The so-called wealth is not revealed, no matter how good this fairy is, he will not hurt other people's lives, but he is a fairy after all, and his strength is far better than Chen Fan.

Facing a master of this level, it is perfectly normal for Fu Ling to have concerns.

Defenses can not do without.

For this immortal Haofang, the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion itself is worthless, but the Immortal Pengxuan represented behind the Immortal Pengxuan Mansion, as well as the inheritance and treasures of Immortal Pengxuan are hard to say.

There is another treasure house left by Immortal Pengxuan in the Immortal Mansion that Chen Fan cannot open at this time. He will not be able to break the restriction until he understands the Dao. Needless to say, there are definitely quite rich resources and treasures.

Immortal Haofang smiled at Chen Fan, his eyes shone with subtle brilliance, but he waved his hands: "You... go."

The spiritual light flickered, and a pulling force came, but Chen Fan suddenly disappeared in place.

Appeared again, but Chen Fan returned to the Chaos Sea, the place where he urged the token to leave.

He looked at the wonderful spar in front of him with a delicate expression.

Just then.

Fu Ling's illusory body solidified beside Chen Fan.

It also looked solemnly at the spar in front of it.

Chen Fan also asked again: "Senior Fu Ling, do you know what this thing is?"

Fu Ling raised his eyebrows slightly: "This thing... should be a fragment of the origin of the world..."

"World Origin Fragment?" Chen Fan's eyes flickered. This is not the first time he has heard of the word World Origin.

At the beginning, the Blood God had told Chen Fan that after the four great courts defeated the ancient dragon, they each obtained part of the origin of the world.

The reason why Nishenting was able to smelt the power of Tianyuan into itself was because the Nishen family, as one of the rulers of the world, possessed a part of the origin of the world.

Although the Nishen Court was destroyed and the Nishen King died, there is still a part of the origin of the world that has been permanently integrated into the blood of the Nishen clan.

Speaking of which, with the bloodline against the gods, I can be regarded as possessing a trace of the origin of the world...

It's just that the trace of the origin of the world is hidden in Chen Fan's anti-god blood, not the materialized fragments in front of him.

"What is the origin of the world?" Chen Fan frowned deeply, a little puzzled.

"Why do I have countless inspirations for various Taos just by looking at it..."

Fu Ling replied: "The origin of the world is the embodiment of the Dao of Heaven. The Dao of Heaven is the foundation of the convergence of thousands of Dao, the embodiment of the law of the Dao. The fragments of the original source are equivalent to the materialization of the Dao of Heaven. Naturally, they can help people understand the Dao..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he also looked excitedly at the source fragment in front of him, then tentatively stretched out his fingers, and touched the fragment lightly.

But the moment Chen Fan's fingers touched the fragment, the fragment automatically merged into Chen Fan's body.

Chen Fan suddenly felt an extremely comfortable and indescribable feeling.

At the same time, infinite aura burst out in his mind.

But it is much more useful than simply watching the source fragments.

"This feeling……"

Chen Fan closed his eyes and opened them for a moment: "It's like the feeling when I entered the Yuanshang secret realm and realized the Dao Palace!"

All the ways he has comprehended can be induced and improved by this.

His eyes flickered, his mind swirled.

The Yuanshang Secret Realm is an inheritance secret realm created by the Sun God King's son "Zi Shang". As the Demon God King master of the Sun God Clan, he naturally controls the original power of the world.

"In the Hall of Enlightenment, there should be fragments of the origin of the world!"

Of course, the speed of his enlightenment at this time is indeed extremely exaggerated, but it has not really reached the exaggerated level of the Temple of Enlightenment.

The origin of the world that "Zi Shang" has grasped is probably much bigger than what Chen Fan got!

In addition, although the original fragments of the world have been integrated into his body, he is unable to control the power in it at all, nor can he truly integrate into his body.

His body just became the carrier of this fragment.

He smacked his lips: "If I can directly absorb and devour this fragment, I should be able to comprehend the Dao faster..."

Hearing the words, Fu Ling said with a delicate expression: "Ordinary people...even the king of immortals and demon gods, it is difficult to truly devour and plunder the original fragments, but you, I guess there is a certain possibility..."

Chen Fan was slightly taken aback, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it because of my God-defying blood?"

Fu Ling nodded solemnly.

"Although the Nishen Clan has been destroyed, they are the former Four-Pillar God Clan after all, and it is possible to truly use the power of this original fragment for their own use..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered when he heard this, but he quickly shook his head again.

Although Fu Ling said that he could devour "the original fragments of the world", but with his cultivation and strength at this time, it might be difficult for him to do so.

Not to mention, what Fu Ling said is just a possibility, not necessarily certain, and even if it is possible, I don't know that it will take a year of the monkey.

For him, at this moment, it is very important that this source fragment can help him understand and improve his Dao.

To really smelt the original power for his own use, I am afraid that it will depend on the progress of Chen Fan's "Blood Melting Technique" and the degree of liberation of the anti-god blood, but there is no rush.

Of course, this piece of debris was of great use to Chen Fan, but it wasn't too big.

The fragments are too small, and the overall efficiency of the improvement is limited, but it is limited after all, but it is far from the effect in the Hall of Enlightenment. It is just that Chen Fan can use and comprehend the original fragments at any time, which is incomparable to the Hall of Enlightenment.

If you combine the core of Zhouguang, your own advantage over others will be much greater.

"Senior Fu Ling, do you know where there are more original fragments?"

Fu Ling was silent for a while, and then said: "Do you remember what I told you once, that in the world, there are some places where the will of heaven cannot cast its sight..."

Chen Fan was startled when he heard the words, and then nodded.

Previously, the Chaotic Demon Sea that Chen Fan went to in the Demon Realm was actually a similar place.

Fu Lingdao: "There are actually quite a few places like this. Masters who can reach the ultimate level can actually isolate the gaze of the will of heaven to a certain level. And the ultimate master must be able to share part of the origin of the world. This is the will of heaven. gift..."

Chen Fan nodded again upon hearing this.

At the beginning, Fuling was only mentioned briefly, and Chen Fan didn't know much about it.

Fu Ling continued:

"And within these places, and within these places, there is a rather special realm, just beyond the Chaos Sea, called 'The Outer Seas', for some reason I cannot tell you here, 'The Outer Seas 'There are a large number of shattered original fragments in it. In fact, I suspect that the original fragment in your hand may come from the 'outer sea'!"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed suddenly: "Outer sea... there are places like this..."

His eyes were full of excitement, but the idea of ​​going to the open sea to find the source fragments also arose in his heart.

With the talent of hanging up, the benefits he can get from obtaining this source fragment are far greater than ordinary people.

When he hangs up, all magical powers and secret techniques related to the Tao can be improved with the help of original fragments.

Not to mention, his own enlightenment, this source fragment can also play a big role...

And noticed Chen Fan's expression.

Fu Ling shook his head:

"What I want to remind you is that with your current strength, if you rush to the open sea, the degree of danger may be a bit high."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned.

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