Mind world.

On the open land.

Chen Fan looked at the Heavenly Snake Demon God who was firmly bound by golden chains in front of him.

The eyes flickered with a faint light.

"Tell me, why did you go to such lengths to attack a little girl from the Yaozu?"

The Heavenly Snake Demon God's pupils looked at Chen Fan expectantly: "I told you, can you let me go?"

Chen Fan sneered: "What do you think?"

The eyes of the Heavenly Snake Demon God were filled with unwillingness and regret: "I don't understand, Immortal Nijian, what have I done? Why can't you let me go if you let Jinpeng Demon Emperor go?"

Chen Fan's eyes were full of coldness.

"You threatened to take me down and kill my only heir, and you want me to let you go?"

The Jinpeng Demon Emperor and Chen Fan had no enmity, he came to rescue the Heavenly Snake Demon God to repay his kindness, and he had already paid a sufficient price. With his strength and speed, it was not easy for Chen Fan to kill him, even if he could kill him. It aroused the revulsion of the Supreme Lord of the Demon Realm, and after comprehensive consideration, Chen Fan did not make a fatal move.

When the Heavenly Snake Demon God heard the words, his face was full of disbelief and unwillingness: "Just because you are a mere heir? I am going to die like a majestic Heavenly Snake?!"

For such a powerful existence that has lived for more than a long time, he doesn't value his heirs that much.

Chen Fan's expression was cold: "Will you answer my question directly and I will give you a good time, or do you have to suffer a lot before going on the road?"

The Sky Snake Demon God's eyes were ferocious: "You think I'm afraid of pain?"

Chen Fan shook his head: "That's really a pity..."

Chen Fan waved his hand, and a large black cauldron appeared in front of him. This cauldron was exactly the magic cauldron, but he directly threw the Heavenly Snake Demon God into it.

Although the power of the magic casting cauldron is mysterious, it is not easy to refine a demon king, but it takes a long time.

However, Chen Fan was not in a hurry.

If one can train a Demon God King into a Demon Casting Pill, it will be of great help to Chen Fan's practice!


above the ruins.

Between streamers.

A large ship appeared in the void.


On the big boat, Chen Wenhao stood respectfully beside Chen Fan, "That big snake...?"

Chen Fan nodded to him: "Don't worry, I've already dealt with him."

As he spoke, Chen Fan looked at Nina, the girl behind Chen Wenhao.

The little girl also leaned behind Chen Wenhao excitedly and with some fear, and secretly looked at Chen Fan. When she noticed Chen Fan's gaze, she was also startled, like a frightened deer...

Chen Fan laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, little guy, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you? What is your relationship with that big snake? Why did he send someone to arrest you?"

Chen Wenhao also turned his head and nodded towards Nina, giving her comfort and courage.

Nina glanced at Chen Wenhao, and then said: "I'm actually from the water family of the Demon Realm..."

Chen Fan nodded, and Chen Wenhao didn't see any strange expression on his face.

Chen Fan had already seen through the little girl's real body, and Chen Wenhao had already guessed in his heart.

The little girl obviously has a secret and doesn't know enough about the world, and she met Chen Wenhao in the Western Regions. Chen Wenhao had already had many guesses about the little girl's identity.

Nina was relieved to see that Chen Wenhao didn't look at her strangely because of her identity, and continued: "I am a member of the water family, and I have a gentle personality. My father is from the water family. The patriarch of the clan, and the only existence in our clan who understands the Dao..."

"Later, this big snake invaded my water family for a treasure in my clan, and my father died in the hands of the big snake, but before he died, he handed over that treasure to me and sent me out of the demon realm , hiding her figure..."

Chen Fan nodded, but he probably understood the situation.

But he waved his hand, and there was a strange crystal-like flower in his hand, above the flower was exuding the rhythm of Dao Dao:

"You should recognize this thing, right?"

This crystal flower was the treasure that saved the life of the Heavenly Snake King at the critical moment.

Nina was taken aback for a moment, but then looked at the flower with a little excitement in her eyes: "This is... the water source flower... it is a special treasure made innate..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Even he had never heard of the name of the so-called Water Origin Flower, but he remembered the "Water Origin Crystal" that the Heavenly Snake Demon God had said, so it must have something to do with this flower.

And Nina raised her bare hands, her whole body was surrounded by water vapor, and in the blink of an eye, Dao Yun flowed on her body, but there was a special spar in her hand.

With the appearance of the spar, Chen Fan was also keenly aware of the strong induction between the flower and the stone. The two kept vibrating, and they started to attract each other.

Nina said: "This is the source crystal of water, but it is a kind of treasure that accompanies the source flower of water. The reason why the Heavenly Snake Demon God attacked my water family is because of this source crystal... but the specific The reason, I don't know..."

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, but slightly tossed his hand, releasing the water source flower in his hand.

The flower and the spar are attracted to each other, but soon merged together.

The entire spar is completely integrated into the source flower, but the flowers of the source flower are withered one by one...

But after losing the flowers, its flower branches began to grow continuously, extending out densely packed branches, but extending into a water tree.

While the branches were growing, only crystal-like flowers re-growth...

The lingering water light keeps stirring and lingering around the water tree.

Looking at this scene, Chen Fan felt a bang in his head.

At the same time, in the field of vision that only he could see, characters flowed past one after another, and while there was a flash of joy in his eyes, there was also a flash of subtlety.

He finally understood the second avenue!

"Unfortunately, it's not the Flame Avenue..."

Chen Fan shook his head, but put away his miscellaneous thoughts, and continued to look at the "water tree" that was still growing and spreading in front of him.

This kind of scene, even the Demon God King and Immortal would not easily see it.

It's not hard to think that the purpose of the Heavenly Snake Demon God should be for the fusion of the two treasures!

On the water tree, water flowers bloomed one after another, and then only bulges rose from the branches, turning into wonderful fruits.

A total of twelve fruits slowly grew out.

And with the fruit bearing.

The growth of the whole tree stopped at this point.

Chen Fan raised his hand, the stream of light surged, and a fruit with rippling water and the turbulent Dao breath floated into Chen Fan's hand.

Sensing the surging Dao Yun on it, Chen Fan swallowed it in one gulp.

He closed his eyes, feeling the specialness of this fruit, and opened them after a while.

"The world is really wonderful..."

He waved his hand again, and there were eleven fruits left on the tree, all of which fell down.

Chen Fan waved his hand, and two fruits flew out, each falling towards Nina and Chen Wenhao.

"Refinement of this thing can help you progress in the cultivation of the water line, and can further improve and enhance your understanding and aptitude..."

Needless to say, Nina was born as a special monster who practiced the way of water.

Although Chen Wenhao's major is swordsmanship, eating this food can further improve his understanding and aptitude.

Although Chen Wenhao's aptitude is good enough, such innate treasures can still have an effect on him.

After Chen Fan waved his hand, he put away the whole water tree. He looked at Nina:

"Although this item is a fusion of your clan's treasures, it is too precious. If you hold it, you may be coveted by others, so I will keep it temporarily..."

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