My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1161 Trivial

Because of the existence of the Heavenly Abyss catastrophe, Changsheng may not necessarily be able to live freely, but it is absolutely true that Changsheng can live longer.

If you don't live forever, there is a high probability that you won't even survive the day when the catastrophe comes...

The Emperor of Elements that Chen Fan had exchanged for several seals in the Yuanshang Secret Realm was reserved for Ye Yunxin, Chen Xi, Dong Guzhi and others to absorb.

Although Bao Tianyou and Chen Fan have a good relationship, they are naturally not as good as the previous few.

But at this time, Chen Fan intends to bring other relatives and friends who are not talented enough to the longevity level!

With his status and strength at this time, it is naturally much easier to help someone break through longevity.

There are countless pills and treasures in his hands to assist enlightenment.

After killing several Demon God Kings and Immortals, and opening the treasure house in Pengxuan Immortal Mansion, Chen Fan can be called very rich even among Immortals and Demon God Kings.

When Bao Tianyou heard the words, his eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hide his excitement: "It seems that I will become the first immortal in our Bao family..."

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, but said strangely: "The Bao family doesn't have longevity? But I can clearly feel that the Bao family has several immortals..."

Bao Tianyou smiled wryly:

"The extreme longevity in the Bao family are all sent by the Star Gate... My Bao family has a shallow family. Even with Chen Fan as your protection, the accumulation is still insufficient... For thousands of years, the strongest child of my Bao family is no more than It’s still a Dao fruit, I don’t know when I can break through to longevity..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, narrowed his eyes, but said with a smile:

"I plan to build a special holy place of practice in the Central Territory to cultivate longevity, but brother Tianyou can take you, a descendant of the Bao family, with me..."

The difficulty of helping a Dao fruit to break through longevity is naturally much easier than helping Bao Tianyou, but Chen Fan doesn't care to help the Bao family a little bit more. For him, it is just a matter of convenience.

Bao Tianyou also showed surprise on his face: "Okay, okay!"



However, Chen Fan went to the Star Gate again, met his master Dong Guzhi and others, and then returned to the Central Region with some old friends such as Bao Tianyou.

For Chen Fan at this time, the distance between the two domains can be bridged in an instant...

middle domain.

Chen Fan used a large number of treasures that he already had that contained Dao Yun to establish a special practice holy place in Jianzong.

In addition to Bao Tianyou and Daoguo from the Bao family, Tao Xi'an, Fan Zhong, Zhang Fan and senior sister Yunwei who had a good relationship with Chen Fan, and He Hongshan, a disciple accepted by Dong Guzhi later, even had a relationship with Chen Fan at the beginning. Well, there are also a few disciples of Baiyun Gymnasium and Martial Arts Academy who have survived to this day, and of course Chen Fan's sister-in-law and later Jianzong's friend Yu Jin are among them.

In addition, there are some direct geniuses from Jianzong and Xingchenmen who are about to break through.

In the end, dozens of people entered this Holy Land of Enlightenment to receive training.

At the same time, Chen Fan also used the imaginary formula of the Star God Seal and the Vientiane Pot to set up some illusion tests and honing for them. Only through the corresponding assessment and honing can they get better treasures and resources.

After all, to break through Dao Fruit and Longevity, you still need your own will and state of mind...

In fact, Chen Fan also asked Immortal Twilight to help him find the Emperor of Elements in a specific state as a backup. If these people cannot break through longevity under such training conditions, Chen Fan will also help them absorb the Emperor of Elements... …

It's just that the Emperor of Elements is extremely rare, and to be absorbed by others, one must be in the nascent stage or in a specific state, which is quite troublesome.

The elemental sea is full of elemental spirits, but the elemental sea prohibits outsiders from entering, and there is an elemental supreme who has reached the ultimate level in it, so Chen Fan dares to enter it easily.

Of course, no matter how hard it is to find the Emperor of Elements, a fairy can always find some, but it may not be so easy to get one for each of these dozens of people.

If the King of Elements is not enough, Chen Fan will naturally choose people who are close to him and those with poor talent to fuse with the King of Elements first.


