My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1083 Joining forces

What Que An said made Chen Fan raise his eyebrows:

"Do you have a way to determine the location of that guy?"

Que An nodded: "I have a special magic weapon given to me by my father, which can detect the location of the original fragment within a certain range. The original fragment is quite large, and it has always been under my induction."

Something that can detect the whereabouts of the source fragments?

Chen Fan's eyes also flashed.

The Demon God King has many methods.

He licked his lips, and his heart was about to move:

"Where are you now? I'm going to find you..."


Chen Fan did not use the occultation mirror to deduce whether Que An was lying.

Not to mention that he is in the open sea and cannot deduce the secret, even if he can, it is unnecessary.

With Chen Fan's current strength, except for the presence of the Demon God King, he would have nothing to fear.

Even if Que An had another purpose, Chen Fan wasn't too afraid.

The open sea is quite vast and dark, and it is difficult to determine the location.

It took Chen Fan a lot of effort, and it took him a day to finally get together with Que An.

What surprised Chen Fan was that Que An was accompanied by another person.

This is also a human race.

When Chen Fan saw him, he couldn't help frowning deeply:

"Since you called me, why did you call someone else?"

If there is one more person, one more person must share the treasure.

Chen Fan naturally didn't want more people to get involved in this matter.

But Que An said:

"This is my best friend 'Xingluo King', a master who is at the peak of the king. Because the opponent is strong, just relying on two people may not be able to win..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

He had really heard of the name of this Star Luo King.

But this person is also a king master recruited by the temple!

Of course, Chen Fan had only heard of his name and knew that he was a king, but he didn't know any more information about him.

The king is also very good to stay in the church.

King Xingluo also raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Fan: "Your Excellency is Fan Chen? I haven't heard that when the human race has an extra king like you... I don't know where you are from?"

At this moment, Chen Fan didn't show his true face, and he was still hiding his soul breath. How could the other party recognize Chen Fan.

Chen Fan coughed: "The sect has special restrictions, please forgive me for not revealing my origin."

King Xingluo also narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't ask further.

Que An cleared his throat, "Since Fan Chen has arrived, it's time for us to prepare for action. The opponent this time is not just an ordinary minion of Tianyuan, but a powerful existence of a sword king, whose strength ranks among the kings. The extremely powerful row..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words.

No wonder Que An called Xingluo King besides himself.

The way of the sword itself is quite powerful, and with the blessing of the power of Tianyuan, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary peak kings to deal with it.

He also licked his lips, feeling a little excited.

Chen Fan's breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship requires seeing other people's swordsmanship. A master of this level will also have a great effect on Chen Fan's swordsmanship.

Que An said: "I have a Nine-Star Taoist Artifact in my hand, which can also seal the space so that people cannot escape into the world of mind. After I meet this person, I will immediately activate this Taoist Artifact. The three of us Join hands together to deal with this person..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed when he heard the words, then he sneered and nodded.

The three of them discussed the battle plan for a while and set off immediately.

King Xingluo and Que An are both king masters, needless to say their strength.

Que An is even the heir of the demon prince, but he has more tricks and cards.

As for Chen Fan, even if he hides his double "Star Reaching", it is not weaker than the ordinary peak king.

With a lineup of three people, there is actually no need for meticulous and complicated routines or tactics, and the fight is over.


dark world.

Before the dilapidated ruins.

In the silent and empty ruins, a ripple suddenly stirred up.

Then in the next instant, a gigantic photomask appeared out of thin air.

Accompanied by the appearance of a huge mask, two people and one beast, three figures also suddenly appeared in the midair.

These three people are Chen Fan, Que An and King Xing Luo.

And with the appearance of the three and the mask.

There was a sudden roar from the ground.

In the sound of clattering.

The ground cracked, the soil was flying, and the broken walls and ruins of the ruins were flying around.

A figure who is half a demon, covered in black armor, with black pustules all over his body, and holding a big sword, appeared in front of the three of them.

He looked straight at Que An: "It's you again!"

A hoarse, cold, chilling voice emanated from his mouth.

"That's right! It's me, I'm here again!"

Que An had two masters by his side, but they were full of confidence.

Chen Fan felt the aura on his body, but his eyes were extremely sharp: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, come on!"

The blood on his body was surging, but his body shot out suddenly, and at the same time, the Leng Feng sword in his hand fell forward.

The sharp and turbulent sword light was engulfed by extremely violent power, and it fell violently.

Chen Fan's attack was fast and ruthless, and both the enemy and us had different expressions.

Que An didn't expect Chen Fan to work so hard.

Facing Chen Fan's turbulent sword energy, the half-human, half-demon swordsman's swordsman's face was also extremely dignified.

As a master of swordsmanship, he also clearly recognized the horror of Chen Fan's sword.

Chen Fan's sword is exactly the eighth form of Beiming's thirteen moves.

The power is naturally needless to say.

Although the supernatural powers of the Immortal series are only swordsmanship corresponding to the five-fold sword of longevity, their actual power is not comparable to that of ordinary swordsmanship.

Although there is still a gap between Chen Fan's own kendo level and that of ordinary kings, his superiority in strength conceals his own lack of kendo level.

A black air lingered from the body of Tianyuan Fengwang, his eyes were red, and the big sword in his hand fell suddenly.

The sword light engulfed in the power of the evil heavenly abyss surged towards Chen Fan.

With this sword cut, even Chen Fan, who can also control part of the power of Tianyuan, still has a feeling of trembling and hairs all over his body.

On the other side, Que An and King Xing Luo were even more affected, each of them froze in place, their eyes full of fear...

The "Power of Heavenly Abyss" has an extremely terrifying corrosive effect, and it will also have a considerable negative impact on emotions and spirits.

The turbulent sword lights collided together.

Chen Fan licked his lips and narrowed his eyes, but he was also constantly urging the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" in his body to resist the influence of the opponent's "Power of Heavenly Abyss".

At the same time, he unceremoniously rushed forward again, and landed another sword.

Two kendo masters, their swords glow like weaving, and the rhyme of Dao Dao flows endlessly.

But Que An and King Xing Luo also rushed forward one by one to help Chen Fan and suppress their opponents together.

Although the two are strong, they are unable to fully display their strength in the face of opponents who have mastered the "power of the abyss of heaven", and the two seem to have some concerns, and they have always retained their strength.

As for Chen Fan himself, he wanted to see more of the opponent's swordsmanship and moves, and he didn't intend to go all out at all.

Because of this, the battle was quite intense.

The four of them fought continuously for three days and three nights, but there was still no winner.

Of course, that Tianyuan minion fought three against one, even if the "power of Tianyuan" had great effectiveness when facing the opponent, it was still powerless and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

And I have to say that Que An's Nine Star Trapped Human Dao Device is really effective.

He couldn't escape, but he was forced to fight the three of them to death.

After a long and fierce battle, he was finally wiped out under Chen Fan's sword light.

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