My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1054 Star Fixing Mirror

Hear what Fu Ling said.

Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned, stunned: "Senior Fuling, are you not mistaken? I should be considered the most powerful among the kings now, right?"

"The only ones who can threaten my life are the Demon God King and Immortals, right? Is Wai Hai so exaggerated?"

After defeating and suppressing Taoist Mingxu head-on, Chen Fan thought he was already very powerful.

Feng Wang is already the ultimate strength of the sixth level of longevity.

And with "The Secret Code of Space" and Baihuangjia in hand, he doesn't say he can beat all the masters of the king, but he is also confident that he can confront all the kings head-on.

Fu Ling laughed and said:

"The Taoist Mingxu's own strength can only be regarded as stronger than that of the first-time king, not even the middle-level strength among the kings, and he does not have a nine-star defensive weapon...You can defeat a king of this level. It's not bad, but it can only be regarded as a middle-level king at best."

"There are too many kings who are more powerful than you. To become a king, talent and supernatural powers will never be inferior. Of course, there are not many like you, but there must be some. In addition, some immortals or demon queens People, it is possible to have nine-star Taoism artifacts or even nine-nine Taoism artifacts!"

Some immortals and demon god kings may have individual nine-nine-level weapons, but some immortals and demon kings can give nine-nine-level tools or even immortal weapons to their subordinates at will.

Speaking of Fuling, he also squinted his eyes: "The people who can enter the outer sea are all princes, kings and above. Your strength can only be regarded as moderate when entering the outer sea."

"What's even more frightening in the open sea is that there are many 'betrayers' lurking in it."

Chen Fan also couldn't help being taken aback: "A traitor?"

Then he raised his eyebrows: "Senior said it was those guys who took refuge in 'Tianyuan'?!"

Back then when Fu Ling was in the Demon Realm, he had revealed related news. In this world, there were traitors who took refuge in "Tianyuan", and these guys were hiding in places where the Dao of Heaven couldn't cast their eyes...

Fu Ling nodded and said:

"Usually we call these guys 'betrayers' or 'heavenly minions'."

"Unless during the catastrophe period, these guys will be suppressed by the will of heaven, so they can only hide in places like the open sea."

"These people, like you, can also use the 'power of the abyss of heaven', but unlike you who only use the 'power of the abyss of heaven', their will and psychology are completely distorted by the power of the abyss of heaven, and they are completely thrown into the abyss of heaven—"

"The outer sea is the place where there are the most and most ravaging 'Heavenly Minions'."

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched when he heard the words: "What are these guys planning?"

Fu Ling sighed: "What is the purpose of cultivating all your life? Isn't it just to live longer? For some people, life is always the most important thing!"

"These people are either desperate for the world, thinking that we can't resist the catastrophe, or they are trying to plot a stronger force from 'Abyss of Heaven'...Of course, they may have their own reasons, but when they choose 'Abyss of Heaven', they will be with this The world is completely on the opposite side."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "There should be many masters in our world who will attack these guys, right?"

Fu Ling said:

"Yes, and the number is definitely more than you imagined. However, the open sea is too dangerous, and it is not so easy to deal with the 'Minions of Tianyuan'. The minimum requirement for entering the open sea is to be named a prince or king, and there are many demon kings and immortals."

"The space in the open sea is chaotic, and it is not watched by the will of heaven, so it is impossible to deduce the secrets of the heavens... and the 'betrayer' can also use the power of the abyss at will, and receive great blessings..."

"There is even a 'degenerate' ultimate, and it is precisely because of that existence that it is sheltered that makes dealing with these 'betrayers' more difficult than you can imagine."

"Except for the catastrophe, the outer sea is also the place where the demon king or immortal is most likely to fall."

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard that.

My heart is also complicated.

Even the ultimate degenerates and turns into Tianyuan's minions, which shows how terrifying Tianyuan is.

It also shows the overall trend of the world and the despair of the people.

Speaking of which, Fu Ling also sighed:

"My previous master, who was a king, wandered in the open sea for a period of time. He narrowly escaped death and managed to come out alive..."

Speaking of Fuling, he also raised his head and looked at Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, your current strength is not as good as that of my master. He is extremely difficult in it, let alone you now..."

"In addition, the source fragments are not so easy to obtain. My former master has been working in it for decades, but he has only seen the source fragments once, and there are many masters competing, so he couldn't get it at all!"

Listening to Fu Ling's narration, Chen Fan also had a subtle expression, but shook his head, suppressing his plan to go to the open sea immediately.

The original fragments are important, but the safety of your own life is the most important.

Compared with the weak King, Chen Fan has a great advantage, especially with "The Secret Code of Space and Space" and the White Emperor Armor.

But if he meets those kings with peak strength, or powerful kings who have a full set of nine-star Taoist weapons or even nine-nine Taoist weapons, then he is still far inferior.

And for a person of that level, if they have any powerful spatial supernatural powers or related magic weapons, the advantages of Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" will also disappear.

Of course, the most important thing is that in such a huge open sea, finding the source fragments is like finding a needle in a haystack, it's not that easy.

"My strength still has room for improvement. After I broke through the fifth level of longevity, I still haven't finished learning a lot of swordsmanship supernatural powers... It won't be too late to go when I get stronger..."

Although Chen Fan was aggressive, he was not a fool.

His current strength, in the outside world, has few opponents, but if he goes to the outer seas, he is considered to be in the middle, or even relatively weak.

Although it doesn't mean you can't go,

Shaking his head, Chen Fan moved so close to the horizon, moved two times, and turned back to the church.


The tenth tower world, Chen Fan's palace.

In the wide dojo.

Chen Fan flipped his hand and took out a mirror.

This mirror is exactly the one obtained from Haofang Immortal Cave.

According to Fu Ling, this mirror is one of the sub-mirrors of Haotian Mirror.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he decisively began to refine the mirror.

Although it is a part of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, after all, a single part only has the power of an ordinary Jiujiu Dao Artifact.

Moreover, there is no weapon spirit in this mirror, and the difficulty for Chen Fan to refine it is not too high.

After refining, Chen Fan also had more information and introduction about this mirror in his mind.

This mirror is called "Star Fixing Mirror". It is not an attack-type treasure, but an auxiliary type. Its effect is to restrict the actions of others and weaken their strength.

It's a pity that Chen Fan's cultivation base is too weak, and he can't exert the full effect of the "Star Fixing Mirror".

After all, the treasures of the Nine-Nine Dao Artifacts can only be fully utilized by immortal masters!

Of course, even if the full effect cannot be exerted, it is enough to affect the actions of the master of the king.

With such a treasure, Chen Fan can have greater suppression in the face of King Feng.

Whether it's escaping or chasing and killing, it goes without saying that with Chen Fan's "Space Locking Art" in "The Secret Code of the Universe", the effect is natural.

"Good stuff!"

Chen Fan was naturally very excited.

Although the effect of the ability is very simple, it has to be said that its ability is powerful.

What surprised Chen Fan was that even though he had refined the mirror, he still couldn't feel the slightest connection between the mirror and the sun-cloaking mirror, and they couldn't fuse together.

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