My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1087 Tit for Tat

Time passed.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye.

However, Chen Fan only found one piece of original source fragment, and gained very little...

Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

On this day, while he was cultivating hard, Chen Fan himself suddenly opened his eyes.

Under the Star God Seal, he was always communicating with the clone.

The avatar suddenly sensed a rather exaggerated breath of original fragments, but it was not much weaker than the breath of Chen Fan himself.

And as luck would have it, that aura is rapidly approaching the position of Chen Fan's avatar!

"This should not be a coincidence. It may be the 'Prison Tiger Demon God' or the master sent by it to recover the compass. The Prison Tiger clan can indeed sense my location through the compass..."

Chen Fan was not surprised by this.

He licked his lips, and kept paying attention to the situation on the other side of the clone quite nervously.

If the "Prison Tiger Demon God" came personally, he would have to give up his avatar and compass.

And soon a huge black tiger appeared in front of Chen Fan's avatar.

This tiger had a single horn on its head, thick scales all over its body, and two pairs of translucent huge wings on its back, but it was very similar in appearance to the original Que An.

"It was you who killed my younger brother Que An?"

An icy roar came out from the black tiger's mouth.

A terrifying coercion emanated from his body.

Chen Fan also had a twinkle in his eyes.

Although the opponent's coercion is powerful, it is obviously different from the Demon God King Chen Fan has encountered, and he is not a master of the Demon God King level.

This can show that this black tiger is not the "Prison Tiger Demon God"!

For Chen Fan, this is naturally great news.

Chen Fan clone looked at the black tiger, and said bluntly:

"Your brother attacked me unexpectedly and was killed by me...he deserves to die!"

As soon as this remark came out, Heihu also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because he was sure that the person who killed Que An was not a master of the Demon God King. For him, this was naturally great news.

His huge tiger face is extremely cold:

"It doesn't matter whether Que An deserves to die or not. What's important is that you dare to kill the god son of my 'Prison Tiger' clan, but I can't let you go!"


It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong. The important thing is that Chen Fan killed Que An of the Prison Tiger Clan. As a powerful group with the Demon God King in charge, the Prison Tiger Clan cannot be ignored!

When these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

This black tiger knew that he could kill Que An, but he still had such confidence. Perhaps it was either because he was stronger than ordinary kings, or he had a strong enough trump card.

This also made Chen Fan extremely excited.

Although Que An and King Xingluo can also be called the masters of the standard king's peak combat power, Chen Fan knows that the combat power of the two is definitely not the limit of the king's master.

There may not be a king-sealing genius who can rival the Demon God King, but the problem is that many masters have not only survived one era!

Rather, most of the kings who exist in this world are not masters of this era!

Among the kings, there are definitely some powerful existences whose strength exceeds the limit of ordinary kings.

Of course, a real master who can rival the Demon God King is probably even rarer than the Demon God King. Chen Fan also does not believe that the Jail Tiger Clan can produce a master of this level.

Roar! !

An earth-shattering roar came from the black tiger's mouth.

And his body suddenly rushed towards Lin Lei's clone.

Fast as light!

Chen Fan's avatar's eyes also froze suddenly, but it was too late to fight back.

The speed of this tiger is ridiculously fast!

However, at this moment of lightning and flint, a ripple like water flashed in the air, and then a figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan's avatar.

This person's whole body was bloody and golden light intertwined and agitated, exuding a shocking violent aura from his whole body.

This person is Chen Fan's true self.

With a thought, Chen Fan has already brought the avatar into the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, and at the same time, the Leng Feng sword in his hand has already slashed forward.

A tentative move.

The eighth form!

Chi la!

This sword was Chen Fan's tentative sword, but it didn't trigger the double "Star Reaching", but even so, the power of this sword is still quite powerful, and ordinary kings are not easy to pick up!

However, in the face of Chen Fan who suddenly appeared and Chen Fan's raging sword light, the black tiger's figure never faltered in the slightest, but charged towards Chen Fan's sword light with its flesh.

What was even more unexpected to Chen Fan was that the black tiger faced Chen Fan's sword energy directly, but ignored it, forcibly broke through Chen Fan's sword energy, and rushed towards Chen Fan.

One of its huge mouths opened like an abyss, and it suddenly bit down on Chen Fan!

This scene also made Chen Fan look sideways slightly.

The opponent can do this step, but the strength and defense of the body are extremely exaggerated.

Of course, it didn't really exceed the boundaries of a master of the king.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but his eyes sparkled even more.

Without avoiding or retreating, another sword slashed out from the front.

But this time, he used the eleven-fold Hongmeng Sword.

The four avenues of earth, fire, water, and wind are combined into one. In the past few years, Chen Fan has improved the progress of the four avenues, but the power of the Hongmeng Sword has also become stronger.

It's just that Chen Fan's single-handed sword was the strongest at this time, but it couldn't bring any damage to the black tiger at all, but it forced the black tiger to retreat a little.

Even though this black tiger has a nine-star defensive weapon, its physical strength and defense are a bit exaggerated.

Heihu was forced back by Chen Fan's sword, his eyes became sharper, and he roared, but rushed towards Chen Fan again.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he also raised his sword and rushed forward.

In the roar.

The two masters collided again and again.

However, this black tiger is more difficult to deal with than Que An and King Xing Luo combined.

When Chen Fan didn't use the double "Star Reaching", they were completely suppressed.

"This black tiger should be regarded as the first grade among the kings..."

However, Chen Fan was protected by the White Emperor Armor, but he was not seriously injured in the battle.

Although the black tiger is powerful, it has not surpassed the limit of becoming a king after all. Chen Fan's White Emperor Armor can still exert its effect perfectly.

Coupled with the recovery effect of Yuanzhu, Chen Fan has always maintained a good state.

After another collision.

One tiger and one person staggered past.

Heihu's two huge eyes stared straight at Chen Fan: "Your strength is pretty good, but you shouldn't be able to kill Que An just based on your strength... Show your real strength."

Chen Fan also smiled: "What about you, your strength is indeed much stronger than Que An's, but if you want to avenge him, it may not be enough, right?"

In terms of strength, Black Tiger is indeed superior to Que An and King Xing Luo.

But let him deal with Que An, it will be very difficult for him to kill Que An who has a nine-star defensive weapon, let alone deal with Chen Fan who killed Que An.

If someone dares to come to him, there is definitely a hole card that has not been used!

"Hmph!" Heihu's eyes also flashed coldly: "Then let you see the confidence of my prison tiger clan..."

Heihu raised his head to the sky and roared, his whole body was filled with aura, but suddenly a huge phantom swelled up from his body. This phantom was actually a shadow, with only two pairs of blood-red eyes, and judging from the outline and shape of the phantom, , should also be a tiger.

And as the phantom rose from the black tiger, Chen Fan's expression suddenly froze.

Above this phantom, there was a terrifying aura that suffocated and shuddered Chen Fan.

But it made Chen Fan feel like when he faced the "Black God" back then!

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