My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1079: Outer Seas and Spike!

Chen Fan had a plan in mind, but he took a deep look at the Dark Moon King, and then activated the power of "So Far Away".

With his current practice progress in "The Secret Code of the Universe", only the Demon God King and immortal masters can defeat him.

For a king, no matter how powerful the king wanted to stop him, it was still a dream.

Ripples like water flashed by.

His body, together with Xiaodie, disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

The Dark Moon King's originally cold expression froze, and then he turned around in astonishment, but he couldn't find Lin Lei.

"how come?"


Probably tens of thousands of miles away.

Above a huge swamp, Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared above the swamp.

His consciousness was surging, and he took out the map and began to confirm his location.

He also raised his eyebrows: "This seems to be Yunmeng Swamp..."

This Yunmeng Swamp is one of the many dangerous places in the Chaos Sea, and it is said that there is a big monster with a king rank sitting in the town.

Of course, for Chen Fan at this time, the degree of danger in this dangerous place is not too high.

Just then.

In the swamp.

Suddenly, a huge and incomparably huge figure emerged.

The giant purple python with hundreds of feet in length shot towards it, and its huge head bit towards Chen Fan.

"The beast courts death!"

The blood on Chen Fanshen's body suddenly flooded, and he moved forward with empty hands.


The giant purple python was immediately chopped into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

This giant python is also a terrifying beast with a six-level longevity series.

But in front of Chen Fan at this time, he could be killed with a wave of his hand.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan summoned Xiaodie again and continued to set off.

Riding on Xiaodie, continue heading towards the open sea.

When he came to the edge of the open sea, he suddenly stopped again, raised his eyebrows and looked towards the horizon not far away.

"Chen you think you can escape?" Accompanied by billowing black clouds, the Dark Moon King stopped in front of him again.

"Finally here..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed coldly, but he still didn't fight with him, and urged Xiaodie to go straight to the open sea at full speed.

"Want to escape?!" The Dark Moon King's eyes were cold, but he was holding a blood-red scimitar in his hand.

At the same time, a sharp aura rose from his body.

The man moved forward with one hand.

The bloody scimitar in his hand flew out quickly.

The sky was full of dark clouds, but the blood-colored scimitar seemed to have turned into a blood moon and shrouded the sky.

In the roar.

The huge bloody scimitar went straight towards Chen Fan.

As for Chen Fan, acting as if he had never heard of it, he aroused the power of the White Emperor Armor to the extreme, without any resistance, and went straight to the direction of the open sea.

Needless to say, White Emperor Armor's defense, even if the Dark Moon King is a king master, his strength will be weakened by 90%, and the remaining strength is naturally impossible to hurt Chen Fan at this moment...

His physical fitness is too strong.

It's just that Chen Fan was pretending, spurting out a big mouthful of blood, and at the same time the breath on his body began to weaken...

"Good boy, no wonder he was able to kill Hei Luo." Behind him, the Dark Moon King's face also flashed a touch of subtlety. He snorted coldly, but galloped forward, chasing after Chen Fan.

While chasing, he didn't forget to slash at Chen Fan.

Accompanied by the flowing Dao Dao rhyme and the turbulent roar, Chen Fan rushed straight into the dark and dark open sea.

Until this moment, the Dark Moon King's movements froze slightly.

The dangers of the open sea are naturally known to the people.

"This kid..."

The Dark Moon King hesitated for a moment, but still chose to chase after him.

The open sea is indeed dangerous, but that is based on the premise of going deep into the open sea.

The actual scope of the open sea is quite large, and it is impossible to meet a master of the Demon God King series without going deep into it.

As a king master, the Dark Moon King naturally still has a certain degree of confidence in his own strength.

The outer sea is pitch black, with no light at all. Not only that, but the inner space fluctuates and is chaotic, the consciousness is also greatly restricted, and the natural pressure is far greater than that of the sea of ​​chaos.

After entering the open sea, Chen Fan had the feeling of being in the Sun God Court again, and his whole body was under great pressure all the time.

In fact, the pressure from the open sea is far greater than that of Shenting, and it feels quite oppressive.

"It's no wonder that only masters of Fenghou can enter the outer sea. The pressure alone is not something ordinary longevity can resist."

Not only pressure, but the law of the great way in the open sea is more chaotic and direct.

And more importantly, the outer sea is not under the gaze of the Dao of Heaven, and is completely isolated from the outside world.

As long as no one has witnessed everything that happened in the open sea, no one will know at all.

Even if it is a fairy with a secret, don't try to deduce anything.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but his body stopped suddenly.

He turned to look behind him.

In the boundless darkness.

"I'm not running away, are I?"

Accompanied by the violent aura, a blood-red scimitar flew out of the darkness and came straight towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan grinned, then moved forward, and the Leng Feng Sword appeared in his hand.

And the next moment, a violent and restless force surged out of him, and the cold front sword in his hand fell straight forward.

After the extreme sword light passed.

The blood moon in the sky was cut into a phantom.

The turbulent and restless sword energy rushed in all directions.

"How could it be?" In the darkness, the Dark Moon King looked at Chen Fan, who was covered in blood and golden light all over his body in astonishment. The corners of his mouth twitched, his face full of disbelief.

"...your strength?"

Chen Fan was able to break through his full-strength attack so easily, but he definitely already possessed the strength of the king level.

"No, if you are really strong to this point, how could you allow me to attack and not fight back, it's impossible!"

Chen Fan grinned:

"If I fight back, how can you enter the open sea with me?"

If you use your strength outside, even if you kill the opponent in seconds, the news of your own strength will definitely be exposed.

If the Dire Clan knew their own strength at this time, it would be absolutely impossible for them to let themselves have the opportunity to grow.

But the sea is different.

Even the will of heaven can't cast a line of sight here.

This also meant that if he killed the Dark Moon King, it would be impossible for the Night Dire clan to know the exact result.

The Outer Sea is too special. After the death of the Dark Moon King, the Night Dire clan will probably think that they have encountered danger in the Outer Sea.

When the Dark Moon King heard what Chen Fan said, his expression changed suddenly, but he turned around straight away, turning into a streamer and heading out to the open sea.

But Chen Fan shook his head: "When you choose to chase me in, your end is already doomed..."

He swung the cold front sword forward violently.

Unlike the previous sword with reservations, his sword used all of his boosts, and it was also the first time he activated his second level "Star Reaching"!

And the sword technique is the "Hongmeng Sword" which has reached the eleventh level.

It is also the highest peak of his current single moves.

The power of the four avenues of earth, fire, water and wind gathered together, and they were slashed out under Chen Fan's extremely exaggerated power explosion. The sharp sword light swept out and surged forward, but swallowed the fleeing Dark Moon King's body in the blink of an eye!

"The Demon God King? It's an attack of the Demon God King's level!" The Dark Moon King's face was miserable, but he had no time to get into the world of mind, and a layer of illusory spiritual light surged on his body, but he couldn't resist Chen Fan The sword energy in his body shattered in a moment.

In the blink of an eye, his body was crushed to powder by an indescribable terrifying force!

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