My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1089 Sky Shadow Iron

Chen Fan's "Secrets of Space and Space" is about to complete the seventh level.

And this weight, the use of space has reached the level of immortals.

Chen Fan can completely ignore the space blockade of ordinary kings!

Of course, although "The Secret Code of Space" is strong, its effect has a limit.

Some powerful space-locking treasures are of high quality, but they may be blocked by Chen Fan's move!

After all, this black tiger is also the heir of the prince of the demon god, with many means, maybe there is something of similar quality.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but the deity left the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion immediately, put away Xiaodie and the avatar, and then didn't give Heihu a chance to get close, and directly urged him to move away!

If he was caught up, he would have to die. Although Chen Fan had more than one healing elixir, as well as Yuanzhu and the fountain of life, he didn't dare to say that he would definitely win against the black tiger.

But there is no need to risk yourself!


After Chen Fan moved several times to distance himself from Heihu.

His true self sneaked into the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion again, leaving Xiaodie and his avatar on the way.

But this time, within less than two months, the black tiger caught up again.

At Chen Fan's level, Xiaodie's speed can't keep up.

Xiaodie may be able to compare with some ordinary kings who are not good at speed, but compared to this black tiger, her speed is more than a star and a half behind.

"As far as Daqian is concerned, the ancient desolate sect's organ technique is really powerful, but in fact the organ technique is just one of the ancient desolate sect's heretics. Xiaodie can have the speed of becoming a king, which is already very powerful..."

Under Chen Fan's extreme explosion, his speed may be faster than Xiaodie, but Xiaodie can still play a great role in his normal journey.

"This guy, is he really going to grab me?" Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but his deity went out again, urging the world away, and once again distanced himself from him.

"I want to see how long you can chase me..."

Chen Fan himself was in the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, activating the core of Zhouguang, and using the source fragments to realize the Tao, his comprehension of the Tao was improving every moment.

The longer the time, the more improvements Chen Fan's various avenues will have.

If he had the strength to go one step further, it might not be impossible to forcibly kill Heihu.

This black tiger is chasing after him, but sooner or later he will die!


Time just passed while chasing and fleeing.

About ten years passed before Chen Fan finally discovered the whereabouts of the new source fragments.

This original fragment is in a special relic.

Outer Sea was once the territory of the Fourth Divine Court, but there are many powerful races and forces attached to the Fourth Divine Court.

Therefore, the open sea is filled with various ancient ruins.

Many of them were left behind by the former masters of the Demon God King, so the dangers are naturally quite a lot.

It took Chen Fan a lot of hardships and a lot of time to finally find the source fragment deep in the ruins.

And this original fragment is only the size of the one Chen Fan got when he first entered the open sea.

"With my strength, it took so much effort to get it. If my strength is weaker, I'm afraid I won't even try to get here..."

Chen Fan also realized the difficulty of finding the source fragments.

Because the sea is not concerned by the will of heaven, Chen Fan's so-called "son of destiny" status does not help him find the original fragments.

If it weren't for the compass he got from Que An, Chen Fan would have been hard-pressed to find the second source fragment.

It's just that because of Que An, he was going to be targeted by the masters of the Prison Tiger Clan, but there were gains and losses.

And that black tiger is also stubborn, and he has been chasing Chen Fan for ten years.

Chen Fan spent most of his time hiding in the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion to realize the Dao. In the past ten years, his Dao comprehension has been quite good.

Among them, among his four avenues of earth, fire, water and wind, the avenue of flame, which he comprehends the fastest, has finally reached the fifth level of longevity, and he is also able to practice the twelve-level "Holy Sword of Fire".

It's just that the breakthrough of the Flame Dao has limited improvement to his ultimate strength.

Although the pure twelve-fold fire holy sword is powerful, it is only similar to Beiming's sixth form, and the gap with the eleven-fold "Hongmeng Sword" is still not small.

On the contrary, the practice of "Holy Sword of Fire" will help him to break through the way of swordsmanship.

However, his kendo level is too high and it is too difficult to break through. Chen Fan still can't see the possibility of breaking through the sixth level of longevity in a short time.

Of course, the distance between them is no longer insurmountable.

Chen Fan was not in a hurry.

In the past ten years, every time the black tiger caught up with him, Chen Fan would go out directly, move the distance, and then continue to move with his clone. Although he couldn't fully concentrate on retreating, it couldn't delay for too long.

this day.

Chen Fan was just as usual.

Xiaodie gallops in the open sea with her clone.

The deity sat cross-legged in a certain hall and practiced penance.

Suddenly an idea came.

But it came from Lord Bai.

The person was very excited and pleasantly surprised: "Chen Fan, I can sense the breath of Sky Shadow Iron!"

This also made Chen Fan, who was cultivating hard, temporarily stop.

Sky Shadow Iron is the last material that Lord Bai needs for restoration, and it is also one of the two most important materials. It is very precious, not inferior to the Star Silver Mine.

And it is quite rare. For so many years, Chen Fan has been asking people to pay attention to it, and he has also tried to activate the sun-covering mirror to deduce it, but he has never had any clues.

At this moment, Master Bai finally sensed the traces of Tianying Iron, and Chen Fan was also quite excited.

Master Bai has not fully recovered, but it has reached the eight-star level, which is not inferior to the general nine-star defensive Taoist weapon. If it can be fully restored, it is at the nine-nine level, the highest level under the immortal weapon.

According to Fu Ling, the vast majority of immortals and demon kings do not have immortal artifacts, but use ninety-nine artifacts as their main magic weapon, and the defensive ninety-nine artifacts are also extremely precious among all kinds of artifacts That kind, Chen Fan was naturally excited!

"If the White Emperor's armor is fully restored, I can get a bigger increase, and my defense will also increase quite a lot. Then it is impossible for that black tiger to stop me..."

He left the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion directly, and headed towards the position sensed by Lord Bai...


An empty, secluded dark plain.

Chen Fan's figure cut through the sky and stopped on the ground.

A white cat sat on his shoulder, but pointed excitedly at the ground in front of him: "I can sense that there are a lot of Sky Shadow Iron below here, about ten miles underground..."

The distance of ten miles is not too deep for a master of longevity.

For Chen Fan, it is quite simple to break open.

He moved forward with empty hands, and a sword fell.

The sharp sword light crashed onto the ground.

Amidst the roar, the ground cracked open, and a huge deep ditch appeared.

However, Chen Fan shook his head.

The outer sea is not as good as the outside world, and the ground here is also extremely tough. Although Chen Fan's sword was slashed casually, it has at least reached the level of conferring a king. inside.

"As expected of the sea..."

He raised his eyebrows, but he jumped down the ravine, reached the deepest point, and dropped his sword again.

There was a roar, and countless gravels splashed around under the light of Chen Fan's sword.

After a few strikes, Chen Fan came to the range of ten miles underground.

It wasn't until here that Chen Fan felt the turbulent Dao Dao Rhyme and a thick and thick line that continued to spread.

Master Bai jumped off Chen Fan's shoulder excitedly, "This is it!"

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