In the Kunwu Secret Realm, everyone's cultivation will be suppressed.

Not only can't activate the Dao Domain, it can't communicate with the power of heaven and earth, and it can't even be separated from the true essence.

In this way, the difference in strength brought about by the difference in individual physique is extremely terrifying.

This Yibu's realm is high, and his special physique makes him extremely terrifying in the Kunwu secret realm.

Just standing there, Chen Fan felt a terrifying pressure.

The fear and threat Yi Bu brought to Chen Fan was even greater than that of Xi Luo and Situ Xue!

"Following levels, I have to be more careful..."

Chen Fan also licked his lips, turned his head away, his eyes were a little subtle.

His eyes were on the five people in the corner.

Among the five people was Cheng Hai who had deceived him before.

"No wonder I didn't see them before..."

Chen Fan sneered.

When Cheng Hai saw Chen Fan's gaze, his face was full of embarrassment and surprise:

"It's that sail! This did he get the Kun Wuling to come in in such a short time?"

Chen Fan sneered and walked towards him.

And at this moment.


Chen Fan raised his hand suddenly, and the Kunwu Token in his hand exuded a dazzling brilliance.

"Huh? This is?"

At the same time, the tokens in the hands of all those who held the Kunwu Token shone with a dazzling aura, and then the waves covered Chen Fan, Zha Luo, and Lan Ruo behind them.

The same is true for Kun Wuling of other teams.

It's just that at this time, the first two rounds of assessments have passed, and many people have died, and many teams have vacancies.

There are even some teams, only one or two people are still alive, but they are very miserable.

And at this time, a phantom of spiritual light without entity appeared above the heads of everyone, and a playful voice sounded:

"Congratulations for breaking through the first round of the game Life and Death. The second round is a team competition game. You will use the team as a unit to fight!"

"The condition for victory is to defeat other teams and obtain more than two Kunwu Tokens!"

"The team that successfully passed this level will enter the final level and have the qualification to compete for the treasure of Kunwu Palace and leave!"

"Enjoy the joy of this round of the game!"

The phantom disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the warriors present also turned into flashes of streamer and disappeared in place.


In a deserted canyon.

A flash of spiritual light flashed, and several figures appeared in it instantly.

It was Chen Fan and the others.

"The second round of the game?" Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.


Zhaluo frowned, "Obtaining two Kunwu Tokens, that is to say, we must defeat at least two warrior teams to advance..."

Their team's warrior cultivation was considered to be at the bottom, and it was naturally difficult for Zha Luo to defeat two teams in a row.

Chen Fan shook his head, put away the Kunwu order, and looked at the three people in front of him indifferently: "I'm going to kill people, you protect yourselves! We'll see you here after two hours!"

As he spoke, he turned around and left, leaving behind three people who looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lan Ruo raised her eyebrows and looked at Chen Fan's back, then looked at Zha Luo:

"Where does this person have such confidence? Do you know his exact strength?"

Zaro shook his head and smiled wryly.

He briefly described the scene when he met Chen Fan.

Lan Ruo had a delicate expression, "Are you sure you remember correctly, he said he followed Kun Wuling to find you?"

Zhaluo nodded again and again, "He really said that!"

A subtle look flashed across Lan Ruo's face, and she turned to look at the monk Zhizhi, who also nodded silently at her.

The speed of something like Kunwu Ling is even faster than that of ordinary longevity masters. If you want to catch up, it is even more difficult than intercepting it!

"Interesting, this Zhang Fan's strength may not be as simple as his cultivation base. He didn't have the slightest fear when facing the guardians of the Blood God Sect, Xi Luo and Situ Xue. This round, he also has such great confidence... "

There was a smile on her face, but she turned to look at the silent monk:

"This Zhang Fan may not be easy, but we can't just rely on him, let's go, we have to take action!"

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Zaro: "You find a place to hide around and protect yourself. Let's try our luck too..."

Zaro's face was even more embarrassing.

Apparently, he didn't intend to bring Zaro along with him.

In fact, in the Kunwu Secret Realm, Zha Luo took advantage the most. His cultivation was not suppressed, but he was too far away to leave his body!

But his state is too poor, it is okay to deal with warriors of 7th and 8th level, but he is not an opponent when he meets a warrior of 9th level, let alone, he wants to defeat many teams with tenth level masters present.

Zhaluo naturally understood what the other party meant, although he was not angry, but he had no choice.


Chen Fan held the Kunwu order in his hand.

Even if all the fighters in his team were killed, he was not worried about Kun Wuling being taken away.

"There are five members in Cheng Hai's team, and the tallest one is only at the second level of the Dao Domain. Although they may also come from a powerful force, they are not like the Meteor Pavilion and the Blood God Sect. They have great physical advantages, which is not worth mentioning... "

Now is the right time to make a move.

Anyway, I also want to fight for the Kunwu order, so I must attack others, so I just use these few people to attack!

When he had a quick glance at him just now, he had already used his extremely limited consciousness to leave the imprint of "Send God Art" on Cheng Hai.

Chen Fan is in the Kunwu Secret Realm. Although his consciousness is very limited, he is a god of the Heaven-Human Realm after all, so he naturally doesn't worry about being noticed by the second-level warriors of the Dao Domain.

It's just because the consciousness is too restrictive.

He could only vaguely sense Cheng Hai's approximate location, but he couldn't pinpoint his location.

Roughly headed in the direction of Cheng Hai.

When he arrived at a place where no one was around, Chen Fan also took the opportunity to test the "Wings of Escaping the Sky".

To his surprise, this Kunwu secret realm has many restrictions, but it does not restrict the activation and use of "Wings of Escape".

Even the range of the "Wings of Escaping the Sky" can reach the limit state of fifty feet.


Chen Fan was also very excited.

The spells in the heavenly book are really extraordinary.

The Kunwu Secret Realm can even limit the power of the White Emperor Jia, but it cannot limit the "Wings of Escaping the Sky".

In the Kunwu Secret Realm, when everyone is restricted, the battles between warriors will also be limited to melee combat.

But at this time, the advantage of "Wings of Escape" being able to move fifty feet at will is extremely terrifying.

Whether it is attacking or escaping, it is incomparably superior.

As far as weakness is concerned, it is still limited in number of uses.

In order to test Chen Fan, he also wasted the use of "Wings of Void Escape", and it would take an hour or two to recover.

Of course, at this time, he can best activate the "Wings of Escape" nine times in the limit state, which should be enough for ordinary battles.

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