My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1088 Temporary Retirement and Penance

"This feeling……"

Facing the terrifying black tiger, Chen Fan's eyes shone with excitement and sharp brilliance.

This black tiger is able to exude such a terrifying power, it must be with the help of some kind of special treasure!

Chen Fan licked his lips, but his eyes were extremely bright.

His body was also trembling slightly.

If the Demon God King came personally, he would turn his head and run away, never looking back.

But at this moment, this black tiger obviously used some kind of hole card to exert such a level of strength, but it is absolutely impossible to compare with the real Demon God King. Chen Fan is really not that scared.

On the contrary, there was an unusual surge of passion in his heart.

"The me now is not good enough to fight against the real master of the Demon God King. If so, I will use you to try my sword..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, facing the growing momentum of the black tiger, he rushed forward without avoiding or retreating.

Seeing Chen Fan rushing forward, a look of surprise flashed across the huge face of the black tiger. It roared again, and then suddenly raised its paws. The huge tiger-shaped phantom behind him made a The same action was also slapped with one paw!


It seems to be just an ordinary clapping claw, but it contains a rather mysterious power of the great way.

Space was torn apart under this claw, and black scratches appeared in the sky like cracks in space.

Extremely violent power fell towards the turbulent.

"Well done!"

Chen Fan's eyes were extremely sharp, but he used all means, and finally used the double "Star Reaching" in front of Heihu for the first time.

The same eleven-fold Hongmeng sword has a world of difference in power from before.

The violent sword energy and raging black claws intertwined and collided.

The terrifying roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth shook.

The manic impact surged in all directions, even if it was just the remaining power, it was far more exaggerated than the previous black tiger's full attack!

Even Chen Fan wearing the White Emperor Armor is hard to resist!

Both of them have displayed the strength that can only be achieved by a true demon king master. After all, Baihuangjia has not fully recovered, but it is not enough to perfectly offset the impact.

After the manic shock subsided.

Chen Fan's body was covered with countless bloodstains.

He activated the second stage "Picking the Stars", and his body was already subject to an extremely exaggerated load, coupled with the aftermath of such a terrifying move, even if his body was as strong as Chen Fan's, he would still be seriously injured!

Of course, these injuries can be recovered quickly for Chen Fan who has the source pearl in his hand, but it will not affect his combat effectiveness.

He licked his lips, but looked at the black tiger not far away again.

Compared with the bloodstains all over Chen Fan's body, the aftermath of the moves around Heihu's body were all stopped by the huge black phantom, but they were not affected at all, but his eyes were full of shock at this moment!

The strength that Chen Fan can really display is beyond his imagination.

"No wonder you were able to kill Que An..."

The black tiger has a ferocious face:

"However, it seems that your body will also be subjected to a lot of load when you activate this move. I want to see how many swords you can slash?!"

As the man spoke, he raised his paw again.

The huge black phantom behind him also grabbed it with one paw.

Chen Fan grinned, but activated Yuanzhu, and while quickly recovering from his injuries, he dropped his sword again.

The sword that seemed to cut through the sky collided with the phantom of the black giant tiger again.

The roar kept ringing.

Neither of them is a real Demon God King, but at this moment, the strengths that both can display have reached the level of Demon God Kings.

Violent and fiery roars can be heard endlessly.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already exchanged dozens of moves against each other.

Although Chen Fan fought heartily, he also realized that he couldn't continue fighting.

His double "Picking the Stars" is too heavy on the body, and the moves displayed by this black tiger are also too terrifying. His White Emperor Armor can't withstand too many impacts. After each move, he needs to be urged Use the power of Yuanzhu to recover from your injuries.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, the power of the source beads he can exert is also increasing, but because of his strong physique, he needs more source beads to fully recover from his injuries.

After these dozens of moves, Chen Fan's source pearl power has already been consumed by half, but at this moment, he still can't see the slightest hope of winning.

If he continued to fight against this black tiger, it would be difficult to tell the winner in a short while, and if his source beads were exhausted, then he would be in trouble.

He took a deep look at the black tiger in front of him, and thought it was a pity, but this black tiger has more original fragments, if he can get it, it will be of great help to his enlightenment...

He shook his head, but without any further hesitation, he resolutely mobilized So Far Away.

A ripple like water flashed in the air, but Chen Fan suddenly disappeared in front of Heihu.

Seeing Chen Fan disappearing suddenly, Heihu frowned: "The World of Mind?"

Then his face changed slightly: "No..."

After entering the world of mind, the world of mind can be perceived.

"Is it some kind of space transfer method... I have clearly locked the surrounding space with the power of my mind..."

Instead, he restrained the huge tiger phantom on his body, and his eyes kept flickering.

"A mere human race..."


A dark and uninhabited world.

Ripples like water flickered, and Chen Fan's body suddenly appeared in the air.

In the open sea, the space is abnormally disordered.

The range of Chen Fan's teleportation is also greatly restricted. In the chaotic sea, Chen Fan is confident that he can move hundreds of thousands of miles at will, but here it is amazing to move tens of thousands of miles.

Moreover, because of the turbulent flow of space everywhere, even Chen Fan did not dare to push the distance so far, but he had to choose some places he had stepped on to move, so as not to fall into the turbulent flow of space by mistake.

After moving, Chen Fan flipped his hands and took out the compass again.

Because it was too far away from the black tiger, the compass didn't have the slightest sense at this time.

"That black tiger can determine the position of the compass...I'm afraid it will come after it again..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but immediately summoned Xiaodie, and let Xiaodie drive his avatar all the way, while his true self returned to Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.


In the Immortal Mansion.

some wide plain.

Chen Fan was soaking in a pool of springs.

This spring is the fountain of life.

After so many years of his training, the scope of the fountain of life has also expanded a hundred times and a thousand times.

While soaking in the spring water, he also constantly stimulated the power of the source pearl, absorbing the life force within it.

Yuanzhu can use the power of the fountain of life to restore its own energy.

Because he didn't know when the black tiger would catch up again, Chen Fan naturally wanted to ensure that the energy of the source pearl was fully restored as soon as possible.

While urging the source beads to recover their strength, Chen Fan also summoned the core of cosmic light and continued to practice hard.

With a large number of original fragments on his body, his own understanding of the Dao is soaring at an extremely exaggerated speed.

It's just because his own Dao realm is really too high, so it becomes extremely difficult to break through.

Time passed by like this little by little, but the black tiger did not chase after him for a long time.

Until about a year passed.

Only then did he meet the black tiger that the Prison Tiger Clan chased up.

"This guy has caught up again after a year. Could it be that he has a way to deal with my 'Space Secret Code'..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

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