My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1050 Mirror and Dao Sword

One of these two tokens came from Taoist Mingxu who was suppressed by Chen Fan, and the other came from Fei Enjun who had already taken the treasure and moved away.

The aperture number of the two tokens is actually higher, one is five layers and the other is six layers.

The previous round of assessment was calculated based on one's own level of cultivation and combat power. The fact that the two of them had such a high number of apertures was enough to show their strength.

According to Song Qianxue, Fei Enjun's token has six layers of light circles, while Taoist Ming Xu has five layers.

"The assessment is calculated according to one's own cultivation level. Taoist Mingxu said that he is a king, but in essence it still belongs to the sixth level of longevity..."

Chen Fan was not surprised that Taoist Mingxu was able to obtain five layers of aperture.

The sixth level of longevity has a huge span, and it is also the sixth level of longevity. There is a huge gap in strength between a master of the king and a person who has just entered the sixth level of longevity. Taoist Mingxu's advantage is already greater than that of the ordinary sixth level of longevity.

On the contrary, Fei Enjun, whose token can have six layers of aperture, is quite rare.

"If Fei Enjun is also the sixth level of longevity, then his token can reach the level of six layers of aperture, but his strength is probably better than Taoist Mingxu and me... But in fact, he is probably just The strength of a general feudal marquis... that is to say, the person himself may only be at the fifth level of longevity!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered. Although he had been fighting Taoist Mingxu just now, he had seen the scene of Fei Enjun fighting the old nun.

"This Fei Enjun is probably not a simple person..." Although there is still a big gap compared to him, there are not many people in the entire church who can have the strength to be a Marquis in the fifth level of longevity.

Which one is not the proud son of heaven with a strong bloodline and background!

If Chen Fan didn't have "Reaching for the Stars", he probably wouldn't be much better than Fei Enjun...

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but turned his head to look at Long Duo: "Since your token was taken away by Fei Enjun, then you can choose one of these two tokens..."

Long Duo's eyes flickered, and he looked at Chen Fan with a subtle expression. While his thoughts were turning, he did not reject Chen Fan, but chose the token of the five-layer aperture.

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, but he left behind the six-level aperture token belonging to Fei Enjun.

"let's go!"

This time, with Chen Fan in charge, no one dared to snatch other people's tokens. Several people stepped onto different high platforms and left one after another after choosing the treasure.

And Chen Fan came to the eighth-floor platform first.

Because he didn't know if he would be teleported away immediately after he chose the treasure, he naturally didn't plan to try it at the six-story tower.

But when he came to the eighth-story high platform, his heart couldn't help beating wildly, and his eyes were fixed on the treasures on the high platform.

Although there are more treasures on the eighth floor than on the ninth floor, there are actually no more than ten treasures.

On the seventh floor, you can exchange for the treasures of elixir and Jiujiu Dao.

The eighth layer is a higher-quality elixir and a higher-valued Nine-Nine Dao Artifact.

It's a pity that there are no fairy-level treasures.

Only the ninth floor has fairy treasures!

Except for the three elixir, the others are all kinds of weapons and treasures.

"This immortal is really a wealthy master..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but look at the treasures on the ninth floor of the tower, admiring them.

Fu Ling once said that many immortals and demon kings do not have immortal weapons, and still use ninety-nine weapons as their main weapons.

There are only a small number of people who have fairy artifacts.

And this is the Haofang immortal, but he casually regards ninety-nine Taoist artifacts and even immortal artifacts as rewards for others to pass the assessment, which is really amazing.

Fu Ling's subtle voice quickly rang in Chen Fan's ears:

"This immortal may not be as strong as Immortal Pengxuan in terms of strength, but he can be regarded as an immortal who can be ranked in the first echelon. It is easy to take out a few immortal weapons."

"If he really survived to this day, after so many epochs, I am afraid that the accumulation of real wealth will be quite outrageous..."

"There is also a big difference between immortals and immortals. Some newly promoted immortals may not even have ninety-nine artifacts...but some immortals who have existed for a long time can give ninety-nine artifacts to their subordinates or others at will. Descendants..."

When Chen Fan heard the words, his eyes twinkled and he nodded.

Some immortals who live long and grow rapidly in strength are naturally more likely to obtain high-quality treasures.

He looked at the treasures around him, but he didn't know what to choose.

The elixir is certainly good, but he still has a few in his hand, and he is not lacking, but there is no need to choose. His main goal is naturally the ninety-nine weapons on it.

A broken White Emperor Armor can bring great help to Chen Fan, and how outrageous the power of a complete Jiujiu Dao Artifact, Chen Fan naturally doesn't want to miss it!

It's a pity that among these ninety-nine weapons, there are no treasures like swords. Chen Fan really didn't know how to choose...

But at this moment, Fu Ling's anxious and impatient voice sounded again: "What are you doing in a daze, quickly choose that mirror!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows and looked at a simple mirror not far away.

Among these ninety-nine artifacts, this mirror is the least special.

Chen Fan hesitated for a while.

Fu Ling's tone was a bit subtle: "Can't you feel it? This mirror is one of the sub-mirrors of the Haotian mirror, and it is a complete sub-mirror. For those who have a sun-shading mirror, of course they should choose it. Already!"

Fu Ling's words made Chen Fan stunned for a moment, but then a touch of ecstasy emerged in his heart.

Since I got the occultation mirror for so long, this is the first time I have encountered other storyboards.

But why can't I feel the specialness of the mirror in front of me who owns the solar occultation mirror?

Chen Fan frowned and stepped forward, looking at the mirror.

"Is it because this mirror is not a part of the solar occultation mirror and exists independently of the solar occultation mirror, so I can't sense it? Or is there a special restriction here that prevents me from sensing through the sun occultation mirror?"

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment, and then asked Fu Ling:

"Senior Fu Ling, you are not mistaken, is this mirror really a sub-mirror of the Haotian mirror?"

Fu Ling's decisive voice sounded: "I will never make a mistake!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan decisively picked up the mirror.

But as he took away the mirror, the person was not teleported away like the others.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he raised his hand to look at his other token. He licked his lips, but he came straight to the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor, you can choose a nine-star Taoist weapon.

This layer has treasures like swords.

Chen Fan chose the Nine Star Dao Sword decisively.

Although the Leng Feng Sword is not weaker than the general Nine Stars Dao Sword, but under the Pearl of Chen Fanying, three suitable weapons are needed, and this Dao Sword can enhance his strength considerably!

And as he took away the dao sword, a surge of pulling force came suddenly.

Although Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" can resist this pulling force to a certain level, but Chen Fan did not do so.

In the blink of an eye, he found that he had returned to the closed hall from which the token was originally transmitted.

The gullies of the earth have already joined together again.

What made Chen Fan even more subtle was that there were quite a few figures in the hall.

These people are all warriors and aliens who entered the cave examination together.

Including Chen Fan, there are thirty-one in total, one not too many and one not too few!

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