My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1159 Remodeling

In the world of Chen Fan's mind.

On the empty land.

Chen Fan placed the white lotus on the ground, but held the soul-cultivating wood in one hand.

With the help of Chen Fan, the awakened Chen Xi's true spirit was entrusted in it.

"Are you ready, Xiaoxi?"

Chen Fan looked at the Soul Cultivation Wood in his hand.

At the same time, a thought of "ready" came from Xiaoxi's spirit division in the soul-cultivating tree.

Chen Fan nodded, and poured divine power into the Soul Cultivation Wood, lifted Xiao Xi's spirit, and then floated into the chaotic white lotus.

And after Chen Xi's true spirit entered the chaotic white lotus, the shape of the white lotus also changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became a human form.

Under the support of Chen Fan's divine power, Xiaoxi's body remodeling went smoothly.

Not long after, Xiao Xi, who looked excited and had a new body, reappeared in front of Chen Fan.

Xiaoxi's appearance is not much different from before, but the body reshaped by Chaos White Lotus is based on her true spirit.

It's just that although the appearance is not much different, the essence of the body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Just looking at the body, it can't even be called a human being anymore!

With the chaotic white lotus as a new body, its soul can also be nourished and transformed, which will also greatly facilitate its future practice and enlightenment.


Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

The headquarters of Jianzong at this time is also within the Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

Magnificent and magnificent, like a fairyland in front of Qionglou Yuyu.

Accompanied by turbulent ripples, two figures appeared in front of the building.

It was Chen Fan and Chen Xi.

The two flew into Qionglou one by one.

A wide hall.

The slightly aged white-haired woman in a fine dress sat anxiously on a chair, looking out the door from time to time.

But in the hall, behind the old woman, there are many people, men and women, old and young, there are dozens of people.

A fat middle-aged man supported the woman and stood beside her, but he comforted him: "Mother, don't worry, since the head teacher has returned, then Eldest Sister will be fine... After all, Eldest Sister is the head teacher." The ancestor's own niece..."

The white-haired woman nodded wryly, and was about to say something when she saw two figures floating in from outside the hall.

It was Chen Fan and Chen Xi.

As the two entered, the entire hall instantly became boundless and quiet.

Everyone also looked respectful and extremely polite.

"Xiao Xi..." When she saw Chen Xi following behind Chen Fan, the white-haired woman couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes.

And Chen Xi went forward with tears in her eyes: "Mother..."

This white-haired woman is none other than Chen Fan's sister-in-law.

Because he doesn't have any martial arts talent, and his martial arts is too late, even with Chen Fan's help, he only has tenth level of cultivation at this time, and he is forced to rise to tenth level by relying on pills and external forces. Life is limited, so it looks much older.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, Chen Fan asked Feng Jiaojiao to help him collect more emperors of the elements, and collected various medicinal materials to refine pills, and tried his best to help some of his relatives and friends improve their cultivation. The three major Demon God Kings of the Dire Clan sneaked in, and he was forced by Bai Fengyu to enter the Ancient Tree Realm...

This delay is hundreds of thousands of years. For Changsheng, a few hundred years is not long, but for Shizhong it is not short at all.

In the past few hundred years, Jianzong has only survived, so there is no room left to help Chen Fan's relatives and friends continue to be promoted...

The mother and daughter cried and hugged each other.

But Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but looked at the group of people behind the sister-in-law again...

"Master Headmaster!"

"Old Ancestor Chen Fan!"

These people were extremely restrained and saluted Chen Fan respectfully.

Chen Fan waved his hand.

These people are actually a big family that the sister-in-law later married and multiplied...

With her help, sister-in-law will live a long life. Remarriage is a normal thing, and Chen Fan will naturally not stop it.

After all, this family was once related to Chen Fan, and they had a good time in the Sword Sect.

It's just that no disciple with such a strong talent emerged, not even a single immortal...

Of course, Jianzong has been dormant for hundreds of years in the past. These people have been related to Chen Fan, and their lives have been worse in the past hundreds of years. Even if there are talented disciples, they dare not even go out, so what can they do? Too much breakthrough and improvement...

But now that Chen Fan returns, the status and identities of these people will naturally rise with the tide...

On the other side, after seeing her daughter again, Chen Fan's sister-in-law looked at Chen Fan again, and called out timidly and cautiously: "Xiao, Xiaofan..."

Chen Fan nodded, but still smiled: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Although time has passed, Chen Fan's strength and status are not what they used to be, but some things remain the same.

Seeing that Chen Fan was still the same as before, the sister-in-law relaxed a lot, but then she turned her head and waved her hands, only to see a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy nervously approaching him behind her.

"Xiaofan, this is my grandson Duanmu Yunhai. He is only sixteen years old this year, and he has already broken through to the Grandmaster. What he comprehends is also the sword intent..."

The so-called grandson of Yun refers to the eighth generation grandson. For ordinary people, there is a huge gap in generation, but for warriors of the tenth level and above, the eighth generation is relatively close.

As for what sister-in-law meant, Chen Fan naturally understood.

To be honest, a breakthrough master at the age of fifteen or sixteen is naturally powerful, but at most he is ranked at the top of the Daqian Dynasty and other places. Looking at the mainland, or even the whole world, it is really not too powerful...

Chen Fan has even seen a born immortal, and even a born demon king. A grandmaster who is fifteen or sixteen years old is not bad, but he can only say that he is not bad.

In the holy church, however, it is easy to find a large number of stronger existences than others.

He nodded towards the young man, then flicked his fingers, and a ray of light flew into the young man's mind: "The talent is good, keep working hard, I sealed my secret sword technique "Ni Jian Jue" in your mind, it can assist you in your cultivation, When you have fully mastered one pose, the next one will appear in your mind..."

The boy was also excited and incoherent: "Thank you Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan waved his hand.

The relationship between people is close and distant. Since the sister-in-law took the initiative to speak up, Chen Fan would not be stingy in helping with things that he could do at will.

Chen Fan originally planned to spread the Nijianjue to the entire Sword Sect.

Of course, if a young man is personally taught by Chen Fan, he will naturally have an advantage in practicing Reverse Sword Art, but where he can go in the future depends on his talent and fortune...

Seeing this scene, the sister-in-law was naturally overjoyed, and patted the boy on the shoulder: "You must not let your ancestor Chen Fan down, and strive to enter longevity as soon as possible and become another sword emperor of my sword sect! Maybe when the time comes, your ancestor Chen Fan will take you as his apprentice because he likes you!"

Chen Fan smiled, but did not make any promises.

If the boy really performed well enough and made a good progress, Chen Fan didn't care about one more disciple, but if he was out of the crowd, even if he had a sister-in-law relationship, Chen Fan wouldn't be able to keep him.

The boy immediately clasped his fists and said solemnly, "Yunhai will definitely work hard."

At this moment, although under Chen Fan's powerless coercion, the Sword Sect has many more masters, but these people are not from the orthodox birth of the Sword Sect and can be used, but they cannot become direct descendants.

And Jianzong has just completed the reconstruction, and everything is waiting to be done. For the disciples of Jianzong, this is a great time to forge ahead!

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