My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1162 Feng Jiaojiao asks for help

In a dream space.

Chen Fan and Xing Jun sat opposite each other.

"This place is... the door leading to the fantasy world?" Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, looking at the special door in front of him that was like an illusion, shining with special spatial fluctuations and colorful streamers.

"Sword Immortal looks good."

Xingjun nodded solemnly, and then said:

"During the time you were away, Sword Immortal, although our exploration of the fantasy world has not achieved much, we have achieved some phased results in other aspects... We are no longer what we were before. To be able to explore the fantasy world in a short period of time..."

"Oh?" Chen Fan's eyes flashed: "At this time, can the 'Avatar' stay in the Dream Realm for a long time?"

Xingjun said: "Not everyone can do it. Only those who have realized the Dao and completed the transformation of spiritual consciousness have to allocate a part of their souls to go to the fantasy world... This method consumes a lot of energy. We can't let too many people pass..."

Chen Fan suddenly understood, and raised his brow slightly:

"Xingjun means that you want me to share a part of my soul to explore in the fantasy world for a long time?"

He has been to the Fantasy World many times in the past for war orders, but not only is the time limited each time he goes, but also resets the state and randomly refreshes the location every time he passes by. His understanding of the Fantasy World is extremely limited so far. .

Judging from his past knowledge, the fantasy world is a mysterious, strange, and extremely vast place.

He has been to the fantasy world so many times, but he has never been refreshed to the same place, and 90% of the times, he has never encountered intelligent life...

Xingjun nodded: "Sword Immortal, you are powerful. Although you have just broken through, your spirit is stronger than most immortals, and you also know the secret method of spirit division. Naturally, we have to choose the powerful immortal and demon king in the temple to go there. It’s just that the Sword Fairy, the Blue Demon God has already sent a part of his soul to the fantasy world, and me..."

"I don't have any problem." Chen Fan nodded.

The reason why Chen Fan agreed was not because he really thought that he could find some way to save the world in the fantasy world, but more because of his own curiosity. He wanted to see the wider world of the fantasy world, and also wanted to see some powerful beings in that world. Practice method.

And to him, it's just a sliver of soul, and it won't affect the strength of his world at all.

Xingjun also showed joy when he heard the words, and then said:

"I also want to remind you, Sword Immortal, that if you, Sword Immortal, part of your soul to go to the fantasy world, it is impossible for this soul to return or communicate with us in a short period of time... Only when you encounter the danger of certain death can you return early, and every We will communicate once every hundred years to explore the souls of the fantasy world..."

Chen Fan nodded again, expressing his understanding.

Seeing Chen Fan's agreement, King Xing also immediately arranged a corresponding ceremony, allowing Chen Fan to allocate part of the power of the soul and send it to the fantasy world.

Two worlds apart, Chen Fan can only know what the split soul has experienced until he returns again.

Chen Fan looked at the special door shining with inexplicable brilliance, but he had extremely complicated feelings in his heart.

He is also doubting, can the fantasy world really save this world?


The Fengmo clan, the Holy Land.

The roar and the dazzling aura continued to stir.

The once holy land was now in an incomparably messed up place under the terror war.

The dense golden chains danced and intertwined with the wind like a long snake, firmly restraining a stalwart and strong figure.

The figure was soaked in blood, the power of the Great Dao was circulating around his body, he was struggling constantly, and the terrifying roar was constantly stirring, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of the golden chain at all.

"Give up, Yuanfeng."

In front of the tall figure, a strange man with eight compound eyes stood side by side with a ferocious monster in black armor, looking at the tall figure bound by golden chains:

"This 'Chain of the Sky' is a part of the Supreme Immortal Artifact. You are already seriously injured, so you may be able to escape the shackles. If you honestly give up resisting, I may show some mercy to your subordinates and relatives. ..."

The figure bound by the golden chains roared angrily, unwillingly:

"Bastard Leng Feng, do you know what you are doing, colluding with foreign demon gods to attack me? If there is no patriarch like me, do you think the Fengmo clan will still have the status in the past?"

What Yuan Feng said made Leng Feng laugh out loud:

"Whether the Fengmo clan will succeed in the future has anything to do with me, Leng Feng. I only know that if you get rid of Yuanfeng, I will be able to get the wealth and treasures accumulated by the Fengmo clan for hundreds of thousands of years. As for the other Fengmo clan... even if they are all dead, What does it have to do with me?"

Leng Feng's words also made Yuan Feng want to burst into tears, extremely angry.

It's just that no matter how angry the person is, and his strength is limited, he can't break free from the shackles of the chains of the sky...


The tenth tower circle.

In Chen Fan's new mansion.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the sudden visit, looking flustered and flustered.

"What happened? Jiaojiao, why are you so flustered?"

Feng Jiaojiao has always been a female devil who is not afraid of anything, and this is the first time Chen Fan has seen her like this.

Feng Jiaojiao fell to her knees when she saw Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan, please help us! You are the only immortal we know besides father, so we can only ask you for help!"

It is no secret that Chen Fan breaks through the Immortal, Feng Jiaojiao and her father were also present at the Jianzong Reconstruction Ceremony!

Chen Fan's expression was a little subtle, he waved his hand, and lifted Feng Jiaojiao up: "You and I are related, why is this so? What happened, Jiaojiao, please speak slowly..."

Feng Jiaojiao hastily explained:

"It's like this. The holy land of my Fengmo clan was suddenly attacked and killed by the enemy demon king. The masters of my Fengmo clan suffered heavy casualties. Even my father was defeated and suppressed... At this moment, my clansmen were also attacked by the hostile demon king." All kinds of encirclement and suppression of the race where the Demon God King belongs..."

There were crystal tears in Feng Jiaojiao's eight compound eyes:

"Although I know that it's not right for you, Chen Fan, to be enemies with other demon kings, I really have no choice but to ask Chen Fan for your help... Please, Chen Fan, read some of the friendship between you and me back then, and help me out." To help my father and the clansmen... I am willing to be an ox and a horse for you, Chen Fan, and to be loyal to you forever!"

Seeing Feng Jiaojiao's nervous and humble appearance, Chen Fan said:

"I don't need to talk about being a slave. Without Jiaojiao and your father's help, I would not have been able to break through so fast! Since Jiaojiao, you begged me, of course I will help... Let's go immediately!"

In the past, Feng Jiaojiao helped Chen Fan a lot.

Back then, Chen Fan's Zhouguang Core lacked energy crystals, and Feng Jiaojiao's father even gave away quite a lot for nothing.

Chen Fan naturally wanted to inherit this friendship.

Not to mention that with his current strength, there are really not many immortals and demon kings who are afraid.

Hearing what Chen Fan said, Feng Jiaojiao was both moved and excited.

And Chen Fan immediately pulled Feng Jiaojiao up, and left the church with a thought.

chaotic sea.

In front of an empty, desolate valley.

The figures of Chen Fan and Feng Jiaojiao suddenly appeared in midair.

At this moment, there were turbulent roars and aura explosions in various areas within the huge deep valley.

There are constant battles in it.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, shook his head slightly, and the star god seal flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness, shining aura in the sky.

The next moment.

All the roars and auras in the boundless valley suddenly stopped.

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