My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1080 Secret and Discovery

The mighty impact scattered and agitated in all directions.

As the sword light passed, everything about the Dark Moon King was reduced to dust.

The sword light slowly dissipated.

In the void in front of Chen Fan, apart from the blood-red scimitar, there was only one golden core with dense cracks floating in it.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Even for him, killing the Dark Moon King was a little too smooth.

"This guy's own strength can only be regarded as the upper-middle level of the king. He does not have a nine-star defensive weapon, nor does he have the blessing of the trump card left by the Demon God King..."

He shook his head.

If the Dark Moon King had any of these two, it would not be so easy for Chen Fan to kill him.

Of course, for Chen Fan who has the star-fixing mirror and the "Secret Code of Space and Space", it is nothing more than a few more swords.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan also stepped forward and pocketed his golden core and the blood-red scimitar.

This blood-red scimitar, as the main weapon of the king master, is either a nine-star or an eight-star Taoist weapon.

However, in the golden core of his person, there is a world of his heart, and there are many treasures and resources in it.

Needless to say, the financial resources of the king masters.

It's just that for Chen Fan at this time, some external things are not so important.

After solving the person, Chen Fan also disguised his identity, urged "Hiding the Void", and proceeded cautiously along the open sea.

It is not easy to encounter enemies on the edge of the outer sea, but the danger level increases the further you go in. Although there is a high probability that there will be no masters of the Demon God King level on the periphery, it is still better to be careful.

Because it only took one sword to kill the Dark Moon King.

However, Chen Fan's body was not under too much load because of "Reaching the Stars". His combat power did not decline at all, and he didn't even need to use the power of "Origin Technique" to recover from his injuries.

It's just that the vastness of the sea is beyond Chen Fan's imagination.

After entering the open sea, Chen Fan walked around cautiously for several days, but he didn't meet a single living person.

Whether it's Tianyuan's minions, or the masters of his own world entering the outer sea, Lin Lei has never encountered a single one...

In it, Lin Lei saw a lot of relics and ruins.

As for the source fragments, they also did not encounter one.

"As I said, although there are many original fragments in the outer sea, the outer sea is too big, and it is not so easy to get." Fu Ling's voice rang in Chen Fan's ear.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "It's okay... just take your time."

At this moment, he just randomly changed another avatar to roam the outside world, but his real deity was in the Immortal Mansion, under the core of Zhouguang, slowly comprehending the original fragment in his hand.

A doppelgänger was looking for it outside, and when it was in danger, it was called out again.

Chen Fan asked: "By the way, Senior Fu Ling hasn't told me could the origin of the world appear in a place like the Outer Sea?"

It stands to reason that the origin of the world, apart from the way of heaven itself, can only be obtained by the ultimate existence, or the group of world rulers.

However, Fu Ling's eyes flickered: "This is related to the Four Great Divine Courts. In the open sea, the will of heaven can't cast sight, but I can chat with you."

"Oh?" Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows slightly: "Senior Fu Ling, please tell me..."

Fu Ling's words obviously showed that Chen Fan couldn't say these words to the outside world.

Obviously some secrets of this world are involved.

It is not convenient to discuss casually.

Fu Ling's face was solemn: "You also know that among the four great courts, besides the Sun Court, the Ni Court, and the Giant Court, there is a fourth..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Wai Hai is related to the Fourth Divine Court?"

Fu Ling nodded solemnly: "At the beginning, the Nishen Court caused Tianyuan, which led to periodic outbreaks of catastrophe. At the very beginning, the major gods did not pay attention to it until the Giant God's Court was destroyed and the buildings collapsed..."

"Actually, although Tianyuan's strength is terrifying, but because of the will of heaven and the world's barrier, the power that Tianyuan can infiltrate each time is very limited. It is almost impossible to destroy the four great gods at the top of the world, but in the end everything It still happened, do you know the real reason for this?"

Chen Fan raised his brows: "Senior Fu Ling means that it is the fourth Shenting..."

Although Chen Fan had heard that it was the giant god king's arrogance that led to the final demise of the giant god court.

But if you think about it carefully, this should be only one reason.

The catastrophe is powerful, but it is in a state of periodic outbreaks, and Tianyuan cannot send too much power into this world at one time.

With so many calamities erupting, there may be demon kings and immortals falling, but it is not easy to destroy a great court of gods.

Fu Ling nodded, with serious eyes:

"That's right, the fourth divine court is actually the biggest betrayer in our world."

"Different from the Lord of the Dragon Elephant and the Ultimate from the Outer Sea, the Divine King of Shenting is not an ordinary ultimate, but the pinnacle of the world, controlling a part of the world's original power. The betrayal of the fourth Shenting really hurt our world. The foundation, even indirectly led to the destruction of the Giant God Court, and so many subsequent problems..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, his eyes flickered: "What happened next?"

Fu Ling continued: "The giant god king severely damaged the god king of the fourth god court at the cost of Jianmu's fall. He was finally beheaded by the sun god king blessed by the will of heaven."

"The Outer Sea is where the territory of the Fourth Divine Court used to be, and it is also the place where the Fourth Divine King fell. The origin of the world owned by his family is also scattered in the Outer Sea..."

"And the name of that divine court became a taboo and was erased from this world. Even immortals have completely forgotten the name of that divine court..."

Chen Fan also had a subtle expression when he heard the words.

There are so many secrets in the open sea.

It's no wonder that the outer seas will become a hotbed for Tianyuan's minions...


Time passed.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye when Chen Fan entered the open sea.

In the past few months, he has also met several Fenghou and Fengwang by chance.

It's just that he didn't take the initiative to show up in front of these people.

Under the "Concealment", even if it is a master of the king, it is impossible to see through Chen Fan's movements.

In a place like the Outer Sea, it's not just the "Minions of Tianyuan" that deserves to be wary, other masters are also worthy of attention.

This place is isolated from the outside world, and even the will of heaven cannot cast its gaze. If someone really cheated, it would be difficult to find someone to take revenge.

this day.

Under Chen Fan's "concealment", he was wandering around, but his body suddenly froze.

However, he felt an indescribable malice and evil force erupting in the distance.

"It's the 'Power of the Abyss'!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

Because he also possesses the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", he is also very familiar with this breath.

"The Power of Heavenly Abyss" possesses terrifying erosive and destructive power.

Generally, those with weak strength will collapse and deform their bodies if they are only slightly infected by this force, and only masters of the Dao series can have a little resistance to this force.

"It should be the 'traitor' in the open sea..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he quietly walked towards the location where the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" erupted.

With the continuous forward.

Chen Fan saw the turbulent power of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and abyss in the distance, but in the turbulent impact, he saw a dreamlike brilliant brilliance in the darkness.

"It's the source fragment!" Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

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