My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1081 Fighting and winning

The magnificent impact continued to stir.

In the distance, a man and a beast are fighting.

But not far from the two of them, there is an irregular strange crystal.

It was that crystal that exuded a dreamlike brilliance.

And the moment he saw the crystal, an uncontrollable longing rose in Chen Fan's heart.

This spar is just another original fragment.

"After several months in the open sea, I finally found a new original fragment." Chen Fan was also a little excited.

Although this fragment is not big, it is smaller than the one in Chen Fan's hand...

After hearing what Chen Fan said, Fu Ling's subtle voice sounded: "You kid, you are really lucky. If you don't devote yourself to the Dao of Heaven, your status as a 'son of destiny' should be useless. You can find the source fragments..."

Obviously, Chen Fan was able to discover the whereabouts of the source fragments within a few months, but it was quite an exaggerated speed.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, he suppressed the desire in his heart, and looked at the two people who were fighting.

One is a middle-aged man wearing a silver armor. His whole body is bloated with flesh and blood, but his exposed body parts and face are covered with dense black scales, and on top of the black scales, there is also a root A black illusory tentacle.

The other beast, whose whole body was glowing with golden light, was a tiger-shaped beast with huge fangs and wings on its back.

"That human race should be the minions of 'Tian Yuan', and that tiger beast should be the master of the Prison Tiger clan..." Chen Fan naturally recognized the identities of the two at a glance.

The confrontation between the two was grand and exaggerated, but it was a duel between masters who had already reached the level of the king.

Judging from the auras of the two, it should be that the tiger beast has the greater advantage.

However, judging from the scene, it was the human race that had the upper hand.

He controls the power of Tianyuan, but it makes the tiger and beast intimidated.

However, Chen Fan changed the deity out of the Immortal Mansion, quietly concealed himself, and approached the two masters.

The masters of the king series, the fighting momentum is huge, and in the situation where the two are still fighting, even Chen Fan's "Hidden Void" can't get too close.

After he got close enough, he decisively activated the "Wings of Escaping the Sky"!

"Wings of Escaping Space" is also a special supernatural power of the space type. It does not need to consume the power of Chen Fan's own "Space Seed". Chen Fan will occasionally choose to use this supernatural power in close situations.

Of course, when this supernatural power is activated, his camouflage effect will also be eliminated, but that "Heavenly Abyss Minion" has no time to react.

Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared behind him, and a sharp and turbulent sword light fell towards him.

Chen Fan did not activate the second level of "Picking the Stars", but only activated the first level of "Picking the Stars". However, the power of this sword has still reached the limit that ordinary kings can bear!

And more importantly, Chen Fan didn't need to worry about the influence of "Power of Heavenly Abyss", but he could do his best to make a move.

This man was wrestling with the tiger beast, and when he felt Chen Fan's surging sword energy, his face changed drastically.

Its body was suddenly covered with a layer of black mud-like substance, and at the same time a disgusting breath spread from its body.

Chen Fan's roaring sword energy instantly devoured him, but the power was absorbed by the mud, and most of the remaining power could not kill him!

Chen Fan also frowned slightly.

This black mud is not any Taoist weapon, it should also be the use of "the power of the abyss of heaven"!

He raised his eyebrows and swung his sword again.

At the same time, when the tiger saw a helper coming, it immediately became imposing, roared, and also rushed towards him.

The middle-aged man's face became even uglier, and black mud once again spread out from his whole body, enveloping his body in the blink of an eye.

However, in the face of the pincer attack of Chen Fan and the tiger beast, no matter how strong his strength was, it was still a bit difficult to support.

Black light surged all over his body, but he suddenly fled to the distance!

"Don't let him escape!" The tiger beast shouted, but what it said was also the common language of the human race: "Kill him!"

Chen Fan nodded his head, and there was a flash of thunder and lightning phantom above his body, but he chased after him in an instant, and then fell down with a sword.

Chen Fan didn't use the double "Star Reaching", but even so, it wasn't something this guy could resist.

He was originally flanked by Chen Fan and Chen Fan, but he couldn't bear it, so he couldn't stop Chen Fan from doing too much.

"You guys forced me!"

A look of despair and unwillingness flashed across his face, and then his body suddenly began to swell.

The silver armor on his body was pierced by his swelling flesh and blood in an instant, and his entire body lost its human form in the blink of an eye, completely turning into an ever-expanding black mud.

"Not good! Run away!" The tiger beast's face changed in horror, but it suddenly turned its head and rushed towards the distance!

On the other hand, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the black mud in front of him with flickering eyes.

It's a pity that even though he also possesses the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", just witnessing this scene can't help Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion Technique" to make any progress.

In fact, "Blood Fusion" itself is nothing more than the liberation of the power of "Blood Against God". Although "Blood Fusion" is the basis for Chen Fan to control the "Power of the Abyss", in fact, the reason why Chen Fan can control such A trace of "the power of the abyss" was due to a drop of blood from the Blood God back then.

Chen Fan, who has only practiced the tenth level of "Blood Melting Technique", has not really touched the core of "Blood Melting Technique" and the key to smelting with the "Power of Heavenly Abyss".

That is the change that Chen Fan can only have if he has practiced at least the twelve-fold blood fusion technique, and even the current highest thirteen-fold blood fusion technique.

The black mud continued to spread, but Chen Fan did not choose to retreat, but faced the power of the black mud directly.

Even if it is impossible to help Chen Fan's "Blood Fusion" progress now, in fact, having a deeper understanding and mastery of the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" will help Chen Fan continue to practice "Blood Fusion" and improve "Blood Fusion" in the future. will be of great help.

For him who also controls the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", although this power is terrifying and has a great response to Chen Fan himself, it is not completely unbearable.

The sword light in Chen Fan's hand surged down.

The black mud is constantly being dispelled, and its influence is constantly weakening.

Chen Fan's confrontation with this power is also to further analyze and understand this power.

About a quarter of an hour later, under Chen Fan's raging sword energy, the surrounding black mud completely collapsed.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and heaved a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, there is also a lot of black energy lingering around him, and his emotions are also greatly affected by the "power of the abyss".

He sat down cross-legged, calmed down his restless emotions and the changes in his body, and opened his eyes after a long while.

Then he raised his eyebrows and looked not far away, at the source fragment floating in the void.

Just looking at the source fragments, Chen Fan can feel its magic.

This thing is like the incarnation of the entity of the Dao of Heaven, with thousands of avenues flowing on it, containing endless truth and mystery.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the fragment.

The moment Chen Fan's finger touched the fragment, the fragment automatically merged into Chen Fan's body.

Chen Fan suddenly felt an extremely comfortable and indescribable feeling.

The second source fragment is in hand!

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