My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1084 Can You Go Away?

After this battle.

However, Chen Fan felt his hairs suddenly loosen, and his whole body felt comfortable.

There is quite a hearty feeling.

The opponent's swordsmanship is quite exquisite, but he is a master of swordsmanship that Chen Fan rarely sees.

This battle can also be of great help to Chen Fan's promotion of swordsmanship.

The easiest way for Chen Fan to improve his kendo is to fight with more kendo masters and learn more powerful swordsmanship.

"It's a pity... who can practice swordsmanship to such an extent is still a person, how could he take refuge in Tianyuan..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and retracted his sword, but it was a pity in his heart.

He died, but only one golden core remained on his body.

And his golden core is also different from ordinary people, it is filled with black air, the entire golden core has become black!

"His original fragment should also be in this golden core..."

He raised his eyebrows, the power of heaven and earth swirled, and he was about to take the golden pill into his hands.

But at this moment, accompanied by the surging power of heaven and earth, the huge Que An suddenly rushed forward, opened his tiger's mouth, and took the black golden pill in his mouth!

At the same time, that Xingluo King also rushed forward, stood side by side with Que An, and looked at Chen Fan.

When Chen Fan saw this scene, his eyes narrowed.

"Two... what does this mean?"

Que An smiled:

"Are you really naive or just pretending to be stupid?"

"I have to say that Your Excellency's strength is indeed extraordinary. Without you, it would take a lot of effort for the two of us to deal with Tianyuan's minions..."

"It's just that, in order to deal with this person, I think your Excellency is working hard enough. The battle these few days has consumed a lot, right?"

Chen Fan sneered and looked directly at him: "So?"

Que An's eyes flickered when he heard the words, seeing that Chen Fan was still so indifferent at this time, but there was a look of surprise on his face, but he couldn't help but look at King Xingluo beside him.

King Xingluo squinted his eyes: "Even in his heyday, he wouldn't even try to break through your blocked Dao weapon, let alone now... Don't be afraid, he is definitely not the opponent of you and me together!"

King Xingluo's words also reassured Que An. He nodded, but turned to look at Chen Fan again:

"Waihai is not watched by the Dao of Heaven, and is not bound by the Dao of Heaven's oath. Your Excellency will believe my verbal promise. If you agree to hand over all the original fragments of the world in your hands, how about I give you a way out?"

Chen Fan smiled:

"I didn't believe your verbal promise, but I just didn't care."

His eyes are cold:

"I will also give you a choice, hand over all the gains you two have gained... I will spare your lives, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's confidence was even more beyond Que An's expectations.

It also made Que An's eyes twinkle, and he hesitated again.

Seeing Que An's appearance, King Xingluo snorted coldly:

"What are you afraid of? With your strength and means, unless this person is a demon king or an immortal, how can we endanger our lives?"

King Xingluo's words made Que An let go of his last worry. The worst result would be that he couldn't take Chen Fan down, and it was absolutely impossible for Chen Fan to take down the two in turn.

His body swelled suddenly, and then rushed towards Chen Fan.

Chen Fan sneered, and raised the Leng Feng sword in his hand.

A record of the eighth style suddenly cut out.

He still didn't use the second layer of "Reaching for the Stars".

As far as he is concerned, he is not in a hurry to kill these two people.

For a while, he wasn't worried that the two would escape.

For him, it is also a rare opportunity to accumulate the experience of fighting masters of this level.

One of the very important reasons why he chose to enter the outer seas was to fight against experts!

Chen Fan didn't use the "Power of Tianyuan", but Que An was able to attack as much as he wanted, and the strength he showed was much stronger than when he was besieging Tianyuan's minions.

And he obviously also has a powerful body protection tool, but it is not in vain when facing Chen Fan.

Seeing Que An and Chen Fan fighting, King Xing Luo rushed forward unceremoniously.

Two fight one, but it is much more difficult for Chen Fan to deal with it.

In terms of strength alone, King Xingluo surpassed Que An, but Que An had all the treasures in his hands, so he was even more difficult to deal with.

But Chen Fan didn't evade or retreat, and his swordsmanship unfolded one after another, but the more he fought, the more excited he was!

With the White Emperor Armor, even if the two could suppress Chen Fan together, the power of their moves would be weakened by 90%, and the remaining 10% would be hard to hurt Chen Fan.

And even if Chen Fan was injured, Chen Fan could recover in an instant by activating the power of the source bead a little.

At this time, Chen Fan's stamina was not as good as before.

The consumption of double berserk doesn't matter to him at all.

Que An and King Xingluo felt that something was wrong as they fought more and more.

Obviously the two of them suppressed Chen Fan together, but Chen Fan's aura did not weaken at all. Instead, the two of them consumed a lot and took a lot of pills to recover!

King Xingluo stopped his moves suddenly, and looked at Que An next to him with an ugly expression.

"Que An, this kid may not only possess a nine-star defensive weapon, but also has an extremely strong physique. I'm afraid you and I won't be able to take him down!"

Chen Fan was able to break through the sixth floor of the Star Picking Tower, but his physique is considered to be the top among the king-sealing masters. Even without the White Emperor Armor, it would be quite difficult for both of them to kill Chen Fan!

Que An also nodded helplessly: "I also found out. What should we do, if we want to continue fighting with him, or..."

King Xingluo shook his head helplessly: "Continuing is just a waste of time, let's go."

Since Chen Fan has a nine-star defensive weapon, it is almost impossible for the two of them to kill Chen Fan.

However, Que An waved his hand, and the huge aura covering the surrounding area shrank suddenly, and then turned into a palm-sized jade lamp, which flew into Que An's hands!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan also retracted his sword and shook his head: "Unfortunately, I haven't beaten enough yet..."

Que An looked at Chen Fan with a delicate expression: "Fan Chen, I hope you will remember this lesson... In the open sea, no one can be trusted."

King Xingluo also cleared his throat:

"Brother Fan Chen, we meet again in Shanshui. I hope to meet again and be friends."

After all, one person and one beast flew straight up!

If they couldn't beat them, they immediately changed their attitudes, but it also had to be said that the two had thick skins.

In fact, the masters of the king series are all extremely determined people, and some people really don't care about their own face.

Chen Fan sneered: "Do you really can leave if you want to?"

Chen Fan's body was full of blood, his eyes were piercing with lightning, and a huge eye of thunder suddenly appeared in the dark sky out of thin air!

With the progress of Chen Fan's Lightning Dao, the power and effect of Chen Fan's self-created "Eye of Thunder and Lightning" have also become stronger.

In the past, it was enough to affect Fenghou, but now even Fengwang will be affected instantly.

King Xingluo and Que An froze, and a look of astonishment flashed across their faces.

Because, from the beginning to the end, even in the face of the siege of the two, Chen Fan never showed this move!

But at the moment when the two of them froze, Chen Fan flipped his hands and took out a mirror.

This mirror is exactly the star-fixing mirror!

A ray of light bloomed from the star-fixing mirror, but it spread to the bodies of the two in an instant.

With Chen Fan's cultivation at this time, using the power of the star-fixing mirror is enough to severely restrict the masters of the king!

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