My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1055 Fleeing Years

The Haotian mirror has a total of twelve mirrors, and each mirror has the power of ninety-nine Taoist weapons.

And every time the four realms unite, they will have the power of the fairy level.

The twelve realms are one, but there will be the power of the supreme fairy weapon.

Unlike the sun-covering mirror in Chen Fan's hand, which is only half of the moon-covering sun mirror, this mirror is one of the complete Haotian mirror.

Although it can only be regarded as a ninety-nine level artifact if it is placed there alone, in fact, as a part of the supreme immortal artifact, its value may not be lower than some low-level immortal artifacts.

Immortal Haofang was willing to take out this kind of treasure as a treasure. It is not very likely that the person does not know what it is, and most of the time he doesn't care.

However, what surprised Chen Fan was that he could not sense the connection between the two mirrors even though he had the part of the sun-shielding mirror, which is the part of the Supreme Immortal Artifact!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

When he first chose the treasure, he couldn't sense the connection with the star-fixing mirror with his sun occultation mirror.

He also asked Fu Ling why.

Fu Ling said: "If you can sense each other, some masters have already collected all the mirrors. Do you think you can keep the sun-shading mirrors for so long?"

"Only when the four mirrors are gathered together can they change and become one! There will be no induction between individual mirrors."

Chen Fan also had a subtle expression when he heard the words.

He also couldn't help asking: "If that's the case, can anyone really collect all the twelve mirrors?"

As soon as these words came out, Fu Ling had a slightly subtle expression:

"If one day, you can complete the moon-covering-sun mirror and realize the Dao yourself, maybe you can use the effect of the moon-covering-sun mirror to deduce the whereabouts of other mirrors..."

Chen Fan also gave a wry smile when he heard the words.

Although he has reached the fifth level of longevity, it seems that he is only two steps away from the Dao of Enlightenment, but the actual gap is incalculable.

And even if he can understand the Dao, how can he find the lower part of the mirror that covers the moon and the sun?

The world is so big and there are so many creatures.

There is no way to find the other half of the mirror, and Chen Fan can't find the whereabouts of the other mirrors by combining the mirrors that cover the moon and the sun.

shook his head.

Chen Fan's eyes were shining with a sharp brilliance: "If I am strong enough and have enough means, I can be ranked in the forefront among the world's immortals and demon kings, and it will be much more convenient to find things..."

Strength is the foundation. As long as you have strength, why don't you worry about finding something?

Even when Chen Fan's strength increases, there may be better fairy weapons available, but he may not necessarily be obsessed with this Haotian mirror.

You can get the best, but it’s okay if you don’t get it.

After playing and familiarizing himself with the star-fixing mirror, Chen Fan took out another long silver sword.

This is exactly how he got the Nine Star Dao Sword from Immortal Haofang.

This sword can only be regarded as an ordinary nine-star sword, and the actual power and bonus effect of the eight-star cold front sword are almost the same.

Of course, this is not to say that this sword is not good, but that the Leng Feng sword is too strong.

For Chen Fan, the more important role is to supplement the weapon of the avatar.

Putting away the Sun-Blanking Mirror, Chen Fan went straight to the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm and continued to retreat.

With the help of the source fragments, the speed of his own practice of many magical powers and secret methods, as well as his comprehension of Tao, have been greatly improved.

It's a pity that kendo practice is too difficult.

With the help of the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, Chen Fan has advanced all the swordsmanship he majored in to perfection, and the way of swordsmanship has broken through the sixth level of longevity, which is still far away. However, he temporarily left the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm and started to practice other ways.

The Heavenly Sword Secret Realm is a secret realm that assists in the cultivation of some kendo secrets in the temple.

Chen Fan's own swordsmanship has realized the perfection of the five levels of longevity, and the role of the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm will be greatly reduced for him.

Of course, continue to comprehend, with the help of the source fragments, Chen Fan's swordsmanship can still be slowly advanced, but the speed is a bit ridiculously slow, but it is better to temporarily divert energy.

"It's a pity that the powerful swordsmanship of the holy hall is still a bit lacking after all..."

Chen Fan's swordsmanship is very special, and it is far easier to advance than ordinary people. Unfortunately, the swordsmanship supernatural power has reached the fifth level of longevity, but it is already quite high. There are not many swordsmanship supernatural powers in the entire temple that can reach this level.

For Chen Fan at this time, it felt a little too little.

Of course, the improvement of swordsmanship is important, but as a martial artist who has practiced a lot, Chen Fan's practice of other avenues will also greatly improve his strength.

If the four avenues of earth, fire, water, and wind catch up, the power of his Hongmeng sword will be terrifying.

Even the strongest Beiming Thirteen Forms in Chen Fan's hands are far less powerful than the Hongmeng Sword.

Even the Hongmeng Sword, which is one level short of the realm, is far more powerful than other immortal swordsmanship.

The power of the four avenues in one is really too terrifying...

Time flies like this...


Tower of Ten Realms, the fourth sequence.

A palace.

In the wide secret room.

A beautiful woman in a white feather coat sat cross-legged on the ground, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth surged into her body crazily.

On the top of the woman's head, a plump and solid Dao fruit exudes a strong fire light.

While the flame dao rhyme was circulating, the aura on the woman's body kept rising.

A moment later, the woman opened her eyes, and the fruit on her head floated down from her head like a ripe stalk.

"Hahaha, I took off the Dao Fruit! I have achieved immortality, and I succeeded once. Has my talent finally revealed itself!"

But there was a "hum" sound in the quiet room: "With my state-breaking elixir for you, and I personally protect the way, if you fail, don't be surnamed Chen!"

Chen Fan who was sitting next to him also stood up.

The woman also had a face full of helplessness when she heard the words, but she didn't dare to say more: "My uncle taught me the lesson."

This woman is Chen Xi.

It has been several decades since Chen Fan became the Marquis, and it has been almost two hundred years since Chen Xi fused the Emperor of Elements.

Chen Xi, who is over 200 years old, is naturally much more mature than before, but in front of Chen Fan, he still looks cute and sensible.

But with such good conditions, coupled with the careful training of masters like Chen Fan, it took more than a hundred years for him to break through longevity, but he can't be called fast at all!

Chen Fan's wife, Ye Yunxin, had already achieved immortality twenty years ago.

Compared to Ye Yunxin, Chen Xi is actually more competitive, aggressive, and hardworking, but her talent is really limited, and it is precisely because of her competitive spirit that she is not stable enough in her mentality.

The helplessness on Chen Xi's face quickly dissipated and turned into excitement and joy.

With her talent, without the help of the Emperor of Elements in this life, it is very difficult to break through the possibility of immortality. At this time, she has reached the realm of her dream after more than a hundred years, so she is naturally very happy.

Her eyes twinkle:

"Uncle, you said at the beginning that when I cultivate to immortality, I can leave the church and no longer need you to accompany me—"

For more than a hundred years, neither Ye Yunxin nor Chen Xi was allowed by Chen Fan to leave the holy hall alone or with others and enter the sea of ​​chaos.

The two of them are too weak, even with the life-saving means left by Chen Fan, they are still extremely dangerous in the sea of ​​chaos.

Chen Fan has too many secrets in his hands, what he is most afraid of is meeting someone like Ya Liao again.

In fact, he offended more than one king. If he threatened the second daughter, Chen Fan would also have a headache.

And heard what Xiao Xi said.

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, nodded, but asked rhetorically:

"Breakthrough Changsheng, the divine consciousness of your Dayan Shenjue should have transformed, right?"

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