In the dense forest.

A figure is rapidly shuttling through it.

During Chen Fan's running, he mainly relied on the strength of his own body, and only mobilized a very small part of his true energy, plus his comprehension of the way of thunder and lightning.

The consumption is not much, but the speed is extremely fast!

Compared with the outside world, it is naturally far inferior, but compared with many warriors in it, it has a great advantage.

"How big is this Kunwu secret realm, and there is such a vast battle field inside it..."

The farther Chen Fan walked, the more surprised he was.

And he identified Cheng Hai's team. Although he encountered other teams along the way, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Chen Fancong finally drew closer to Cheng Hai.

"It's near here!"

If it was outside, Chen Fan would naturally be able to find these people by scanning his spiritual sense.

But now, Chen Fan's consciousness is really restricted too much, unless the distance is close enough and the opponent enters the range of consciousness, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to confirm the exact location of the opponent.

I can only find it slowly.

Chen Fan looked up at the lush vegetation in front of him, and licked his lips.

Then rushed to the mountains in an instant...

Between running fast.

Chen Fan's expression froze suddenly, and the illusory wings behind him spread out, and his body moved away in an instant, appearing within a few feet away.

But at the position where he appeared just now, there was a roar, and the separated true essence rippled one after another.

Chen Fan also frowned deeply, and looked coldly into the dense forest beside him, "Come out!"

In the Kunwu Secret Realm, Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness was so restricted that he rushed into someone else's trap, and he just realized it.

Fortunately, Chen Fan's "Wings of Escaping the Sky" could be activated normally and successfully avoided the position of the trap.

"Interesting, I didn't expect an eighth-layer martial artist to be able to avoid my trap..."

A delicate girl's voice sounded.

Chen Fan also frowned, and saw figures walking out from the dense forest nearby.

There are five people in total.

The one who walked in the front was Situ Xue's female companion, and the warriors around him were all body-training warriors of the Meteorite Pavilion!

Each one is extraordinary.

Chen Fan looked over and could only scan a few people with his spiritual sense within a range of several feet, which was also confirmation.

Of these five people, there are two nines and three tenths.

The strongest one is the girl who is the leader, she is the double strength of Dao Domain, and not only her cultivation is good, but also her aura is very strong.

He is also a body training warrior!

Chen Fan had a delicate expression:

"I didn't expect that the warriors in Kunwu City would also use such means as sneak attack?"

In this Kunwu secret realm, the limit of spiritual consciousness is too exaggerated. If it weren't for the "Wings of Escaping from the Sky", Chen Fan would almost be overwhelmed.

The woman smiled: "As long as you can win, the means are not important."

The man narrowed his eyes and continued:

"I remember you, you dared to confront the guardians of the Blood God Sect... At this time, you actually acted alone, you really have a lot of courage!"

Chen Fan suddenly smiled:

"The positions of all the teams in the second level are random. You and Situ Xue are separated, and you have no support. How dare you be so arrogant?"

The woman smiled when she heard the words:

"So what? Even if the young city lord is not here, no one dares to provoke me in this Kunwu secret realm in Meteorite Pavilion!"

"Don't even think about escaping, it's simply impossible."

This woman is at the second level of the Dao Domain, and there are two remaining at the first level of the Dao Domain, and two at the Ninth Level.

The cultivation level is not considered to be a particularly advanced lineup among all entering teams, but the problem is that these five people are all warriors who have obviously cultivated and have the ability to refine their bodies.

The fighting power of each of them cannot be measured by cultivation alone.

In the Kunwu Secret Realm, the lineup of this team, except for those who met the Blood God Cult or that Yi Bu, they can sweep everyone else!

"Escape?" Chen Fan shook his head.

Even if Situ Xue was there, Chen Fan would not be polite if someone attacked him, let alone him.

A sneer flashed across his face, and then he took out a token and showed it to others, it was Kun Wuling:

"What you want is nothing more than this thing..."

The woman also showed surprise on her face:

"Hand over the Kunwu order, for your courage, maybe I will give you a way out!"

"Maybe?" Chen Fan sneered again.

The assessment of this level is to compete for the Kunwu Order of others.

If there is no Kunwu Order, it will be equivalent to losing vitality in disguise!

It is just a joke that the person said to save his life in a high-sounding manner.

"If you want it, you can get it yourself!"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and he held the Feiying Sword at his waist.

The girl also frowned slightly. This kid's attitude was too confident, which made her quite uncertain. It's just that in this round of the game, if she wanted more Kunwu Ling, she would definitely have to fight against others.

Although she was apprehensive, she wasn't too scared.

"Go! Kill him!"

As soon as he waved his hand, the four warriors from Kunwu City behind him also rushed forward!

These people are all masters of physical training.

With great advantages in this Kunwu secret realm, he would naturally not be afraid of an unknown eighth-layer warrior.

Instead, the girl didn't step forward immediately, but watched the scene silently, sneering endlessly.

And these four people are all big men with strong qi and blood, and their bodies are strong. The four of them attack together, which is even more terrifying.

Chen Fan sneered, stepped on the lightning, brought the ultimate explosive power under his powerful body, and rushed out instantly as a phantom.

At the same time, the Flying Shadow Sword on his waist and hips was also unsheathed in an instant.

"Drawing the sword, seven kills sword!"


The sharp sword light turned into an arc.

Chen Fan's body turned into a phantom, intersecting with the four of them instantly.


The sword in his hand had been unsheathed, and a cold killing intent flashed across his face.

The bodies of the four people behind him were all frozen in place.

After a moment.

Bloodstains appeared on the four people's bodies, chi chi chi chi, and instantly turned into neat pieces of meat, falling to the ground one after another!


The woman who was still indifferent before widened her eyes instantly, then turned and ran away.

At the same time, his body was shining with aura, but his speed was extremely exaggerated, and he disappeared in front of Chen Fan in the blink of an eye.

The man fled decisively, but Chen Fan didn't even expect it.

Chen Fan scanned the bodies of the three with his consciousness, took away the storage ring and other valuables, then turned his head and immediately chased after the woman.

"Can you escape?"

And he didn't notice.

On the high ground in the distance, above a tall tree, a panicked woman covered her mouth and watched this scene, jumped off the tall tree in a hurry, and went to the distance...

Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness can only detect a range of several feet at most.

It is too restricted.

And the environment of the venue was complicated, and the vision from the high ground far exceeded that of the low ground. Chen Fan was in a hurry to chase people, but he didn't realize that anyone saw him...

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