ethereal and indifferent, but it carried an undeniable flavor.

Several people have different complexions, but they all look respectful and obedient: "Yes, Lord Xingjun."

In the next moment, the brilliant aura disappeared.

The suffocating breath disappeared, and everyone present heaved a sigh of relief, and each of them had different expressions.

And at the same time.

In the sanctuary.

Somewhere a special space with brilliant aura.

Xingjun, however, was a young man who was so handsome that he looked a little weird, and sat there looking at each other.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xing."

Xingjun waved his hand: "Blood God is welcome. As a genius of our human race, Chen Fan can enter the realm with such exaggerated strength, but he is very likely to become another immortal of our human race. I should do these things."

A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Fast progress in strength is naturally a good thing, but it may not only be a good thing.

Of course, if it weren't for the blood god, Xing Jun would not have issued a ban on a mere Chen Fan.


At this time, Chen Fan had already arrived in the Divine Ability Hall.

And exchanged a lot of supernatural powers and secret methods.

It's just that, the higher the level of avenue-level and immortal-level supernatural powers are exchanged, the more battle tokens will be consumed.

Chen Fan seems to have obtained a lot of battle orders, but in fact, most of the sword skills he has learned have been exchanged for a higher level.

However, he didn't dare to exchange for a few more swordsmanship, especially a few immortal level swordsmanship, he only exchanged for a higher level of swordsmanship.

"A set of fairy-level swordsmanship supernatural powers requires at least a million battle tokens to exchange for a complete set. In the future, the gap in my battle tokens will only become bigger and bigger..."

His own strength is already very close to becoming a king, but that is under the condition of external force blessing. In fact, there is still a long way to go before he breaks through the twelfth floor of Tongtian Tower.

"There's no rush, and there's no need to rush..."

After exchanging the magical power of swordsmanship.

But he got into the secret realm of Heavenly Sword again.

Continued to start the practice and comprehension of kendo.

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