My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1086 God's Son Que Luo

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the compass in front of him with twinkling eyes.

This compass is made of metal, but in the center is inlaid with a bright spar, which exudes an aura that also belongs to the fragments of the world, but it is slightly different from the normal original fragments of the world.

The fluorescent light on the compass was flickering, but there was a band of light emitting from it.

This thing is such a treasure that can sense the source fragments!

"This item comes from Que An's father. It can sense the breath of the source fragments. It must not be an ordinary item. I'm afraid it will find a way to recycle it..."

Chen Fan licked his lips.

The sensible way is to destroy or throw away this thing directly.

But the effect of this thing made Chen Fan unwilling to give up.

"With this thing, with my strength, I should be able to collect the original fragments of the world faster. The more I collect, the faster I will enter the realm of enlightenment, and the stronger my strength will be..."

At this time, Chen Fan might be able to surpass Feng Wang with his extreme moves, but he might not be able to match even the weakest Demon God King...

If he meets the real Demon God King, it may be very difficult for him to save his life.

But if his own strength goes one step further, if he breaks through the way of the sword and other avenues, his strength will naturally improve a lot, and then he will even have the ability to truly compete with the Demon God King!

He licked his lips.

"Risk...but worth the risk..."

If the Demon God King really made a move, then with Chen Fan's strength, it would be impossible to stop him.

Just because he can barely use the moves of the Demon God King series does not mean that he really has the strength of the Demon God King.

His thoughts turned:

"Let my avatar hold this object, and keep a certain distance between the deity and the avatar. If the 'Prison Tiger Demon God' makes a move personally, I will abandon the avatar. If I don't do it myself, then I will go out with my own body and deal with the enemy."

In the open sea, the way of heaven is not revealed, and the consciousness is greatly suppressed. Even if it is the king of demon gods, it is not so easy to catch up with a person.

The realm of Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" is high enough.

If the avatar encounters an enemy that can defeat him, Chen Fan will move over directly to kill the opponent. If he encounters an enemy that is no match for him, he will abandon the avatar and run away directly.

More importantly, Chen Fan still owns the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

After all, the Immortal Mansion is an Immortal Artifact. Although it does not have additional special functions, if Chen Fan hides it, ordinary immortals may not be able to find it.

"Under such circumstances, the possibility of me being killed by the Demon God King is low enough. A little risk is worth taking!"

His eyes flickered, but he decisively put away the compass and continued to count what was left on other people.

Although King Xingluo only has a nine-star attack-type Taoist weapon and a small fragment of the original source, he still has a healing-type elixir.

Chen Fan was also thankful that he killed him instantly with a single sword, otherwise, his vitality would have been much stronger with this elixir.

But after the death of the kendo king, there was only a sword left behind, a golden core that was dyed black.

Both of them are contaminated with a lot of power of the abyss. For ordinary people, it will take a lot of trouble to use it normally, but it is not a big deal for Chen Fan.

The sword is a nine-star Dao sword, but it may be due to the erosion of the power of the abyss, but it does not have a weapon spirit, but Chen Fan carefully collected it in a separate Sumeru Ring.

Because it involves the power of Tianyuan, Chen Fan naturally dare not put this sword together with other things.

After that, Chen Fan also found his remaining resources and treasures in his mind world. His mind world was also eroded by Tianyuan, but not many treasures and resources remained intact, but the original fragment was intact. .

Que An didn't lie about the size of the source fragment, this one is indeed ten times bigger than the one Chen Fan got before!

However, even the fragment that Immortal Haofang gave him back then was only less than one-third of this fragment.

Chen Fan also took it into his body unceremoniously.

The original fragments obtained from the three people were automatically smelted together after entering Chen Fan's body.

Needless to say, Chen Fan's enlightenment speed has more than doubled!

"My random enlightenment speed at this time is probably not weaker than when I was in the Hall of Enlightenment..."

Of course, Chen Fan's cultivation at this time has improved a lot compared to before, and his thinking speed has also improved by a few degrees.

The original fragments obtained by Chen Fan brought Chen Fan an improvement, but in fact it was still far inferior to the Temple of Enlightenment.

However, Chen Fan had only been able to comprehend the Dao for a few years at most, and Chen Fan could comprehend this source fragment at any time.


Because it was not clear when the "Prison Tiger Demon God" would send someone to take back the compass, Chen Fan didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately let the avatar hold the compass and started to move around.

Of course, although this compass can search for the original fragments of the world, it has a certain sensing range.

If the distance is too far, it cannot be sensed.

It is not easy to find the source fragments.

For example, Que An, who only had four or five original fragments on his body, did not know how much effort and time he spent.

Even with a compass, it is not easy to find the source fragments.

Months passed in the blink of an eye.

this day.

Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

Sitting cross-legged in a large hall, Chen Fan, who was cultivating hard, suddenly opened his eyes and stopped his continued practice.

It's not that the avatar who was looking for the original fragments encountered any danger, or found the original fragments.

Rather, he has undergone several months of refinement.

Finally, Que An in the magic casting cauldron was successfully refined.

The time spent is quite long.

But also because it took a long time, the fear generated by the person was also longer. The effect of Chen Fan's refining of the magic casting pill was naturally quite outstanding.

However, Chen Fan took the magic casting pill without any hesitation.

The magic casting pill practiced by the master of Fengwang is also extremely powerful.

It can not only help the accumulation of cultivation, but also help to improve the comprehension of Dao, which is also very useful for Chen Fan at this time.

After taking the Magic Casting Pill, Chen Fan activated the "Country Light Core" again, and continued to practice hard.


open sea.

A huge black tiger crawled among the dark ruins.

Heihu suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights shot out from his eyes, and they shot straight into the distance.

"who is it?!"


In the midst of the turmoil, another tiger beast galloped from a distance.

"God Son Kanluo, don't do anything, it's me!"

But I saw another small white tiger flying out of the darkness.

The eyes of the black tiger who called Que Luo disappeared:

"You are here, could it be that something happened to the ethnic group?"

The white tiger's face was full of anger: "God Son Que An is gone, and even the original compass was taken away! It was Lord Demon God who asked me to look for you, Son of God!"

Que Luo shook his head:

"Could it be that Father God wants me to make a move? Although I am stronger than Que An, I am not strong enough. If I can kill the existence of Que An, I am afraid that I will probably not be the opponent..."

"Master Shenzi, please rest assured."

"The thief took away the original compass, and the Lord Demon God can sense the compass. He has already confirmed that he is not a master of the Demon God King series!"

The white tiger raised its paw, and a black bead flew towards Que Luo:

"Master Demon God asked me to bring this to Son of God. With your strength, Son of God, with this thing, you will definitely be able to take down the thief!"

Que Luo took the black bead, his eyes flashed:

"Father God is willing to take out this thing..."

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