My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1049 Repression and Distribution

The old nun helped Long Duo to block Chen Fan's aftermath, but then suddenly attacked Long Duo.

A circle of spiritual light surged around Long Duo's body, but he was only a grandmaster after all, so he couldn't stop the power of a peak master of longevity.

Under the power of the terrifying whisk, the aura around Long Duo's body collapsed instantly, and the arm holding the token was directly cut off by the sharp white line of the whisk!

But after that, the white thread of the dust whisk wrapped around the arm, and the old nun's eyes flickered, and her body suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the high platform in the distance.

All this happened between lightning and flint.

Fei Enjun narrowed his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "I knew that you old nun had no good intentions!"

But the man rushed forward, and followed the old nun in the blink of an eye.

But just before the old nun came to the high platform, Fei Enjun waved his hand, and a ribbon exuding blue and brilliant brilliance fluttered out, but it shot out in the blink of an eye, and the old nun flew away. Out body entangled!

But he was already prepared!

"Damn—" The old nun was anxious and angry, and the whisk in her hand continued to extend.

The countless white silk threads on the whisk were entangled with the ribbon in the blink of an eye.

The brilliant auras continued to strike and collide.

Although compared with Chen Fan and Taoist Ming Xu, the fighting power of the two was much lower, but for Song Qianxue, it was quite terrifying, and there was no possibility of her getting involved in the battle between the two!

Unlike Chen Fan and Taoist Mingxu, there is a big gap in strength between the two. Fei Enjun is obviously much stronger than this old nun. But he almost has the strength to be a Marquis, but he can easily defeat him with just a few moves.

Fei Enjun, who defeated the old nun, managed to snatch Long Duo's token from the old nun.

But after that, he didn't turn his head back, but he rushed straight into the high platform.

This scene also made Song Qianxue in the distance shake her head and sigh.

I was still saying that I couldn't do this kind of thing before, but I did it in the blink of an eye!

It was precisely because Fei Enjun's strength was not bad that he really knew how precious the items on the high platform were.

The more token apertures, the higher the level of treasures that can be taken away.

The circle of light on the token in Long Duo's hand was more than that of Chen Fan.

But this means that the person can even enter the ninth-floor high platform and take away a treasure from the ninth-floor high platform.

But the items on it are at least at the level of immortal artifacts, and even immortals will be tempted.

How could Fei Enjun not be moved by greed.

With no one stopping him, Fei Enjun rushed to the high platform in an instant, and the phantom light flickered on the token in his hand, but the light curtain in front of the high platform could not stop him at all. He rushed straight up, but He rushed to the high platform on the ninth floor in the blink of an eye, then laughed loudly, and excitedly grabbed a long knife-shaped weapon.

The number of treasures on the eighty-nine-story high platform is the least, and there are only a few pieces.

As he grabbed that weapon, his figure suddenly disappeared on the high platform.

In the distance, the old nun lay on the ground in resentment, and patted the ground heavily unwillingly.

Behind him, Song Qianxue was healing Long Duo.

at the same time.

On the other hand, the battle between Chen Fan and Taoist Mingxu had come to an end.

Taoist Mingxu also has a lot of means, but unfortunately he is more than a star and a half behind Chen Fan who has "Yuanzhu" and Baihuangjia. Although he persisted for a long time, he was finally severely injured by Chen Fan dying.

"Stop fighting, Chen Fan, I admit defeat, I am willing to return the token!"

Taoist Mingxu's breath was extremely weak, but he couldn't break through Chen Fan's obstacles at all, but he could only show weakness again.

"I don't trust you." Chen Fan shook his head, but turned his hand and took out a glass bottle that was shining brightly.

"Mingxu Taoist, please take a rest in my glass bottle..."

Dazzling spiritual light stirred up on the glass bottle, and Taoist Ming Xu's expression changed in shock, but he felt a terrifying suction force coming from him.

"Chen Fan, you can't treat me like this!!"

If he was in a period of complete victory, it would be impossible for Chen Fan's glass bottle, which could not exert its full power, to restrain him. But now, he was seriously injured and dying, but how could he stop the glass bottle's absorption!

If it weren't for Chen Fan's unwillingness to mobilize the power of the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion here, it would actually be more reliable to keep him in the Immortal Mansion.

Many places in the Immortal Mansion have set up powerful restrictions and formations, but even the immortals may be suppressed if they are taken down.

It's true that Chen Fan couldn't fully utilize the effect of the glass bottle, but it's still a nine-star Taoist artifact after all!

In Taoist Mingxu's state at this time, he was imprisoned in the glass bottle, but there was no possibility of escape at all.

However, Chen Fan used the power of heaven and earth to roll up his person and snatch a few tokens from others, but it turned into a streamer and flew in front of Song Qianxue and others in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the severed arm of the young Long Duo has already been reshaped.

For a master of longevity, taking out a heaven-level healing elixir at will is enough to help him regenerate a broken limb, which is naturally nothing.

Although Chen Fan had been fighting against Taoist Mingxu, he had completely noticed what happened just now.

It's just that he didn't take it to heart.

Because if his guess is true, if Immortal Haofang is really an immortal like what Fu Ling said, then everything that Chen Fan and others have experienced here in the cave may be just false...

Of course, if he guessed wrong, he might miss the fairy-level treasure.

But Chen Fan shook his head.

He wasn't entirely sure whether his guess was true or not, but what he could be sure of was that there was definitely something wrong with the setting of the Duibao Hall here!

At this time, Long Duo was also at a loss, and looked at the old nun with some confusion: "Why did you want to grab my token, senior?"

The corner of the old nun's mouth twitched and glanced at Chen Fan who was flying towards him, but she shook her head with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, my friend, the greed in my heart just now..."

From Chen Fan's performance, she saw that Chen Fan was a "just man". No matter how unwilling and dissatisfied she was, she could not offend Chen Fan anymore, so she honestly confessed and apologized to Long Duo.

With his strength, it is quite a big thing to apologize to a martial artist who has just broken through the seventh level.

At the same time, Chen Fan also flew in front of them. He glanced at the old nun and shook his head lightly.

"Your tokens, each take it back—" Then with a thought, the tokens in his hand flew out and flew towards several people.

Song Qianxue took back the one that belonged to her among several tokens: "Thank you, Chen Fan, for being such a genius."

The tenth level warrior and the old nun also took back their tokens with subtle expressions.

The number of token apertures of the two is not too much, only three or four floors, but even so, each can be exchanged for a good Taoist weapon.

It's fine for a master of the old nun's level.

For that tenth-level martial artist, being able to exchange for a good Taoist weapon is naturally quite a generous reward, and the expression on his face is also extremely joyful.

His cultivation is only tenth level, but he can get a four-star or higher Taoist artifact for nothing, which is not too much money.

After the three of them took their tokens away.

In the end, apart from his own token, Chen Fan had two more tokens in his hand.

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