My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1187 Jinpeng Wings

"Not good!" The Jinpeng Demon Emperor's complexion changed suddenly, and his expression was unusually serious.

He didn't expect Chen Fan to have such treasures as the Star God Seal and the Heavenly Chain besides his strength, which made it impossible for him to use his speed advantage.

At this time, Chen Fan's sword light fell, even though he was as strong as him, he didn't have the slightest confidence to resist it.

At this moment, the Jinpeng Demon Emperor regretted running to save the Heavenly Snake Demon God.

It's just that it's useless to regret, Chen Fan's sword light has come, and what should be considered at this time is how to block Chen Fan's sword.

A faint light flashed across Jinpeng Yaodi's eyes, and the next moment, a terrifying power suddenly bloomed on his body.

It also stimulated the ultimate power!


A mighty golden light surged from his body, rushing toward Chen Fan's sword light.

Its strength is even stronger than that of the Heavenly Snake Demon God, but facing Chen Fan's 12-style "Reverse Sword Art" under the triple "Star Reaching", he is also somewhat powerless to stop it.

The mighty sword energy pierced through heavy golden light, and directly slashed at its huge body.

In the screaming sound.

Jinpeng Yaodi's whole body was full of blood.

In the sky, countless golden wings scattered like rain.

However, the heavy golden chains bound to Jinpeng Yaodi's body completely separated from Jinpeng Yaodi's body along with the shock and power of terror!

Jinpeng Demon Emperor's pupils were full of shock and fear.

On the other side, the Dao Yuan Mace in Chen Fan's hand was raised again.

"Wait!" The Jinpeng Demon Emperor suddenly snarled, and then took the initiative to throw the head of the Heavenly Snake Demon God under his claws.

Chen Fan's daoyuan mace froze slightly, and as soon as he waved his hand, the golden chain that fell off Jinpeng Yaodi's body flew like a long dragon, but it bound the head of the astonished and desperate Heavenly Snake Demon God!

Chen Fan waved his hand, and the head of a natural demon god wrapped in heavy golden chains flew in front of him.

Afterwards, Chen Fan looked at the Jinpeng Demon Emperor with a subtle expression.

Jinpeng Demon Emperor's body was full of light, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a humanoid youth in a golden costume.

He looked at Chen Fan with apprehension on his face:

"The Heavenly Snake Demon God once took my life, but I did it to repay his life-saving grace... Immortal Nijian has such a means, I can't compare, I have tried my best, since I can't save him, I will not continue... ..."

Chen Fan showed a subtle smile on his face, and then said lightly: "I don't care what entanglements you have, the fact that you stopped me is a's impossible to just let it go!"

Jinpeng Demon Emperor's mouth twitched, and his face was extremely ugly: "This is my Demon Realm after all. Even though you are strong Nijianxian, you can't act recklessly... There is a supreme master behind you, Chen Fan, and my Demon Realm also has a Supreme..."

Chen Fan laughed loudly: "You think I'm scared? I dare to kill Bai Fengyu, why don't I dare?"

The ultimate existence gains more authority from the Dao of Heaven, but is also more subject to the Dao of Heaven.

Tiandao valued Chen Fan enough, so he wouldn't attack Chen Fan easily in the end.

Of course, if Chen Fan did too much, it might indeed attract that supreme being.

In fact, Chen Fan did not completely tear up his face with the Jinpeng Demon Emperor, and it was precisely because he was concerned about the existence of the Supreme...

Jinpeng Yaodi's face was extremely ugly, his face changed from cloudy to cloudy, and finally he let out a long sigh:

"What do you want, Immortal Nijian?"

It is also a concession.

Chen Fan snorted, "It would have been better if it had been like this earlier, I will not let the Heavenly Snake Demon God go, but I have no enmity with you Jinpeng Demon Emperor, if you just take out two or three fairy artifacts, I will treat them as Nothing happened before."

Chen Fan said this, but Jinpeng Yaodi's expression twisted: "Take out two or three fairy artifacts at random? Isn't Sword Immortal joking with me?"

Although Jinpeng Yaodi is known as the number one Demon God King in the Demon Realm.

But there are not too many fairy artifacts in his hand, so he is not willing to split them easily.

Chen Fan sneered: "Jinpeng Demon Emperor, do you want to separate life and death with me? Or do you want to try again with your speed, can you escape from me?"

The fall of Chen Fan's voice also made Jinpeng Yaodi calm down again.

Although Jinpeng Yaodi is fast, Chen Fan has a lot of means and strength. At this moment, he really has no confidence that he will be able to break free.

And if he couldn't do without, with Chen Fan's strength, he might not be able to block a few moves at all...

What's even more frightening is that Chen Fan hasn't used his ultimate power yet...

The strength that Chen Fan can truly unleash is far beyond that at this moment.

And although he also has the ultimate power in his hand, how can it be compared to Chen Fan who has someone behind him...

The Jinpeng Demon Emperor felt extremely regretful, but there was nothing he could do. After hesitating for a while, he let out a long sigh, but said: "Two or three fairy artifacts are really too many...I am willing to take out one..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "It's not bad for one piece, but this fairy artifact needs my affirmation! I will never take a bad fairy artifact!"

There are quite a few fairy artifacts in Chen Fan's hands.

Most of them are of no use to him personally.

And he naturally didn't want to produce more useless things.

Jinpeng Yaodi nodded when he heard the words, and waved his hand, only to see a huge black cauldron full of evil spirits and gusts of sinister wind appearing in front of him.

"The name of this treasure is 'Thousands of Ghosts Guarding the Void Cauldron', and it is a defensive treasure..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Defensive artifacts are generally more precious than ordinary offensive artifacts.

It's just that Chen Fan doesn't lack such fairy artifacts.

Not to mention the Yun Jinyi he got from Bai Fengyu, but he still has the defensive fairy weapon in the hands of Leng Feng and Qi Punishment Demon God...

Chen Fan looked at Jinpeng Yaodi again: "Is there any other fairy artifact?"

This tripod is not bad, but maybe Jinpeng Yaodi can come up with better things, so Chen Fan didn't accept it directly.

Jinpeng Yaodi's expression was slightly ugly.

It's not that he doesn't have more fairy artifacts, but the few he mainly uses are naturally unwilling to take them out easily.

As for the extra fairy artifacts, this cauldron is already one of the best. If Chen Fan doesn't like it, let alone some worse ones.

Hesitation flashed across his eyes, and then turned into firmness.

When he waved his hand this time, he saw a pair of huge golden wings appearing in front of him.

On top of it is the Dao Rhyme breath of the Dao of heavy winds.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed: "This thing is..."

The Jinpeng Demon Emperor had a complicated expression: "This thing is the treasure of the fairy artifact refined by the wings of my Jinpeng Monster Clan's ancient predecessor. It contains all of that senior's comprehension of the Dao. With this thing, the speed can be greatly increased..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "How does it compare to your speed?"

Jinpeng Yaodi said: "Although it is slightly slower than my own speed, the gap is not that big..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, waved his hand, and the pair of wings flew into Chen Fan's hand naturally.

"Good baby!"

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the wings were useless to the Jinpeng Yaodi, who was also of the Jinpeng Yaozu, he might not be willing to take out such treasures.

Chen Fan himself is powerful, and his speed is not slow, but compared to the Jinpeng Monster Clan and other talented alien races, there is still a gap.

And his Dao of Thunder and Dao of Wind have not broken through to perfection, after all, the help to him is limited.

The speed increase brought by these wings can further increase his personal comprehensive strength!

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