My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1156 Three-Eyed Clam God

Inside the prison, a swamp location.

The spreading black miasma completely obscured the dark red sky.

In the black swamp, Gudu, Gudu kept turning out the blisters, and there were huge bones in the swamp.

Along with the ripples like water, Chen Fan's body appeared on the dark swamp.

As Chen Fan's body emerged, the surrounding black air covering the sky rushed towards his body.

An aura full of decay and death constantly impacted Chen Fan's body.

"Ordinary immortals here, I am afraid that they will be killed by these poisonous gases in an instant..."

However, for Chen Fan, these things were impossible to break through his defenses. If Chen Fan didn't do anything, the poisonous gas wouldn't hurt him at all.

It's not just the poisonous gas attacking Chen Fan's body, when Chen Fan appeared above the swamp, he could also feel a terrifying absorbing force emanating from the swamp, constantly attracting Chen Fan downward. body of.

He raised his brows slightly, flipped his hands, but took out a handful of spiritual weapons and threw them into the swamp.

Accompanied by the terrifying absorbing power, the spirit weapon instantly fell into the swamp, decaying into dross in the blink of an eye.

"This kind of filthy place can actually produce a treasure like chaotic white lotus. The world is really amazing..."

Chen Fan shook his head and floated forward, but he entered the deep part of the swamp in the blink of an eye.

In the depths of the swamp full of evil and stench, Chen Fan soon saw a graceful and holy white lotus.

"Out of mud but dyed..."

Qi Lun's eyes flickered: "It's a congenital treasure."

I floated backwards, and when I came to Bai Lian's face, I suddenly raised my eyebrows.

But the swamp was like boiling, with white bubbles bubbling from the inside, and an indescribable stench spreading, and a turquoise toad full of pustules and bumps suddenly appeared in front of Chen Fan. back!

"Stop here, human immortal! Chaos white lotus is your treasure, and anyone is allowed to approach it!"

The toad had only one front leg, but it lacked an eye.

That toad is not small, it is abnormally small and big for a human being, but its whole body exudes a suffocating terrifying power!

That is a low hand of the Demon God King rank!

But when facing the toad, Chen Fan didn't show any fear.

"The eight-legged, eight-eyed toad demon, he must be the eight-eyed toad god?" Qi Lun's eyes radiated a faint light.

Although the Demon Prison is small, it is comparable to Xiaolu and Chaos Sea. The number of Demon God Kings in it is also very limited. Although the Demon Prison and the Inner Realm are independent of each other, they are not as limited as the Elemental Sea. The insiders retreat, so the information about some demon kings in the prison is not a secret!

"Hmph! Human Immortal, since he knows who you are, he left quickly, but what is he waiting for?" Eight-eyed Toad God stared straight at Chen Fan with a strong aura, not hiding his hostility at all.

Chen Fan smiled, but looked at the chaotic white lotus again.

"The chaotic white lotus is a congenital treasure. It is naturally raised. Can you see if the chaotic white lotus has been picked? He said that the chaotic white lotus belongs to you or not?"

Eight-eyed Clam God is considered a relatively powerful Demon God King in the Demon Prison.

But among the immortals in the sky, it is considered to be the seventh rank, and Chen Fan even killed Bai Fengyu, who was ranked first, so naturally he was afraid of that toad at all.

As soon as these words came out, the eight-eyed clam god also changed his expression awe-inspiringly.

The news of the devil's prison is locked, and the eight-eyed clam god may know some old-fashioned immortals in the inner world, but he doesn't recognize Chen Fan, the new sword fairy, and knows that Chen Fan is no less fierce, but I am a fool. In the case of knowing his own name, he dared to do so, of course he didn't have enough confidence...

His eyes were full of vigilance, but he said again:

"You could have plucked the chaotic white lotus long ago, but you deliberately plucked it because the lotus seeds were mature, and you put a lot of effort into guarding and cultivating the chaotic white lotus. You have been waiting for thousands of years..."

Qi Lun narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at Chaos White Lotus curiously again.

The lotus seeds of the chaotic white lotus are also an ordinary treasure that is inferior to the lotus itself, but the lotus seeds are less used for alchemy and medicine refining, but they are a precious medicinal material that can purify, heal, improve aptitude, and enhance understanding.

The effect of eating a lotus seed directly is stronger than that of the former relative's elixir.

But if it is used for alchemy, its effect can be brought into full play!

It's just that growing lotus seeds is extremely difficult, but it takes a long time of cultivation and care to mature. It grows purely naturally, but it is much easier to grow lotus seeds.

Hearing the eight-eyed clam god's words, Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes, but suddenly asked, "How long will it take for the lotus seeds to mature?"

The eight-eyed clam looked vigilant, "That has nothing to do with him?"

Chen Fan smiled: "In any case, the chaotic white lotus is of no use to you. You need it, but you can give him the lotus seeds. If the lotus seeds mature slowly, you can wait a little longer." , and can even help him delay his cultivation and maturity, but if it takes too long, do you have such little patience..."

Chen Fan's words made the eight eyes of the eight-eyed clam god radiate heat: "The lotus and lotus seeds are yours! Human immortal, if he leaves again, don't force you to do it!"

Chen Fan laughed:

"Ha God, he must be slow. If you want to grab it weakly, you will stop talking nonsense with him. Yes, the lotus is really useless to you, and you are willing to exchange it with something that satisfies him."

The eight-eyed clam god paid a lot of time and price for the chaotic white lotus.

Although it is true that the Chaos White Lotus is naturally raised, Chen Fan is also a reasonable person.

I am short of treasures and resources, but is it necessary to hand over to the Demon God King of the Demon Prison for mere things.

And after hearing what Chen Fan said, the expression of the eight-eyed clam god became less anxious, I blinked my eight eyes, and then said: "The lotus is indeed of little use to you, if he is willing to take it If you come out with eight pieces of four or four tools, you will give him the lotus."

Chen Fan smiled when he heard the words: "Yes."

The role and effect of lotus are completely the same as those of Dao utensils, so it is difficult to directly compare the value, but in Chen Fan's opinion, eight pieces of four or four Dao utensils are indeed expensive.

It means that I just opened the treasure house left in the Immortal Mansion of Pengxuan. Just saying that Chen Fan has become an immortal, there are not many weapons of the fourth or fourth level that the little demon kings handed down. Among them, I also It's basically useless, and the eight useful treasures that were taken out belonged to the former relatives.

Hearing Chen Fan's direct agreement, the eight-eyed Ha-shen's eyes flickered, and he took a few less glances at Chen Fan.

Even for demon kings and immortals, not everyone can get eight four or four weapons.

Some newly promoted demon god kings may only have one or two pieces of four or four weapons all over their bodies.

And I don't know Chen Fan, which also means that Qi Lun is probably a newly promoted immortal, and he is asking for advice and bargaining at all, which makes the eight-eyed clam sigh at his stingy wealth, and is even more afraid of Chen Fan's strength .

It's just that the eight-eyed clam god didn't relax his vigilance immediately, but said again: "If he really wants to, he will make an oath to heaven with you, and the promise is to deceive you..."

Chen Fan smiled, "Of course. It's just..."

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the eight-eyed clam became even more vigilant.

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