Holy Church, Tower of Ten Worlds.

In the tenth tower world on the top floor.

Chen Fan has not returned for hundreds of years.

At this time, the number of members of the first sequence has increased a lot compared to when Chen Fan left.

Some powerful geniuses can break through the longevity after decades, and after the breakthrough, the lifespan will last for a long time, and as time accumulates, there will naturally be more and more masters in the temple, and the scale will continue to increase.

But prosperity is only temporary.

When the catastrophe comes in the future, without the protection of the immortals, I am afraid that not many geniuses in the temple will survive...

Of course, those who can reach the first rank must be geniuses among geniuses, and there may not be a few who can break through the immortal or demon king in this era, but if the time is longer, there may be more seeds.

In the future catastrophe, not to mention people from other ranks, most of the geniuses of the first rank will be sheltered by the masters of the temple...

This moment.

Chen Fan, however, stood side by side with Xingjun, before a magnificent palace in the Tenth Pagoda Realm.

Before the palace, there were already many people waiting outside it respectfully.

The leader was a woman dressed in white, fluttering like a fairy, who bowed slightly to Lord Xing and said, "Master!"

Xingjun nodded, but introduced him again: "This is Immortal Nijian..."

The woman also had a respectful and polite face: "I have seen Senior Ni Jianxian!"

This woman was not Xiyue, a disciple of Xingjun who was in the same class as Chen Fan, but a female disciple he took in later, and her talent was even stronger than Xiyue.

Chen Fan nodded, but looked behind the woman.

Behind the woman was a woman in black, who was Chen Yi, who was in charge of Chen Fan back then!

Behind Chen Yi, there were also many spirits of plants and trees who had served Chen Fan.

These spirits of plants and trees generally have a long lifespan. Hundreds of years have passed, but they have hardly changed their appearance.

Not to mention Chen Yi, he is a puppet and will not grow old.

Xing Jun also looked at Chen Fan with a smile and said: "You say it's a coincidence, but the palace where Sword Immortal lived in the holy hall was in the hands of my disciple by accident..."

Chen Fan withdrew his gaze, but looked at Xing Jun with a smile on his face: "It's really a coincidence. It seems that Senior Xing Jun and I are still very destined..."

Because Chen Fan entered the ancient tree world for hundreds of years and offended Bai Fengyu, the palace he lived in and the servants and servants of the puppet Chen Yi and other spirits of plants and trees were taken back by the temple. It was given to Xingjun's disciple.

Chen Fan said and looked at Chen Yi and the many spirits of plants and trees behind him:

"You followed me for a long time, are you willing to return to my subordinates at this time?"

Chen Fan spent a lot of time with Chen Yi and the others. Although Chen Yi is just a puppet, and the other grass spirits are not normal races, they all have spirituality and feelings. After getting along for a long time, they will naturally have some feelings.

Chen Yi half-kneeled on the ground excitedly:

"The subordinates are willing!"

Most of the spirits of plants and trees behind him were also willing to continue to follow Chen Fan.

Although they have been with this new master for a short period of time, it is impossible to have no feelings, but Chen Fan has become a fairy, but his status is no longer the same. At this time, Chen Fan is still willing to ask them back, which is naturally more important to them. Good choice!

Chen Fan nodded, and said again: "I will rebuild a mansion in the holy hall, and leave a clone to sit in the town, and Chen Yi, you will manage some chores..."

Chen Yi naturally nodded obediently.

Chen Fan looked at Xing Jun's female disciple again, and said with a smile, "You fairy, don't blame me for taking love."

But the woman continued to say: "The fairy said that, it really broke me..."

Xing Jun also smiled and said: "I will send you a new housekeeper and other spirits of plants and trees immediately..."

The woman obediently said yes.

But Chen Fan looked at Xing Jun with a subtle expression: "I want a few people for such a simple matter, but Xing Jun actually accompanied me here in person, maybe there is another reason?"

Xingjun restrained his smile, nodded and said: "Sure enough, I can't hide everything from you, Sword Immortal. I do have some important things to tell you, Sword Immortal... Please come with me..."

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