My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1158 Tit for Tat

The Juli Demon God is indeed powerful, but he is still the Demon God King after all.

Although the Linglong Pagoda is only a semi-immortal weapon, it can still have an effect on the giant demon god.

Of course, the effect is not much better, and it is impossible to suppress him for too long!

But for Chen Fan, even one breath is enough.

While suppressing the Juli Demon God under the tower, Chen Fan was holding the Dao Yuan Mace with one hand, his whole body glowing with blood and black air, and when the Dao Yuan Mace fell, a magnificent light of "I Love You" slammed towards the Three-Eyed Toad God cut down.


The turbulent and sharp sword light cut out instantly at a speed that the three-eyed clam god couldn't even react to.

The three-eyed clam god's complexion changed drastically, and the black light spread all over his body, trying to block Chen Fan's sword light, but it didn't work at all.

It also tried to teleport away in space.

But under the "Secret Code of Space and Space" that Chen Fan had reached the Nine Levels of Perfection, naturally he couldn't move away at all.

In the whole world, apart from the ultimate, there are only a few demon kings or immortals with special space supernatural powers, who can master space better than Chen Fan!

The sword light collided with the black light.

In just an instant, the active black light around the body of the three-eyed clam disappeared under the light of Chen Fan's sword.

In the panic and regretful eyes of the three-eyed clam god, the surging and sharp sword energy also blasted its huge body into minced meat in the blink of an eye!

And then there was a sudden violent eruption from his body.

The three-eyed clam god was far inferior to Bai Fengyu in strength, and he didn't have any defensive magic weapon to protect him. He couldn't possibly block Chen Fan's "Ultimate Power" attack with all his strength, but he blocked every move.

With a wave of his hand, Zhan Jin politely collected all the minced meat and golden pills left by him into the world of mind.

But the former rushed towards the exquisite pagoda in a detour.

Inside the Linglong Pagoda.

Countless phantom lights intersected, but Chen Fan Sword God was holding a thick stick outside his hand, and knocked on the inner wall of the pagoda.

Boom boom boom!

The Linglong Pagoda rumbled and trembled, and the aura collapsed. With the weak strength of Chen Fan Sword God, it was trembling, as if it was about to hold on.

In addition to Chen Fan's "Ultimate Power", the Linglong Pagoda's defense is much weaker than that in the hands of the Immortal Twilight, but it can't stop such an explosion of terrifying power.

Looking at that scene, Chen Fan didn't feel satisfied, "If it's a real fairy weapon, I'm afraid it might not be able to trap Chen Fan's sword god, let alone a half fairy weapon..."

In the last moment, Zhan Jin's figure also suddenly appeared behind Chen Fan's Sword God.

But I slashed at the head with a sword!

Chen Fan Sword God's eyes were serious, but he raised the stick in his hand and slammed it.

Of course, his moves seem complicated and rough, but they are actually in line with the way of heaven, and his random moves exude quite terrifying power.

The seven people's moves were staggered, the terrifying roar was constantly stirring, and Chen Fan's sword god's body also flew out of the ground with a bang, and accompanied by splashed blood, it slammed heavily under the tower wall of Linglong Pagoda!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

Chen Fan was able to kill the Eight-eyed Toad God with a single strike, but the same strike caused damage to Chen Fan's Sword God, but it was not considered too slight.

Its aura is also less and more robust.

And the moment Zhan Jinrong flew upside down, she immediately turned over and stood up.

His complexion is also quite dignified and ugly.

The horror of Chen Fan's explosive strength is beyond my imagination.

Chen Fan rushed down again without any politeness, and swung the Dao Yuan mace in his hand violently.


Zhan Jinrong looked at Zhan Jin subtly: "Human, you admit it!"

Chen Fan didn't care what I said, but he still politely killed me with a mace.

The sharp sword light surged again.

Chen Fan's sword god's expression changed slightly, but with a solemn expression, he once again raised the giant stick in his hand and threw it at Zhan Jin Jianguang.

At the same time, he yelled out: "Human, you have a double body. Although his moves are weak, but if he wants to kill you, it is possible to wait for his 'ultimate power' to pass!"

His body flew out again, and a long bloodstain rose again from under him!

Although Chen Fan's sword god was weak, he could only stand still and get beaten in front of Chen Fan who was mobilizing his ultimate power.

Although Chen Fan's injuries to him are infinite, but if the injuries accumulate, he will feel better.

However, Chen Fan also seemed to hear what he said just now, but he was forgiving when he gained power, and once again he slashed with a sharp sword light.

A look of helplessness and fear flashed under Chen Fan's sword god's face, but he flipped his hands, and there was a white bean-shaped object missing in his hand, but it was also an "ultimate power"!

Last moment!

A normal and terrifying berserk breath erupted from under Chen Fan's sword god, and I swung the giant stick in my hand against Chen Fan's sword light again.


But that time, Chen Fan's sword light was smashed apart by the giant stick in his hand!

The terrifying impact scattered and stirred, but Chen Fan's exquisite pagoda was able to withstand the remaining power of the seven powers.

The pagoda collapsed, exposing Chen Fan and the Seven Sword Gods to the inner world.

And at this moment, Chen Fan finally made a move.

"You human, are you finally willing to stop?" Chen Fan's sword god looked angry and hot.

Chen Fan tilted his neck and narrowed his eyes.

That guy is only weak, his body is terrifying, and he doesn't even have ultimate power.

The horror that erupted from this move just now is inferior to his own full blow!

Of course, Zhan Jin is less afraid of this person. I have no defensive fairy body protection, and the ultimate power in my hand is not enough. I am confident that I will win if I fight to the forefront...

The problem is that this place is in the devil prison, and the weak devil sword god Chen Fan hasn't made friends with him yet, so he continues to slam it up. If Chen Fan, the good brother of the sword god Langtao, comes...

If the two first-level demon gods join forces, no matter how weak Chen Fan is, he may have no choice but to escape...

Seeing Chen Fan stop, although Chen Fanjian looked angry and full, he was also relieved, but he also didn't want to continue to attack Chen Fan.

I took a deep look at Chen Fan, but I turned my head decisively, ripples flickered under my body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

His talent has just activated his ultimate power, but he went in so decisively, which is also lacking in courage!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, and shook his head: "Your strength, is there any other true immortal or demon king..."

My eyes flickered, but I turned my head to look at Chaos White Lotus.

"There is too much time left for the lotus seeds to mature, you should wait a little longer to pick them..."

Now that he has entered Chen Fan Sword God, there should be no one in the Demon Prison to harass him in a short time.

Of course, if the god Zhan Jinrong called the demon god Langtao to join forces to attack him, Chen Fan would pick the lotus flower and leave the prison because of the delay.

With my use and mastery of the power of space, as well as my strength at this time, even if the strength of the Demon God of Waves is inferior to Chen Fan's Sword God, Chen Fan may not be able to beat him, but he is confident that he can walk away nervously!

With a thought, I retreated into my own mental world again.


Time passed, and after a few years, it was the day when the chaotic white lotus seeds matured.

Using the Demon King's corpse as fertilizer, the white lotus would naturally mature very slowly!

Under one chaotic white lotus, there were a total of seventeen lotus seeds.

Although what Zhan Jin needed more was the chaotic white lotus, treasures like lotus seeds were extremely rare.

"Unfortunately, do you have an elixir formula that uses chaotic white lotus seeds as ingredients? Go back and ask Xingjun..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he shook his head, put away the chaotic white lotus and lotus seeds, and his body suddenly disappeared in place.

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