If Chen Fan was able to react when King Yehua was searching for his soul and urged the Star God Seal to block it, it just couldn't stop it.

So at this moment, Chen Fan simply couldn't react and resist.

The gap is too big.

At the same time, the statue of the Thunder Beast in his sea of ​​consciousness also began to shine brightly, flew up quickly, and let out thunderous light.

But it met the domineering soul that was rushing forward.

"Huh?" A thought of surprise and surprise resounded in Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

The existence of the Thunder Beast statue allowed this existence to confirm that Chen Fan had indeed obtained the Thunder Beast's inheritance!

Afterwards, thunder light surged again in Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, but this time the invading soul was not destroyed by the power of thunder and lightning. On the contrary, the power of the god's soul and the thunder beast statue began to confront each other!

As the battlefield where two terrifying existences were fighting, Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness began to turbulent and overwhelming in an instant.

Chen Fan had a feeling that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode.

He is just a fifth level of longevity. No matter how powerful his spiritual consciousness is, he can at most compare with the sixth level of longevity. He can't compare with some powerful princes and kings, let alone such a terrifying existence.

Just when Chen Fan was about to collapse, everything came to an abrupt end.

The raging thunder light from the Thunder Beast Statue stagnated for an instant.

At the same time, the soul of that immortal master also abruptly withdrew from Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

at the same time.

in the outside world.

Chen Fan opened his eyes blankly.

Instead, he saw a figure standing in front of him.

The surging black mist was completely pierced by a sword that looked like blue crystal.

The black mist surged around, and the rhyme of the avenue flowed and spread.

Chen Fan looked at the person in front of him in astonishment, in a daze:

"Senior Beiming?!"

Chen Fan did not expect that the person who would help him at this critical moment would be Bei Ming!

Chen Fan hadn't seen Beiming since the century-old secret realm.

He never thought that Bei Ming, who was as indifferent as Bei Ming, would actually make a move for himself!

The slightly panicked voice from earlier sounded:

"Beiming, you are crazy, for a mortal, you want to kill me?"

"Yes, do you have any last words?" Bei Ming's indifferent voice was mixed with a hint of coldness.

The black mist suddenly exploded, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye!

The entire Ten Realms Tower was completely shrouded in black clouds!

At this moment, countless geniuses looked at the black clouds that suddenly appeared in the sky in astonishment and surprise.

"Bei Mingyou is crazy, have you forgotten the promise of the temple, how many people at the same level as you and me exist in the world, if you kill me, do you know how many more people will die in the next catastrophe?"

Bei Ming's voice was still cold and arrogant: "If I kill you, I will go to the open sea, and I will never leave unless I kill a demon king who is on the opposite side!"

As soon as these words came out, the black mist kept trembling.

"Crazy, you are crazy!"

Beiming's eyes were cold, but he turned his head to look at Chen Fan at this moment, his expression was still so indifferent: "Look, my real swordsmanship should be used like this!"

Chen Fan's expression was shocked, and then he nodded heavily.

Bei Ming turned his head back, facing the black mist covering the sky, and swung his sword down.


The sword edge whined.

Heaven, earth, space, everything was torn apart by this sword.


An indescribable force exploded.

The world was divided into countless space fragments by this sword.

The sky dome on the top floor of the Ten Realms Tower and the barrier on the floating island were also divided with this sword.

An idea of ​​anxiety and fear surged in all directions along with the black mist:

"Beiming is crazy, save me—"

"Bai Fengyu!"

"Mr. Xing!"

And the next moment, there was a sigh.

Time seemed to freeze, and then began to reverse rapidly.

Beiming's sword energy that split the space into countless fragments suddenly reversed.

The space that was divided into countless pieces was reassembled visible to the naked eye.

The divided dome of the Ten Realms Tower and the barrier above the floating island also returned to their original state in the blink of an eye.

Xingjun's figure suddenly appeared in the air, and at the same time, the black mist that filled the sky recondensed into a solid body behind Xingjun.

He sighed: "That's enough, Bei Ming. This matter is the fault of the 'Black God', but he doesn't deserve to die."

At the same time, a man in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of the "Black God". He was the head teacher of Yuhua Sect, Bai Fengyu:

"Senior Beiming, if you really killed him, where did you put our original agreement?"

"I don't want to fight with you, senior, but if you break the contract, don't blame me for being rude..."

His tone seemed polite, but it was actually extremely cold.

Between the words, there is no fear of "Bei Ming" at all.

Beiming looked at Xingjun and Bai Fengyu who appeared, but a wave of fluctuation and fear flashed in his eyes, he shook his head, and the sword in his hand disappeared.

He turned his head to look at the "Black God", and then pointed to Chen Fan behind him:

"Apologize to him. If he forgives you, let this matter go."

As soon as this statement came out.

The sky streamer flickers.

However, there was another powerful existence like a flame of terror, which suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Hahahaha, interesting and interesting, a demon king actually wants to apologize to a longevity triple, 'Black God', why don't you apologize honestly!"

In the blink of an eye, several demon kings and immortal masters gathered here!

That black god was hidden in the black mist, making it impossible to see his true face, but facing the request of "Bei Ming", surrounded by black mist, a cold and angry voice came out: "He... Can you afford it?"

Bei Ming stepped forward, raised his hand again, and the ice-blue crystal sword emerged again: "Do you really want to die?"

However, Bai Fengyu's eyes were cold and golden light was shining all over his body, but he stood between Beiming and "Black God": "Senior Beiming, don't make things difficult for me!"

Seeing this scene, "Xing Jun" sighed, turned his head to look at the black mist behind him, and sighed:

"Is this the only thing you have as a demon king?"

The black mist was immersed, and there was no sound.

The scene also fell into anxiety.

at this time.

Chen Fan turned his head and stepped forward, but shook his head, breaking the anxiety: "No need."


Beiming frowned and turned his head to look at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan also stared back: "I don't need to apologize."

For Chen Fan, it doesn't make much sense whether he accepts the apology from the "Black God".

Even if he apologized, it was Bei Ming who forced Hei Shen to do so with his formidable strength.

Relying on Beiming, even if a demon king can make concessions, what's the use?

Chen Fan's eyes were extremely firm, his inner thoughts were surging, and a strong will continued to rise in his heart:

"One day, I will use my own strength to make the 'Black God' pay the price."

Beiming quietly looked at Chen Fan's eyes shining with extraordinary aura, and seemed to be able to see the unwillingness and anger in Chen Fan's eyes, he nodded:

"That's right, a swordsman really needs tempering and goals to grow."

Having been together for a hundred years, Beiming naturally has his own views on Chen Fan's character.

Seeing Beiming draw back his sword, Bai Fengyu also restrained the golden light all over his body, and looked at Chen Fan indifferently: "You are a sensible person!"

"It's boring, it's boring!" After watching the show, the fiery figure in the sky disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan nodded, then turned his head, looked at several big men in turn, and said:

"I don't know if you seniors have heard about the fact that I obtained the inheritance of the 'Ancient Thunder Beast'. This is indeed true. I am willing to share all the inheritance of the Ancient Thunder Beast I have obtained with the Holy Church—"

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