My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1064 Persuasion and Exchange

"The Dire Clan, if the Demon God King doesn't come out, I will have nothing to fear..."

As for that "Hei Luo", he was indeed so talented that even Chen Fan thought he was powerful, but it was no more than a ten-story tower.

And Chen Fan hadn't entered the Tongtian Tower for a long time, and thought that although there was still a gap between the 12th floor and the 11th floor, he should be able to pass through the 11th floor without relying on "Reaching for the Stars".

If it is outside, he has the strength to face the master of the king.

"Hei Luo" was not in his eyes at this time.

With the core of Zhouguang, the source fragment, and the hang-up slot, he still has the possibility of rapid improvement in a short period of time!

There is still a long way to go for Chen Fan's sword breakthrough.

If he didn't have more swordsmanship inheritance, it would be very difficult for him to break through.

But other ways are more difficult to break through than the way of swordsmanship.

But Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique" and "Indestructible Vajra Body" can be improved as time goes by.

Especially the ninth stage of "The Immortal Vajra Body", but it has been on-hook for quite a long time, and it won't take too long to be consummated!

When he completes the ninth level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", he can try to break through the sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower. If he can break through, he can learn the second level of "Star Picking" directly by relying on the hang-up slot...

At that time, at the king level, he will be invincible, and may even rival the strength of the Demon God King!

"Although I'm not afraid, I have to beware of the 'Night Dire Clan' targeting people around me..."

Xiao Xi, Yun Xin and the others have also left the Primal Chaos Sea. In the Purple Moon Secret Realm, Chen Fan is not afraid of the Nightmare Clan making trouble for them.

If Lan Ruo got the important relic of the previous life, Zhouguang Demon God, she should be able to recover a certain amount of strength, not to mention that there is a sleeping Ziyue Immortal in the Ziyue Secret Realm.

"I want to remind Dagan and Jianzong to pay attention..." Chen Fan took a deep breath, his eyes flickering.

Of course, Chen Fan didn't need to worry too much.

On the mainland, after all, it is the territory of the human race, and the Night Dire clan is a foreign race after all, and the Demon God King dare not easily appear in the territory of the human race to cause trouble.

Without the Demon God King's action, the Sword Sect has the King and Patriarch sitting in charge, but it also has a certain amount of self-protection power.

The main thing is to do it on the side...

Chen Fan's thoughts turned, and he clasped his fists at Xing Jun again: "Thank you for reminding me, senior."

Xingjun waved his hand, then he pondered for a moment, but said again:

"Chen Fan, I know you may be dissatisfied with being wronged this time, but I hope you don't blame Master Bai for blocking Beiming..."

The so-called Master Bai naturally refers to Bai Fengyu.

Hearing what Xing Jun said, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, cupped his fists and said, "I dare not."

There was no fluctuation or emotion in his tone.

But he completely suppressed his emotions in his heart.

Xing Jun saw Chen Fan's attitude, but he sighed: "You may not know that when the church was established, Master Bai made an agreement with you—"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xing Jun quietly.

Xingjun raised his brows slightly: "We are the existence of the Dao of Enlightenment, no matter how much hatred we form, we must not kill each other's lives. If someone violates this agreement, others have the obligation to join forces and punish them."

"The situation in our world at this time is too bad. There are only so many people in the Dao of Enlightenment. Every time we lose one in internal friction, it may lead to the danger of a catastrophe..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he remained silent.

He naturally understood what Xing Jun said.

But the anger in his heart will not be calmed because of this.

If the Demon God King can't be killed, then he deserves to be searched for his soul?

With the power of the "Black God" soul, his violent soul search may directly kill him!

Bai Fengyu almost killed himself without asking why, but at this moment, he prevented Beiming from attacking "Black God".

How could Chen Fan have no complaints in his heart.

But he is even more aware that when his strength is inferior to others, the complaints can only be swallowed into his stomach!

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't speak, Xing Jun sighed, and said again: "Chen Fan, compared with other people, I know your talent and real strength better, and I believe that you may become one of us. I just hope , even if you have any grudges, don't act impulsively..."

Xing Jun's words made Chen Fan raise his eyebrows slightly, and he cupped his fists:

"I will always remember the teachings of my predecessors!"

Anyway, Chen Fan's impression of this senior Xingjun is much better.

Xing Jun waved his hand and said no more: "Go."

The phantom light flickered, and Chen Fan's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Farewell to Xingjun.

Chen Fan also immediately went to the Divine Ability Mansion.

Over the years, although he has exchanged a lot of swordsmanship supernatural powers, some supernatural powers of the Dao and Immortal ranks are higher, but he has not fully redeemed them, but only exchanged the layers corresponding to his own kendo realm.

No way, his battle orders are limited.

These supernatural powers, the higher the number of layers, the more consumption war orders.

But at this moment, he can have no scruples.

He was about to exchange all the follow-up skills of the seven immortal-level magical swordsmanship, but he only spent half of the battle order.

As for some low-level, common Dao-level swordsmanship, Chen Fan also directly exchanged for a full set. The consumption of this level of swordsmanship battle orders is much smaller than that of immortal-level swordsmanship. Obviously, the number is more, but it is also worth adding up. There is no one million battle order.

In addition to swordsmanship, Chen Fan also changed a lot of other possibly useful secret magic powers, but in the end there were only more than two million battle tokens left.

"No matter how many battle orders there are, it's useless." Chen Fan couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, the prices of these supernatural powers and secrets in the holy hall are relatively not expensive.

The supernatural powers of the immortal series, placed outside the world, are even enough to become the method of suppressing the sect of some hidden sects.

In fact, for ordinary people, it is definitely more effective to master one martial arts than to practice multiple martial arts concurrently.

Only a special person like Chen Fan can practice and learn so many supernatural powers and secrets by himself!

Wait until the supernatural powers are changed.

Only then did Chen Fan return to his palace.

Chen Yi came forward respectfully:

"Your Highness, you are finally back. These days, many people have come to visit—"

As the news of Chen Fan's inheritance of the "Ancient Thunder Beast" spread, many geniuses in the first order, whether they knew Chen Fan or not, came to the door on their own initiative.

It's just a pity that during this period of time, Chen Fan left with Xing Jun, and these people naturally had to be shut down.

"Leave them alone."

However, Chen Fan waved his hand. He has already "handed over" all the inheritances he has obtained, and the church will also specifically refute the rumors in the future. Everything is just "rumours".

Of course, whether these people will believe it is another matter.

"In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to casually leave the church with Feng Jiaojiao and the others..."

Just kidding, I don't know how many people are staring at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took out his nameplate. Needless to say, there were also messages from various people on it.

And those who can send contact with him are naturally people who are familiar with him.

Reply to the messages in turn.

When he saw the news from Luo Shaofeng, who was also a sword sect, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

Luo Shaofeng told Chen Fan that Xisai of the Blood God Cult had something important to ask Chen Fan, and because he did not have Chen Fan's contact information, he found Luo Shaofeng.

"What did Shisay want me for?"

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