"It's just..." Chen Fan continued: "I want to ask first, how long will it take for the lotus seeds to grow... I really can't wait too long."

Chen Fan had said similar things before.

The three-eyed clam said: "If there is no interference, the lotus seeds will grow naturally, and it will take about a thousand years to mature. However, if there is enough 'fertilizer', the time for lotus seeds to mature can be greatly shortened."

Chen Fan nodded:

"Then I'm fine, let's make an oath of heaven."

If the lotus seeds still have thousands or even tens of thousands of years to mature, it is naturally impossible for Chen Fan to wait so long. If this is the case, he can only be a villain and pick off the white lotus in advance.

The two immediately made an oath of heaven.

Because Chen Fan was too lazy to waste time waiting, but he directly took out the corpse of the Black God to use as fertilizer for lotus seeds.

Chen Fan had already dealt with the evil force that erupted from the Black God's corpse.

The remaining flesh and blood are naturally excellent fertilizers.

Seeing that Chen Fan used the corpse of a master of the Demon God King level as fertilizer, the expression of the three-eyed clam god was also unusually weird and subtle.

It's just that with the strength of the three-eyed clam god, he is also confident that he can easily kill some weak demon kings, so he is not too surprised.

But with the corpse of the Demon God King as fertilizer, the speed of maturation of the chaotic white lotus seeds has increased rapidly.

Of course, it is impossible for the chaotic white lotus to directly devour the corpse of the demon king, so the lotus seeds did not mature immediately, but the chaotic white lotus also changes every day. According to the eight-eyed clam god, within a year, it will definitely mature .

Chen Fan simply waited there.

With my physical strength at this time, the core of Zhouguang can withstand at least hundreds of times the flow of time, and of course the consumption is also exaggerated.

It's just that after Chen Fan killed several Demon God Kings and Immortals in succession, and also opened up the included front left by Immortal Pengxuan, it's not that I lack resources.

Before I became an immortal, I actually didn’t have much swordsmanship and supernatural powers that I needed to hang up. For me, before I became an immortal, my own hang-up efficiency and practice speed were also slightly improved, and I was still improving all the time of.


On that day, Chen Fan, who was silently cultivating in the mind world, suddenly had a flash in his eyes, but his body suddenly disappeared in the mind world.

Under the dark, foul-smelling swamp, Chen Fan's figure suddenly emerged.

I looked up at the nearby sky.

Accompanied by the bitter wind and dark clouds, I saw a ferocious monster in white armor flying from the bottom!

"It's a demon king-level troll..." Chen Fan's eyes froze.

Trolls are a relatively common race in the Demon Prison. When Chen Fan was performing the mission of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, he met a Demon Gate to open the gate of the Demon Prison. I saw trolls at that time!

But at this moment, the aura of that troll's body was so weak that Chen Fan felt sideways.

I also wondered in my heart, why did the Demon God King come there without me? Could it be that he also came to find Chaos White Lotus?

"The Demon God King of the troll race... Could it be the 'Giant Power Demon God'?"

Tang Ai raised her head and looked at the troll in the sky with a delicate expression.

The troll let out a haha ​​laugh: "The immortal of the human race, he even recognizes this deity!"

Chen Fan frowned.

If the eight-eyed clam can only be regarded as the seventh level among the immortals and demon kings, the difference is at least the level of Beiming, so the "giant demon god" is a real first-level existence, and his people are also Bai Fengyu, who relies on equipment, can barely be included in the first grade.

He is even called the No. 1 Demon God King in the Demon Prison, and his strength is quite exaggerated!

"If that guy is really a giant demon god, your strength is probably weaker than mine..."

And it doesn't matter that the Juli Demon God himself is weak, but that guy is a close brother with or without blood relationship with the extremely weak Demon God King Langtao Demon God on the other side of the prison.

The strength of this Demon God Langtao is not at all inferior to that of God Tang Aibi. He is also in the Demon Prison, and this Demon God Langtao can rush over to help with a single thought!

Tang Ai narrowed her eyes: "Your Majesty, you are here for that chaotic white lotus?"

But the giant demon god stopped in the sky, with a hot smile on his face: "Hey, a mere chaotic white lotus is useless to you. Your real target is of course him, a human immortal!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Fan was also startled.

My thoughts turned slowly but turned back suddenly, looking at the white and dark swamp with people, the eight-eyed clam god was hiding on the swamp:

"The eight-eyed clam god, he called the giant demon god?"

If the Demon God King and Immortals attack with all their strength, and it is a cover-up, it will be very abnormal to be felt by other Demon God Kings and Immortals who are also in the Demon Prison.

But the question is, before Chen Fan retreated into the swamp, did he fight against the eight-eyed clam god? It must be a complicated coincidence that Tang Aibi god could find him!

And it was then.

Accompanied by bubbling bubbles, the white light spread in the swamp, but gathered to form a huge white enchantment, covering the entire swamp.

But the eight-eyed clam god also emerged from the swamp.

"Hey, I'm ashamed of being a human race, my brain turns slowly!"

Eight-eyed Clam God is also trying to hide his kindness at all: "Among the demon kings and immortals in the sky, there are only a few who will be the opponents of your little brother 'Juli Demon God'. Treasure, you and brother may let him live."

Chen Fan shook his head when he heard the words.

Out of malice, I snatched the chaotic white lotus, but let the eight-eyed toad stare at me instead.

In fact, for the sake of Chaos White Lotus, Chen Fan took out eight Dao artifacts casually, as if he was serious about it, and he was really stingy...

The agreement between Tang Ai and the Eight-eyed Toad God only has nothing to do with the distribution of the chaotic white lotus, but there is no limit to the aspect of the seven of them.

"Sure enough, if it's not your race, its heart must be different, but your malice makes him think that you are easy to bully... It's been... that's fine."

Chen Fan suddenly smiled, and before twisting his neck slightly, he turned his hand and took out the Daoyuan mace, and the murderous intention under him was not concealed, and he went straight to the eight-eyed clam:

"When you kill him, you take away the Chaos White Lotus and the lotus seeds, so naturally you will use your forehead to compensate him for some four or four artifacts..."

Although the Juli Demon God is powerful, Tang Ai is a little scared.

I asked myself the immortals and demon kings in the sky, and I may not necessarily be able to rank first, but without the ultimate power and cloud gold clothes, I am also confident that there is no one to be afraid of.

Perhaps I may be unable to defeat the Giant Demon God, but I must also be afraid!

Chen Fan's voice full of murderous intent fell, which also shocked the heart of the eight-eyed clam.

Chen Fan's performance at this time was too calm and confident!

It’s just that Juli Demon God let out a small laugh: “His human race, since he knows your name ‘Juli’, is he still ambiguous about your strength? Except for such a few human immortals, who can fight against you? Did you kill someone else behind your face?"

Chen Fan laughed hotly, but with a flip of his hand, he took out an "Ultimate Power" and urged it decisively.

A sharp and majestic terrifying aura suddenly surged from under me.

Feeling the aura emanating from Chen Fan's body, the faces of Juli Demon God and Eight-eyed Clam God changed slightly.

"Ultimate power!"

In the last moment, a stream of light surged from under Tang Ai, but it was a pagoda, which expanded rapidly and covered the god Tang Aibi on it.

The face of Juli Demon God changed awe-inspiringly: "Yes!"

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