My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1063 Compensation and Reminder


As soon as Chen Fan said this, that Xingjun also nodded:

"It's a blessing to my temple that you have such an awareness. I will provide you with a corresponding battle order for the inheritance you share. How do you see this?"

Chen Fan was also taken aback for a moment, then nodded decisively.

Under the premise that the public knows that he has obtained the Thunder Beast inheritance, it is simply impossible for him to keep this inheritance privately!

In fact, it doesn't matter if Chen Fan provides it for free without being searched.

And Xingjun offered to compensate for the war order, probably because of Beiming's face.

Chen Fan was also very emotional in his heart, and looked at Beiming with a complicated expression.

To be honest, he never expected that a person with Beiming's personality would actually be called over by him, and even wanted to kill another Demon God King for his own sake.

Although Bei Ming was indifferent on the surface, the relationship between him and Chen Fan in the century-old secret realm was not fake.

Immortals are also sentient beings, and they are willing to pass on their swordsmanship, so how could they treat Chen Fan in a special way!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan suppressed many thoughts in his heart, and then looked at Lord Xing and said, "The inheritance I have obtained is quite complicated, and I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to sort it out..."

Chen Fan couldn't even understand many high-end inheritance memories of Thunder Beasts, and it was not easy to share them.

Some inheritances even require a special medium to share, which is very troublesome.

In fact, the reason why the "Black God" wanted to directly search Chen Fan's soul was precisely because, for some special inheritances, only soul searching could grasp the fastest and most comprehensive knowledge.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have my own way. Come with me."

Xing Jun's words are full of strong self-confidence.

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Bei Ming: "Senior..."

Beiming shook his head: "Go, Lord Xing is trustworthy."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the "Black God" behind Mr. Xing and Bai Fengyu floating in the air, and then his body slowly disappeared.

As soon as Xingjun waved his hand, the spiritual light flickered and he saw him, but he also disappeared with Chen Fan.


Between the stars and the stars.

However, Chen Fan came to a special space shining with magnificent rainbow light.

As soon as Xing Jun waved his hand, a dreamy and brilliant phantom light flew towards Chen Fan, and then rushed into Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Because of the collision between the soul of the "Black God" and the statue of the Thunder Beast, his sea of ​​consciousness was mottled, and the true spirit and several spirit divisions were all worse than the other.

But as this phantom light poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, the abnormality in Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness was instantly smoothed away.

There is a statue of Thunder Beast sitting in Chen Fan's Sea of ​​Consciousness. If there is any abnormality in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the statue of Thunder Beast will respond immediately.

But in the face of this phantom light, the statue of Thunder Beast is indifferent, which also shows that there is nothing wrong with this phantom light.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness returned to its original state, and his true spirit and split spirit also returned to normal in the blink of an eye, but the remaining power of the phantom light turned into pure power of the soul, and scattered to Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness. among.

This force is quite gentle and gentle, but it will not hurt Chen Fan at all, and it will not make Chen Fan feel unstable as he forcibly elevates his soul.

Chen Fan opened his eyes, and looked at Xingjun with great vigor: "Thank you, senior—"

This Xingjun is worthy of being the master of Xiyue, who is good at the spirit and soul!

"It's okay." Xing Jun waved his hand, then took out a crystal ball and held it in front of Chen Fan.

"Let's get down to business, put your hands up, and then imagine all the inherited memories of the 'Ancient Thunder Beast' you have acquired..."

Chen Fan nodded, and then put his hand on the crystal ball according to what Xingjun said.

Immediately, a dreamy streamer rose from the crystal ball.

And although Chen Fan didn't know how the crystal ball worked, the Thunder Beast statue still didn't move.

So Chen Fan can also confirm that this method is safe.

Although this method does not require Chen Fan to share the relevant inheritance, he only needs to think about what he has gained, but it still took him more than three months.

The Thunder Beast inheritance he obtained was too complicated.

Xingjun held the crystal ball in his hand, his eyebrows twitched, and his eyes flickered: "Yes, at least 50% of these inheritances are not available in the Holy Church..."

With such a scale, the temple naturally gathered a lot of various magical powers and inheritances.

In addition to some unique and rare supernatural powers, it is normal for Thunder Beast's inheritance to overlap with other common supernatural powers and secret methods.

He pondered for a moment, then said:

"I roughly calculated the level of these inheritances, and the approximate price of the battle orders of the Holy Hall's Divine Ability Mansion... These inheritances of yours can be exchanged for 7.7 million battle orders, and I will add some more for you to make up for 8 million. .These battle orders should be enough for you to exchange a lot of complete immortal-level magical powers, what do you think?"

Chen Fan's eyes also flashed: "I'm fine."

Even with Chen Fan's strength at this time, millions of battle orders are already a lot.

The eight million battle orders are enough, he has exchanged all the seven immortal-level swordsmanship for one change, and there is still a lot to spare!

For some time in the future, until he can pass through the Twelve-story Tongtian Tower without relying on external objects, he will no longer have to worry about the battle orders.

Xing Jun nodded, but directly assigned the battle order to Chen Fan.

After it was assigned to the battle order.

Chen Fan also got up immediately: "If senior has nothing else to do, please forgive me and leave temporarily..."

Xingjun also reminded: "Be careful. The 'Black God' is the demon god king of the Dire Clan. Although the Dire Clan is small in number, they are extremely powerful. Enter the top ten powerful ethnic group."

"The Nightmare Clan?" Chen Fan's heart skipped a beat.

But he thought of the peerless genius Hei Luo who had emerged from the temple in recent years.

He is a genius of the Night Dire Clan.

As a genius who is also Mei will enter the sanctuary.

He broke through the seven-story pagoda at the beginning of his entry, and broke through the nine-story pagoda less than 30 years after entering the temple!

And you must know that Chen Fan first had a hundred years of hard work in the secret realm, and then Lei Xiangshan's decades of hard work in the secret realm, plus Lei Xiangshan's considerable gains, was able to barely break through the nine-story pagoda!

Not long after Chen Fan broke through the ten-story tower, this Hei Luo also broke through the ten-story tower!

At that time, Chen Fan thought that Hei Luo might be a genius who really had the appearance of a demon king, but he didn't expect that the "Black God" he met was also a member of the Nightmare clan.

He had also heard that Hei Luo seemed to be a disciple of a certain demon king, but he wondered if he belonged to the "Black God"...

His eyes flickered.

Xing Jun continued to introduce:

"There are three masters of the Demon God King rank in the Dire Clan, and 'Black God' is still the weakest of the three, and he is also the last one to become the Demon God King."

"With Bei Ming's warning, the demon kings of the Dire clan may not dare to make a move, but there are still many masters below the demon king of the Dire clan, among them there are many princes and kings, and even a lot of geniuses of the Dire clan are in Sheng Inside the hall..."

Xing Jun was reminding Chen Fan to be careful of the masters of the Dire clan.

He could naturally hear what Xing Jun said.

His eyes were fixed, but his eyebrows were raised: "Thank you Senior Xingjun for reminding me, I must pay attention next time."

His heart is also extremely cold.

With Beiming around, the Demon God King dared not attack him, so he was fearless. With his current strength, even if the king of the Night Dire clan attacked him, he would not be afraid even if he lost!

But with the core of Zhouguang and the hang-up slot, he still has the possibility of rapid growth in a short period of time!

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