My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1090 Restoration of the White Emperor Armor

Following Lord Bai's gaze, Chen Fan looked at the stone wall next to him, and his expression also became extremely dignified.

When he was on the ground, he couldn't sense any breath at all, but when he got here, Chen Fan could sense the flow of the Dao Rhyme in the air, and a thick breath spread from the stone wall in front of him.

This Tianying Iron is said to be called iron, but it is a treasure that contains the Dao of Earth!

Master Bai immediately rushed forward, rubbing excitedly on the stone wall in front of him. After a while, he turned his head to look at Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan, you should put away the Sky Shadow Iron first. It will take me the longest time to complete the final restoration. It may take hundreds of years... That crazy tiger is still chasing you. Wait until you finish him off. It won't be too late for me to absorb Sky Shadow Iron!"

It naturally took the longest time for Baihuangjia to complete the final restoration.

There will be hundreds of years of vacancy, even if Chen Fan throws the White Emperor Armor under the Zhouguang Core, it will take two or three years for the outside world.

If the black tiger had some special means to catch up with Chen Fan in the past few years, or if Chen Fan encountered other powerful enemies, without the protection of the White Emperor Armor, he might be in danger.

The open sea is ten or a hundred times more dangerous than the chaotic sea!

Chen Fan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Master Bai absorbs the Sky Shadow Iron as soon as possible, the faster you absorb it, the more it will help me."

Master Bai still hesitated:

"If you don't have me, you will encounter that black tiger again, or other dangers..."

Chen Fan shook his head with a smile, and took out a black spar: "Did you forget this thing?"

When Lord Bai saw this black crystal, a flash of hostility and vigilance flashed across his face.

This object is exactly the nine-star defensive Taoist weapon that Chen Fan got from Que An after he killed him.

Chen Fan also spent a lot of effort to refine it.

This Taoist weapon is also a nine-star weapon with a weapon spirit, and it is also used as a defensive Taoist weapon. Although the upper limit is not as high as Lord Bai, in terms of defense, it is not inferior to the Baihuangjia at this time!

If it weren't for the White Emperor Armor's ability to amplify Chen Fan's true energy, Chen Fan might not always use the White Emperor Armor.

And it is precisely because the two are the same type of defensive artifacts that Mr. Bai always has a certain degree of hostility towards this object.

Seeing Lord Bai's furious state, Chen Fan smiled and waved his hands:

"You quickly absorbed the Sky Shadow Iron and completed the restoration. When you have recovered the full state of the Nine-Nine Dao Artifact, are you still worried that the ordinary Nine-Star Dao Artifact will rob you of your demeanor?"

Master Bai nodded emphatically after hearing the words: "Chen Fan, just wait, I will finish the restoration soon."

As he spoke confidently, he threw himself on Tianying Tie, opened his mouth, and quickly ate most of Tianying Tie.

He clutched his growing stomach and burped:

"Chen Fan, I don't need the remaining Sky Shadow Iron, you keep it for yourself, it should be helpful for your comprehension of the Dao of Earth."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and put it away bluntly.

Not to mention the role of helping to understand the Dao of Earth, this thing is also an excellent material for refining treasures.

"Back then, King Xingye told me that if I had the right materials, I could ask him to help improve the quality of the Lengfeng sword. The Sky Shadow Iron is a material that is on par with the Xingyin Mine. I wonder if King Xingye can help me with it. Refining the cold front sword to nine stars..."

Of course, the refining of the nine-star Taoist artifact is very difficult and requires a lot of attention.

No matter how precious the Sky Shadow Iron was, it might not be able to be smelted into the Leng Feng Sword.

However, Chen Fan can exchange the Sky Shadow Iron for other precious materials in the hands of King Xingye.

However, with Chen Fan's current strength and financial resources, he is confident that he can produce a treasure that will make King Xingye tempted.

"If my cold front sword can reach the nine-star level..."

There is a yuan steel sword tire in Leng Fengjian, which can naturally improve the quality of Dao sword. After reaching nine stars, it can even make Leng Fengjian have the power of ninety-nine Dao weapons!

Chen Fan licked his lips, and after putting away all the Sky Shadow Irons, he also got into the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion again.


Time passed.

Nearly three years have passed by the outside world.

Within the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

White Emperor Armor finally completed the final restoration.

In the past three years, Chen Fan did not encounter any accidents or dangers. Although the black tiger was still chasing Chen Fan, Chen Fan didn't give him a chance at all, and immediately moved away before he chased him. , and the next time it catches up, it will take at least a month.

It's just that as time passed, Chen Fan's own space seed power was also consumed a lot, but he had a lot of master's golden pills in his hand, but he could absorb the power of his mind to replenish the power of the space seed at any time. But it's okay.

"Finally, I finally returned to the state of complete victory!"

After completing the restoration, Master Bai was also extremely excited and excited.

He didn't know how many tens of thousands of years he had been sleeping, and how many thousands of years he had been waiting for, until the day when the restoration finally came, he was naturally very excited.

"Chen Fan, you really didn't disappoint me! When I recognized you as the master, I never thought that with your hands, I could complete the restoration so quickly! You are really good!"

Master Bai turned into a cat, jumped on Chen Fan's head, kissed and rubbed.

After years of getting along with one person and one cat, it is not only the relationship between the master and the Taoist weapon, but also a good friend.

As a tool spirit, Lord Bai is different from other beings. He can always maintain a childish heart. Chen Fan also likes getting along with Lord Bai very much.


As the ninety-nine Taoist weapon, the White Emperor Armor is the best of the Taoist tools, and its effect is naturally quite powerful.

However, to Chen Fan's disappointment, even the perfect White Emperor Armor could not weaken the attacks of Demon God King masters by 90%, it could only weaken by 50% at most!

In fact, it is quite an exaggeration to be able to weaken the five achievements.

That's a Demon God King master!

On the contrary, the effect of increasing the true energy has been greatly improved.

There is a certain upper limit to the growth rate of Baihuangjia's true essence.

Originally, with the improvement of Chen Fan's cultivation base, the effect of White Emperor Armor's real essence boosting effect on Chen Fan has become smaller and smaller.

But at this time, with the completion of the restoration of Baihuangjia, its upper limit has been greatly increased, by more than ten times!

Of course, the increase in the increase in real energy is not a big improvement in Chen Fan's strength, but it is better than nothing.

With Chen Fan's current strength, even a slight improvement would be quite exaggerated.

He licked his lips.

Bai Huangjia completed the restoration, but it improved his strength and confidence a lot.

"Now I should have the possibility to kill that black tiger..."

Originally, Chen Fan planned to have a great breakthrough in his Dao, and even break through the sixth level of longevity in the way of swordsmanship, and then fight the opponent.

But now that Baihuangjia has completed the transition and his strength has improved a lot, he can try it out.

His eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of excitement.

The black tiger also has a lot of world origin fragments in its hands, but it is more than what Chen Fan owns.

If he can solve the opponent, Chen Fan will also gain a lot.

Relying on this compass, it may be difficult to gain so much in thousands of years.


Regardless of whether he was killed or not, Chen Fan would never have a second chance.

The reason why the black tiger chose to pursue Chen Fan was because he thought he had a chance to take him down, but if Chen Fan showed a strength far beyond his previous ones, how could the black tiger continue to pursue Chen Fan to death.

In the future, either the Prison Tiger Clan will give up the original fragments and compass in their hands, or the "Prison Tiger Demon God" will make a move in person...

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